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This is Not a Story

Hello. This isn’t a short story. In fact, this isn’t a story at all. This is not a book, either. In fact, this is just text, something people read. Text has words, words have letters, and letters can alternatively be called characters. Right now, this text has 327 characters, including the title and spaces. Now, if you don’t want to see text telling you a bunch of stuff about useless things, you can go ahead and leave, I won’t blame you. Besides, this is not a story. This is just the reader, you, reading text that explains stuff about words and what not. Maybe you’re asking yourself “why am I reading this?,” or “why is this a thing?” If you want to know why it’s a thing, I don’t know either. Frankly, it was just some idiot, me, who started typing for more people, like you, to just read it. If you think it’s a waste of time, well, you’re right. This will never change anyone’s life. In fact, if this does change a life and I hear of it, I’ll make a promise, and I don’t break promises. I’ll make an actual story. It’ll be a short story, but it’s still a story, right? I really, really want to know something, but you can’t respond, anyhow. Why did you click this when it clearly says “This is Not a Story”? You came here, to bookrix, to read a story, right? Go ahead, exit me and find a story like “Those Who Cannot Die.” My oh my, was that a good book. In fact, last I saw, it was still being edited, so you’ll be able to read more content than me, until I re-read it. By now, a lot of you probably hated this and left, in fact, you may have left about 1,337 characters ago, when I was telling you how many characters were in this text. By now, you are probably wondering why I haven’t stopped this and left. The reason being is something I’ll reveal in the end. And, by now, there are 1,885 characters in this text total, including the title and spaces. Are you wondering why I’m telling you why there are however many characters when you could just look at the amount of characters there are in total? I don’t know, really, why am I telling you? Why did I start typing this? Don’t you have so many questions of why this crap was made? I know I do. What was I thinking? Am I drunk? No, of course not, I’m under-aged. Or, is that why? I’m so young, that my mind if as dumb as to type something like this? Hold on, am I saying all 16 year olds are dumb? No, of course not. Not all, maybe some. What I am meaning to say is that everyone makes dumb decisions, so why the hell blame them for something? If it doesn’t harm you, then it’s fine, right? Want a free trip to Hawaii with your family and one of them misses a question on a game show so you don’t get to go? So what, you aren’t going to die, right? It didn’t harm you. Instead, you move on to your everyday life. Be happy none of you were killed or something. The most unsafe part of it is driving to and from the game show, you could get in a wreck. Want to text on your phone? No, put your damn phone away. You’re endangering yourself and everyone else in the car with you. Yeah, maybe you deserve to die, but not everyone in the car with you. No, no, that’s too harsh, sorry. It’d be like punishing them for doing nothing wrong. Talking of that, why don’t we speak about law? My dad got thrown in jail, for reasons unspoken in this, and now he is not allowed to see us, even being out of jail. Really, it sucks. It’s like punishing us for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Like, really, do judges and crap even think? Now, if I can get thrown in jail for criticizing authority, that’s bull shit. It’s like communism, right? In communist countries, you must follow everything the leader says, right? Not in the U.S., although it’s still crap here. Perhaps we are democratic, but we don’t think correctly. We’re fat, we make absolutely stupid decisions, and we can’t help a damn thing about it. All the great scientists and great people came from other countries. Albert Einstein, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, and more. Yes, I searched for Picasso’s full name and got a long ass name. If you want to see it, google “Picasso first name.” Right now, in this text, there are 4,209 characters including the title and spaces. Still wondering why I’m telling you? So am I. In fact, I wonder about a lot of things. I have writer’s block and I’m a complete idiot, how absolutely terrifically wonderful is that? One day, I loved someone. I still do. I won’t say their name for safety reasons. Who likes safety reasons? I don’t, but I want to keep them safe with my life, so why the hell would I tell you their name? Let’s just say, this text is about to end. On google documents, it’s probably going to be about one and a quarter pages long. So, by now I’ll tell you why I started typing this, even if I said I don’t know why I started typing this earlier, for this is going to be the end. The reason I didn’t end this until now is because I wanted to just type about something, anything. Now, I’m done. I’m satisfied. You may call this anything you want. Garbage, useless, dumb, stupid, anything. Just know that it has ended and you’re free to go. Good bye.


Text: Shikanosuke Maejima
Publication Date: 07-13-2015

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