When You Best Friends Are Idiots.... Oops! I mean One Direction! by That Crazy Girl Next Door.... ... Hehe :D (readera ebook reader .txt) π

By Rain R. aka NerdyBird
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Read book online Β«When You Best Friends Are Idiots.... Oops! I mean One Direction! by That Crazy Girl Next Door.... ... Hehe :D (readera ebook reader .txt) πΒ». Author - That Crazy Girl Next Door.... ... Hehe :D
Hi my little sock monkeys!!!!! My name is Rain (no lie) and this is my fan-fiction! Note: character's names are me and three of my bff's in real life, but when don't look like how I described us. We don't want creepy stalkers knowing how we look, do we? Hm... maybe you're not a stalker... Also Credit to any and every artist that I use song in this story! I don't own anyone's songs, but mine! M'kay? Anyhoran!! Enjoy my little sockmonkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Rain's P.O.V*
Devastation sweeps through my fragile body as I watch the scene before me, My boyfriend.... My Ex-Boyfriend (as of now) sucking faces with the school slut in the hallway. "J-Jared?!" I ask tears buliding in my chocolate brown orbs, How could he?! He told me that he would never cheat, he said he loved me..But the one thing that hurts the most is I trusted him.
"R-Rain! baby it's not what it looks like!" He says walking towards me, "NO, JARED IT'S OVER!" I shout backing up from him until I my back hit the lockers behind me. I can't take it anymore, my heart hurts to much. So I started running straight for the nearest exit.
"C'mon Rain! baby let's work this out!" I hear him faintly call, but it's to late... I'm already gone. As soon as I reach the parking lot of Rosemary High school, I spot my baby blue Mini Cooper. I hop in my car and quickly drive home, tears falling like a flooded river.
"I'm ugly why would he love me anyway! I mean my own parents and brother don't even care about me!" I think to myself as I turn on my street.
It's true, my parents are always jetting all around the world doing business and my older brother Ron is always with them, seeing that he is the heir to my parents copany. Me and Ron were never close, for the fact that he bullied me while growing up.
I quickly get out of my car and start walking up the gravel sidewalk to my house. I chuckle humor-less as I remember how when I was younger my dad would play with me, Ron, and Macy. My older sister outside on beautiful days like this.....
We had been a perfect family until the day Macy found mine and her's adoption papers eight years ago... I was 9 at the time and Macy was 15... Macy end up running away a year later, but still kept contact with me. She's the only blood family I have and I'm not going to lose her. I hate my parents for not telling us... Lying to us for so long....
I sigh, searching for my house keys, then I notice the door already open.... Odd, I sware I locked it when I left! I just shrug and walk up stairs to my room. I pause at the mirror looking at myself.
I'm 17, but in a few days I'll be 18 and get out of this hell hole. I'm 5'7 and I have long wild brown curls that create a sort-of maine, they come a little past my chest. Carmel colored skin, because I'm part African American and part French. I have curves, but they fit my body pretty well (I wear a c-cup, so not that bad). Big brown eyes that are weird to me, but all my friends and my parents say that they are "Exotic". I've been called 'Hot' or 'sexy' by guys, but I don't think I am.... I shake my head and keep walking.
Once inside my room I walk over to my keyboard and begin to play a song that I wrote.
Skies are crying
I am watching
Catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence, as it's ending, like we never had a chance
Do you have to, make me feel like there is nothing left of me? You can take everything
I haveYou can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper! Like a skyscraper! As the smoke clearsI
awaken, and untangle you from me
Would it make you, feel better to watch me while I bleed?
All my windows, still are broken
But I'm standing on my feet You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper!
Like a skyscraper!
Go run, run, run
I'm gonna stay right here
Watch you disappear, yeah
Go run, run, run
Yeah it's a long way down
But I am closer to the clouds up here You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like i'm made of glass
Like i'm made of paper, Ohhh woaah
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper!
Like a skyscraper!
Like a skyscraper!
Like a skyscraper!
When I finish I sense something in my room, I've always been able to sense when someone was near me..... I instandly check under the bed....."AHHHH!!!" I screech as soon as I see 5 guys under my bed. "WHY ARE YOU UNDER MY FUCKING BED?!" I scream scared shit-less, "Um..... We can explain." one with blonde hair says with a scare look on his face.
Payback Is A Total Bitch
*Rain's P.O.V*
"As you probaly know we're One Direction-" the one with curly hair says.....Harry was it? I just nodd frozen with fear. even If I tried not to know who they are, I still would know them........ They're literally everywhere.... and I mean EVERYWHERE!
"well, we -being the curious people we are- wanted to walk around L.A..... and er we kinda got lost. and fans found us and chased us.....So louis here-" he jabs his finger in the direction of one of the three brunettes."Seen that your window was open so we climbed in and hide under your bed.... The one with the Irish accent and blonde hair... I believe is Niall. "Er.....O-okay?" I say shaken.
"We're deeply sorry love, and er.....Well being under your bed and all..... I noticed you can sing?" one of the brunettes with a buzz cut......um I think liam....asks me, "Y-yes, b-but may I ask why?" I say tripping over my words.
They simply smile, "I didn't catch your name love?" liam says softly as he notices how scared I am, and the fact that tears are still falling down my face.."R-Rain" I whisper barely audiable, I quickly try to wipe my tears away as they stare at me. "I'll phone Simon, he's probally worried..." Harry says walking into my closet.....um.... okay?
"So.... uh.. What's that song you where playing there?" Zayn (Again I think) asks pointing to my keyboard. "Uh... I don't know....It's just a song, I made up just now.... I didn't try to t-think of it.... It just comes to me.." I say trying to explain it, when I don't even know myself, before they could ask anymore Harry walks out my closet.
"Simon said that he's glad we're okay and we need to find a new performer to open for us tonight, because Ed can't make it. He's sick." Harry says with a frown sketched across his adorable face. Like a light switch in their minds they look at me with hopeful faces........... Uh oh.. "Rain, love would you do us a giant favor?" Zayn asks softly, careful not to scare me. "Like what?" I ask quietly and unsure.
"Open for us tonight!" Louis yells causing me to flinch and whimper, The rest of the boys smacks him upside the head. "If you do this for us, we'll..........we'll help you embarass the jerk who did this to you!" Niall says make the rest of the boys nod excitedly. "D-deal" I say wiping the last of the tears I shed, because of a stupid little prick away.
Jared Rider.... Payback is a total Bitch.
Well This Has Been Odd.....*Rain's P.O.V*
"I don't mean to be rude or anything, but do you have any food?" Niall asks looking in my almost empty fridge, Zayn quickly scolds the poor boy. I giggle as I take in Niall's appearence, his blonde hair that was once in a quiff style was now sticking up in every directon and his blue eyes where wide, giving him a bed look, which made him look innocent and adorable.
"In the pantry" Niall begins to do a happy dance, when he opens my pantry. Niall start dancing crazily and singning the food song from 'Victorious', me and Zayn start laughing and Niall joins in.
After what seemed like a life time, we finally sobered up. "You don't smile or laugh much do you? You have a beautiful smile and laugh, you should do it more." Zayn states blankly as he cocking his head to the side, while I just stand frozen in place gabbing at the black haired boy.
I finally snap out of my trance and cough awkwardly, " I guess you can say I don't have much to make me happy." I say quietly, trying not to look the two boys in the eyes.
Well this has been odd
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