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Weavile is an awesome Pokémon! Who wouldn't want to see it have a Mega Evolution?! Here are my ideas for a future Mega Weavile!

I know that Weavile's Dark-Ice dual typing fits its description, but I'd like to emphasize more on Mega Weavile's claws by giving it a Dark-Steel dual type. Weavile's claws are some of the sharpest out of all Pokémon, able to carve and leave marks in ice, stone, and tree bark among other substances to signal its companions.

Its ability should be Hyper Cutter, as it is translated out to Superpowerful Claws in Japanese. The ability prevents Mega Weavile's Attack from being lowered; a good deal when stacking up Attack stat boosts!

Speed and Defense should be the peak stats to raise. This way, Mega Weavile will have better protection from Physical attacks as well as great agility.

 The perfect moveset for Mega Weavile? Go with Metal Claw, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, and Avalanche. Metal Claw has the chance of raising your Attack, Night Slash has a high critical-hit rate, Aerial Ace is a move that is fitting when considering Weavile's Speed, and Avalanche can attack with twice the power if Weavile is damaged in the same turn before using the move!



 Anyone who uses Azumarill in online matches knows that this Pokémon can dish out some power! I think it'd be awesome to have an even more buff Mega Evolution of this bunny!

Mega Azumarill should be a dual Water-Fighting type. Although Fairy-types do have their advantages, the skill most competitors use is quick and heavy-hitting for the knockout, which somewhat idolizes the Fighting-type.

Its ability could be called Sprighter, which would give priority to Fighting-type moves.

Its highest stats should be Attack and Speed. Again, most Azumarill users likely go for the first hit and deal a hard blow.

What would be the best moveset for Mega Azumarill? Try Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Play Rough, and Superpower. Although Superpower lowers your Defense and Attack by one stage each, it's almost a guaranteed knockout! If you don't feel comfortable with this idea, Brick Break is another good idea, seeing as the move will also break a foe's Reflect and Light Screen in the process! Play Rough is the strongest Physical Fairy-type move and, most likely, your opponent won't be expecting this type of move coming from a part Fighting-type!  Belly Drum will cut your HP halfway, but your Attack stat will reach its max! It's a good idea to give Mega Azumarill a Sitrus Berry before the match for this purpose. Aqua Jet will always move first, regardless of both Pokémon's Speed stats. Most competitors use Belly Drum to maximize this attack's power, so watch out if you're on the receiving end!



Luxray is one of my favorite Electric-type Pokémon and I think it would have an awesome Mega Evolution if given the chance! Here's my idea for what it should be like!

Mega Luxray should have a dual type of Electric and Psychic. Sure, this Pokémon has no psychic abilities itself, but its ability to see clearly through anything seems like that of a paranormal power. Mega Luxray would also be the first Electric-Psychic Pokemon to exist outside of Pokémon Black and White 2's Pokéstar Studios!

Its ability should be Keen Eye. Seeing as this Pokémon is described to see through everything to pinpoint its opponent, this ability seems very fitting. It will also allow you to ignore any accuracy-lowering moves or evasion boosts by the opponent!

Its highest stat should be Speed, seeing as it will have to move pretty fast to catch its opponent off guard. Both Special Attack and Attack values should be close to the same, since Mega Luxray would be cool with Special moves, but we don't want to nerf down its bold Attack too much.

What would be the best moveset for Mega Luxray? How about Electro Ball, Flash, Eerie Impulse, and Zen Headbutt? Although Luxray can learn neither Electro Ball nor Zen Headbutt legitimately, Electro Ball would be useful, especially with Mega Luxray's increased Speed. Zen Headbutt still allows Mega Luxray to put use to its Attack stat and can also cause its foe to flinch 20% of the time!



Yes, there is already a Pokémon that is somewhat a Mega Greninja, but that is only with one specific Greninja. Wouldn't it be cool if we could use a Mega Greninja in the games?! Of course, the actual Mega species would have to differ a bit from Ash-Greninja, like the picture above depicts.

Mega Greninja should probably keep its dual Water-Dark type, seeing as not many others can be used to describe a ninja. 

 Its ability should be Protean, which will change the Pokémon's type to the move it is currently using. This will come in handy against supereffective moves your opponent will try to aim at you.

Its highest stats should be Defense and HP. While heavy blows at lightning-fast speeds give you a clear advantage, a ninja still has to stay on the defensive should this method not be enough to take out an enemy straightaway.

What would be the best moveset for Mega Greninja? Let's go with with Acrobatics, Scald, Calm Mind, and Ice Beam. Along with protecting Greninja against most of the types it's weak against, its moveset is still fitting for a ninja. Although Greninja can learn neither Acrobatics nor Calm Mind legitimately, their definitions are very fitting for this Pokemon.

Acrobatics: The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an item, this attack inflicts massive damage.

Calm Mind: The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.

Sheer power doesn't make a ninja. Agility and focus are key methods in ninja training.



 With Pokémon Sun and Moon coming out, it'd be cool to see Umbreon and Espeon Mega Evolutions! Espeon happens to be my favorite Eeveelution, so I'm bias for this Pokemon's side. It's not likely that we'll see Eeveelutions have Mega Evolutions sometime soon, but it's still an interesting idea nonetheless!

Mega Espeon should be a dual Psychic-Fire type, seeing as leveling an Eevee up with a high amount of happiness during the daytime is the way to gain this Pokémon. Also, Espeon is meant to represent sun in this context.

Its ability could be Drought, which summons harsh sunlight to the battlefield when this Pokemon is sent out and fades away when the Pokémon is returned to its Pokéball.

 As for stats, I think HP and Defense should be top priority, since Espeon isn't very resistant to Physical attacks.

What would be the best moveset for Mega Espeon? Psychic, Solarbeam, Morning Sun, and Dazzling Gleam. Although Espeon cannot legitimately learn Solarbeam, it would be a perfect move match for Mega Espeon's sun theme. Dazzling Gleam would also fit as well, seeing as the move "emits a powerful flash of light." Psychic is a powerful Psychic type move that can really damage your foes, along with the fact that it can lower their Special Defense, which lets Mega Espeon's Special attacks deal even more damage than before! Morning Sun can be used to heal Mega Espeon's HP when it runs low and restores more when either sunlight or harsh sunlight is the current weather condition.



 We all know that Flygon deserves a Mega Evolution. It is undoubtedly one of the coolest Dragon-types out there! So here's my take on a Flygon Mega Evolution!

Mega Flygon should still be a Dragon-Ground dual type because its Pokédex entry states it as the Desert Spirit. They aren't many other types that fit the bill of this description.

Its ability could be called Desert Storm, causing it to whip up a major sandstorm upon being sent out. This type of sandstorm deals damage to opponents who aren't Ground, Rock, or Steel type. Fire and Ice-types will take an extra 10% damage when buffeted by this sandstorm. This weather will keep up unless Sunny Day is used or Mega Flygon is removed from the field. In addition, the evasion and accuracy of Ground-types will

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