American library books ยป Music ยป The Pink Flamingo by Ute Piechotta (snow like ashes series .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

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The Pink Flamingo

A musical Opera โ€“ Revue

by Ute Piechotta
all rights reserved (c) 2/2008

To all the Fairies of the world (glamorously glittering)

All the Fairies

(Like colourful fish on a coral bank)
We're glamorously dressed in green shining fields
Gloriously glimmering where blue sunshine shields
Pooling rays of white might through drizzling leaves
Moonlighting softly the one who believes
Our dancing through dazzeling snow flakes makes
This earth a wonderful place full of grace
Emerald hosts in bright and precious hues utter
Petals of flowers, soft rabbits, birds that flutter
Rainbows more brilliant then jewels in a crown
More beautiful then natures most extraordinary gown
Shades diving in song shimmering depths glitter along
Creatures winging dark skies in harmony strong and we long
Sweetly to comfort, lovingly heal
Make this world real


(a most wondrous personage, he is the Pink Flamingo)
(Should have some feathers and some glamour)
(Thinking some of the killer queen in we will rock you)
(Or of Velasquezยด infantine)
(He mostly tries to go on telling his story whatever happens,
He can break down, laugh, smile, be happy, weep, get angry, and throw a temper tantrum
When others interrupt him etc.)
(The Plants or the Fairies singing a gentle โ€œdouahโ€ in the background)


in background


Iยดll tell you a story
of glory Douah, dab di dab di dabb
of a lady loving a man Daaaaaa
how it began?

He was a singer, he was dancer, he was a star,
and he paid her a beer .
she was scared, she was lonely, and she was poor,
and she liked to be near.

He talked, he played the guitar, he kissed her cheek
took to her eyes
she changed lights, baked a cake, sat for hours Douah, dab di dab di dab
puzzled, confused and blessed

you foresee trouble
and you are right.

Iยดll tell you the story
of glory
of a lady loving a man
and how it began

(Guitar solo, a man, on stage, playing guitar, a woman at his feet, looking up admiringly)
interrupted by

Tthe Dog

(a very kind big dog too long limbed to move very straight)
Uuuh, uhhaa, u-uuu-uuuh,


Whatโ€™s the matter doggy?

The Dog:

Have you seen master?


Uhuuu -a-aaaahaaaa ha

The Dog

So you have seen him?


U-uuuh, ahaaahaha uhuuua

The Plants: (or the Fairies)

(They may sing in the background of his talking most of the time though at times he may try to quieten them with or without some success.
Doua, shoubi-doua, doua
Doua doua doua


Only you can tell whether heโ€™d be wronged,
She liked him much yet for the Master of all she longed
Those realms she had sought far and wide
With many adventures, she wanted to hide
Her paltry being, her shame, her fear
Torn she was, torn to pieces and scrambling bits
Feeling as if right out of many pits.

A wonderful Mole

(A tap dancing, spade laden, nice roundly, rather black mole)
She heard voices in her head
I understand, she was not bad.
They called for help, so help she gave
Might it lead her to the grave

It led out of many ways clearly.
It cost her dearly.
Yet on she went, a small knave,
Admirably brave.
Though a little weak I have to confess,
That made the mess.

She didnโ€™t know what was waiting for her,
And how many enemies he had out there.
himself being his own fiend
She is in sore need of a friend.


His presence was too much for her senses
And she stopped wearing contact lenses
And whatโ€™s this to do with that?
Her money ran out leaving her flat,
Her blue eyes were sad and pretty
She lost some brains, thatโ€™s a pity
Did some strange things unexplained
Went out even when it stormed and rained.

For a time she didn't mind
That he never came her to find
In full daylight for everyone to see
And even at nights, was it ever he?
Hiding in the shadows of her poor small room
She fell in a gloom.

And I guess
It was a mess
And nobody else would have played that chess.

The Fairy Princess Gladys

Do you mean it?
Green it? Grow it? Blow it?


Dear, I tell the worst first.

She had been happy just to see him smile,
Now she had lost all hope in a while.
For she felt he liked everyone better then she
Leaned stronger on the things no one can see.

The Fairy Princess Gladys

Thatโ€™s where I come in
Your story is too thin.


Thatโ€™s not the way to win a young manโ€™s heart
Why, dress up, be pretty and rich and smart
She went poorly dressed, her hair like hay,
To take his fear away.
The young man looked at her as if she where a stone
Leaving her there and alone.

She had started to watch out for Master of all before
The books she could get hold of and all the lore
She read while the young man seemed to laugh even more
As if he might want such a thing, ugly and sore.

A Bunch of Sunflowers:

(Or as many as possible, in sort of a funeral procession
Maybe some singing:
Whereโ€™s the sun, where is it gone
In the background
Having the Conferencier try to go over it)

Whereโ€™s the sun in this?
We are looking for the sun.
Weโ€™re turning left and right
He might
Be there, anywhere
It should be clear
It should be near
The sun is usually up in the sky
But itโ€™s lost for today, everyday to die
And all our heads hanging
Against the darkness banging
Hoping for a new morning.


But she cried for mercy to him
It wasn't a whim
The master of all showed her grace
She found his countenance in a haze.
And the young man would
Despise this Master for being good.

The Sunflowers

Whereโ€™s the sun
Whereโ€™s it gone?

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