After The Rising by T.D Jackson (free novel reading sites .txt) π

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Book 2 of the UK Z-Day Series
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- Author: T.D Jackson
Read book online Β«After The Rising by T.D Jackson (free novel reading sites .txt) πΒ». Author - T.D Jackson
In the early evening I read the newspapers from 2 years ago did the crossword well as much as I could with out an internet connection on me. I heard a noise at the back door I instantly dropped my pen and extinguished the light. I sat in the darkness more sounds from the kitchen did the dog flap just go. The noise sounded like an animal padding about on the tile floor. I quickly grabbed my clothes hating the feel of the half dry t-shirt sliding over my head and grabbed my shit. I turned on my torch pointing it at the floor didn't want to attract more creatures of the night than necessary. I walked to the door and cracked it open, a large German Shepard looked back at me it was shaggy and dirty "I don't suppose you are friendly?" The dog growled and bared it's teeth in response "Of course you arent" I slammed the door just as it launched itself at me it rebounded off but was soon back up barking at the door. "Shit" I grabbed my stuff and headed for the window the dog would not be able to work the door knob but the noise it was making would attract every undead in the area. I jumped out fortunatley I was on the ground floor and the dead had not managed to shuffle over yet. I took off running getting out of their line of site before slowing to a jog guess I need a new holiday home.
I spent the remainder of my time in the town laying on the roof of the bus shelter it didnt stop raining the whole time bored out of my mind to much noise and movement would excite the undead. About midday the day after a car cruised down the street I jumped down slightly stiff from lack of movement my back was killing me. The car stopped an obviously scared jumpy man got out he gave me a look of terror before taking off down the road "Good luck" I yelled after him he turned back to look and tripped over his own feet "You are gonna need it" I muttered as I ducked into the car "I would call that guy back in if I were you boss" I said to Kane he looked comfartable and well feed "He know's what he is doing" "Yeah heard that before got any food" Kane threw me a ham roll I demolished it "Youre soaked" "Yeah long story basicaly found house big scary dog argh! Run away stay on bus shelter for 36 hours" "You had a nice time then?" "Still better than 5 seconds with you" He smiled at this "You jumped in the car awfully quick though" "The other guy was awfully quick to jump out, besides you have already asked me for something it's not like you can lay on any more shit" Kane feighned looking hurt "Oh believe me it can always get worse" "Mind if I jump out and try to make friends with the dog again?" "Afraid not"
It was a 3 hour drive home Kane let me sleep I needed it if I was gonna be hunting down a serial killer.
3 Days later
"What do you mean training is not over yet?" "Their is more to do dont worry the worst is over" "Thats what people say when shit is about to fall from the sky" "Well enjoy the rain" I was walking down a road at the out post houses either side of me, it was pissing down with rain the streets were deserted if someone was gonna kill me I would see them coming I was talking to Kane on a wireless headset "I hate these headsets they make you look like a crazy person talking to yourself" "The shrink you saw is suprised you arent already" "What?" "Nothing see any one?" "Yeah I spy with my little eye something beginning with R" Thats a no then" I continued on down the street what was I even looking for? Or was I just meant to walk around with a target on my back and not die to quickly so the TRT could het here. TRT or Threat Response Team were basically a SWAT team they would jump out of a non descript van jump out shoot things and jump back in and dissapear. A large coach was making it's way down the road but something was wrong it was swerving the driver was in the grips of a monster "Er boss we have a problem" "Are you being followed?" "No" The coach was carrening down the road it overbalanced and rolled on to it's side I started to run towards it I pulled a balaclava with eyes and and a mouth hole cut out and pulled it on "A coach has crashed at my location dead are on board" "We are sending a team now" He was calm I'm glad one of us was. I got to the coach a the glass was all cracked and smoke was pouring out from some where. People had started to come out from their houses and were wandering over, I hear glass smash at the back of the coach one of the monsters had smashed the back window and was starting to crawl out I clicked my heel and the stilletto blade in my heel extended and I drove it into it's skull "Boss you might want to hurry up their starting to crawl out Hey!! Get away from it!" I moved to the other side of the coach where a few people had gathered and were peering inside, I chased them away "60 seconds" "How far away were they from me you lying tosser?" "Do you really want to get in to this now?" "No hey Sir please step away from the coach" A man with blonde hair was reaching inside the coach through a broken window "Hey get away" I tried to pull him away he turned to look at me "Whats wrong with you their could be people dying in there" "Help is on the way now get away" I pulled his arm again but he brushed it off reaching in, then the familiar howl of a human in pain came from the window. The man recoiled holding his hand two fingers were missing, he had been marked for death. No one moved for a moment I looked at the man and he stared back instinctavley my baton clicked in to place "Nooo!" He tackled me sending me sprawling to the ground kicking me in the nut on the way, He took off into the nearby woods.
A plain white Ford Transit van pulled up 7 men jumped out wearing what looked like riot gear 3 immediatley gathered up the survivors looking for anyone who may be infected the other 3 started shooting in to the coach. The last man apparantly the guy running the show ran over to me as I got up from the sucker kick "DON'T MOVE DON'T MOVE" "I work for Kane moron" Brushing his machine gun out of my face, he spoke in to his headset for a second and helped me up "What happened?" "The fuck if I know but one guy was infected he ran in to the wood's I'm going after him" "We will secure things as quickly as possible and follow" "Yeah I bet you will" "What was that?" "Nothing" And I headed in to the woods "Kane I'm pursuing an infected civillian through the woods on my own" "What direction are you heading" "I dont bloody know do I look like a compass? Hold on" I slowed down there was blood on the ground a steady trail dripping doen the natural forest path, like bread crumbs "I got a blood trail I'm following it" "Keep me informed backup is on the way" "Yeah I'm holding my breath for that" I followed the trail for about half a mile until I got to the outpost boundary fence leaning against it was the man a large stick in one hand "Hey!" I shouted over to him, he looked up tears in his eyes I was about 20 feet from him he did not respond "Come on man you made me chase you at least put the stick down" He looked down 1st at his infected hand then at the branch "Please let me go I have a family" "You know I cant do that" "Please I want to see them one last time" More tears rolled down his cheek "If you see your family what if you turn what would you do to them?" "I wont" "You know thats not true it's not your fault it's just what happens" "It's not fair!!" "I'm sorry" The man started to walk towards me stick at his side I wasnt sure what to do soon the decision was made for me. Gunshots rang out behind me when he was 5 feet away 3 shots hit him straight in the chest he fell to his knees nd tumble backwards. I moved towards him he was still alive just coughing blood "Hey it's O.K" I knelt beside him and put my hand on his shoulder he spluttered some more "I'll tell them you love them and you died saving lives don't worry" I sensed this is what he was trying to say he nodded "STEP BACK!" I was roughly shoved backwards and landed on my arse as a TRT member shot the man point blank in the face and turned to me "Go back to the coach" I was not in the mood to argue and I stormed off back through the woods "Situation report" "He's dead" "Clarifaction" "He is really dead" "Recieved"
Tom headed back through the woods and to the crash site sitting down on the curb waiting to be checked he pulled off the balaclava in the woods any one their would think he was an unlucky bystander. Acrossthe road a man watched him smoking a fag his next target was found.
Nothing like bad news
"How did it go?" "How do you think? She shrugged her shoulders said oh well and made me a cup of tea" "No need for sarcasim you wanted to do it" Kane had called just as I was leaving the widows house, he was right though I had volounteered to tell her waht had happened to her husband "Did you tell her the truth?" "God no" How could I have told her the reason that her husband was dead was because he was a fool "I told her he was infected after trying to rescue survivors from the crashed coach saved a couple of people" "That was nice of you" "Easier than the died being a moron alternative besides it is not like she will ever
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