American library books Β» Juvenile Fiction Β» I'm A Nobody by Cade (books to read to get smarter txt) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«I'm A Nobody by Cade (books to read to get smarter txt) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Cade

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Chapter One

Beep, beep, beep, beep. I wake up to my alarm clock and shut it off. I flip the blankets off of me and get up. My names Vera and I live with a abusive family that blames for everything that goes on. And now I'm not aloude to talk because they got tired of hearing my cries for when they beat me and if I ever made a sound I would be locked in the basement without any food water or anything. On school days if I was locked in the basement they would wake up early yell at me while they made sure I looked presintable to go to school that way no one would ask questions and while I was at school I got bullied every day and no one ever did anything. Through out my life I would barly be able to eat it was eaither they didn't give me food and the times they did I would barly beable to eat it, not able to eat it with how much pain I was in, or with all the beatings and hardly any food I would be bring it back up half of the night. I don't eat at school eathar because I can't afford it so I just sit at a table sometimes and read a book or just go to class early.
I go to my closet which only contans two t-shirts with rips in them, four long sleeve shirts that have lots of rips in them, two tank tops for under my shirts, and three hudy jackets. I grabed my tanish coloured tank top, gray riped t-shirt, black riped jeans, black jeans, and went to take a shower. Once done with my shower and dressed I go down stairs to make breackfeast.
When I just finish making the pancakes, eggs, and backen I hear my parents walking down stairs, so I rush over to the corner in the kitchen and wait for them to say I can eat or just send me off to school.
The first one to walk into the kitchen is my dad, my mom, then my brother Daren so my sister Sara must still be getting ready. They all sit down and start eating, then theres a scream from up stairs and my sisters running down them. My father looks up when Sara walks into the kitchen and asks, "Whats wrong Princess?"
"Whats wrong? Whats wrong is I can't go to the One Direction consert Friday because I'm going with my friends to New York to meet Cody Simpson with them." Sara screams. I cring from how loud she screamed.
"Calm down sis." Said Darren.
"Yeah calm down sweety. Maybe your brother will go get it for you." Said my mom.
"Can you Dar-dar please?" asked Sara exididly.
"Sorry sis but I can't I have plans sorry."
"Fine, then can that bitch in the corner go for me and get there atuograph?" Ask Sara.
I was hurt when they always called me a bitch, that thing, a slut, and a lonely nobody that no one wants as a friend or anything other than a slave. There my family and yet they treat me like trash like I don't egsist saying that they'll make me wish I was never born. The thing is I've wished I had never ever been born and wished I wasn't alive. I'm really brocken on the inside on the outside I look like a sad person with no home no nothing, which in reality I am I can't trust anyone not even the people I love and I thought loved me.
I look over at my mother and father to see them looking at each other thinking to see if I should go and or not. I see my father look over at me with hard angery eyes and my mother look over at my sister with soft eyes as she tells Sara, "Yes that thing over in the corner can go for you but," my mother then looks at me and says, "if you talk to them we will find out and you will be punished and have to stay in the basement again understood you slutty bitch?" she says with a hard and cold voice. I shrink further in the corner and nod my head. I find a peice of paper and a pen and write down 'what time will I have to leave so I can get Sara the atuographs from the band' and walk up to them put it on the table and walk backwards back to my corner. My father looks at then hands it to Sara so she can read it and answer the question.
"It starts at 6:00 you slut." Says Sara in a mean and death like tone. So I have to wait 2 more days until I have to go to this One Direction bands consert to get there autographs for Sara. "Bye mom bye dad I'm head off to school."
"So am I bye."
"Go to fucking school you don't need food your still to fat to eat." Says my mom.I slowly pick my stuff off the floor and walk to the door that way they no I'm going to school like they told me to. Once outside I see Daren and Sara leave in there cars of a red Honda and a silver Merceds Benz. As I see them start down the street I start fast walking the 27 blocks it takes to get to school. Once I got to school I saw lots of kids in the parking lot talking to there friends kids in there own group.
I started walking faster trying to get in the building and to my locker before the school footbal team whicth my brothers in and my sister and her group of sluts saw and start picking on me. I was almost in the building when I herd my name and turned around to see my best and only friend Jimmy. Jimmy has brown hair, light green eyes, he's 6'0, has black glasses, and really skiny. His parents are like mine kinda, well I should say parent when his dad died his mom start drinking and always coming home jrunk or high and started beating him then when she found out he was bisecual started locking him in his room with no food or anything during the summers and every night she would beat him and when school would get really close she would feed some but it would come back up most of the time when she feed him, and then at school he would get beat up to but, mostly to try to get all the brutal hits so they wouln't hit me. I no why not tell anyone that we get beat its because no one seems to care almost all the teacher walk right past us when were getting beat up at school eccestp the ones that don't get with a student, why don't we tell the princible about it because he doesn't seem to care, why not tell the police its because they say they no everyone and that they wouldn't do that and it doesn't help my dad is a cop.
"Hey Ji Ji how you doing." I ask with a tiny smile since I still hurt from the bruises I have.
"Hey Ra you no the same living hell, you ok you look like you hurt alot?" Asked Jimmy in a concerned voice.
"Yeah face still some what hurts from the beating I got at home two days ago from burning dinner by falling alseep at the table insted of watching the food and then it didn't help with going to school and getting picked on. You ok you look like you hadn't gotten any sleep and you got a nasty burise on you cheek." I asked him when I saw the big black and blue bruise.
"Oh I got that over the weekened it's ok." He says shurgging it off. I don't ask what happened because I know not to pry because it's better not having to relive it when you talk about it.
"You sure your ok?" I ask him.
"Yeah I'm fine. Are you ok?" Jimmy ask me.
"Yeah I'm fine just... Oh my god I have to go Sara and Daren are over there I'm in so mush trouble if they see me talking to you." I say in a rush as I run into the school building. I'm walking to my locker when someone shoves me into the lockers and starts laghing along with some other kids that seen me get pushed. My back makes contact with one of the locker handles with a combashin lock on it really hard to probaly leave a big bruise.
I groan and get up almost falling right back down from the pain in my back that standing up strait. I walk to my locker having to hang onto the other lockers sometimes because my back. Once I'm at my locker I get my stuff and start walking to class.
As soon as I get into the classroom and start walking to my seat when someone trips me where I end up sparled out on the floor with my things scatered around. Everyone that already is in class are laughing while I'm picking up my stuff. Then theres another pare of hands helping me pick up my things and the laughing stops to be filled with wispers. I look up from picking up my things to see who is helping me to come eye to eye with a really hot guy eventhough I wouldn't say it out loud but he is.
He has green eyes with tints of yellow and light brown in them, brown curly hair, he wore a friendly smile."Are you alright? I saw you fall I hope your not hurt." He said this with a Britsh accent and still wore that frienly smile and had eyes filled with worry. I nodded my head and gave him a small smile to let him know I was fine and contiude to pick my stuff up. "My names Harry whats yours?" He asked me which shocked me because nobody has really asked what my name was accept for Jimmy.Then my eyes widen, did he just say his name was Harry as in Harry Styles.
"You don't talk much do you?" Asked Harry and I nodded my head. Oh great another person that will be nice to me for one minute then rude the next. Wait why is Harry at this school in the first place?
"Hey Harry why are you talking to that nobody. You shouldn't have to talk to her when you could talk to me. Shes nothing but a little nerd and if you are with me you can have all this." I hear Sara said with a gren pointing at herself. I make a desgusted face at what she said and I feel sad because now Harry will deffintly stop talking to me now that he has Sara.
I hear Harry make a desgusted noise and it suprises me because everyone always wanted Sara and I can't believe he doesn't. "Thanks but no thanks." Harry says in a desgusted voice. Sara gasps because she has never had anyone turn her down.
"And why not Mr. To Good For Me." Harry just ignores her and starts helping me pick up my things again."Hey Mr. Harry Face answer me!!" Sara yells.
That way every one would leave Harry alone and nobody would get into trouble if a fight breaks out with Harry being the puching bag I desided to talk because it wouldn't matter if I got

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