Second Gear by R.T. Adams (best ereader for academics .txt) đź“•

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- Author: R.T. Adams
Read book online «Second Gear by R.T. Adams (best ereader for academics .txt) 📕». Author - R.T. Adams
A band can be any sort of thing you want it to be. Some people say it’s about having fun, others say it’s for the drugs and sex. However, that isn’t what I think when I hear or see the word “band.” At first, I never knew what I thought when I heard the word. I’ve only been in one band before, and I never listen nor watch any bands. However, I did play the bass alone. I’ve been playing the bass as a hobby since I was a little kid, perhaps when I was eight. Just so I could spend more time on the bass, I dropped out of high school during my second year. After a year passed from me being a dropout, I went to America, and that was the time I was in a band. I wasn’t very happy with being in the band, and nor did I know much English. Even to this day, I don’t understand very much English. I was kicked out of the band for some reasons, which aren’t important. When I look back on those days, I think of grief and disappointment. However, those days don’t matter anymore. A few days after being kicked out, I returned to Japan. Now, the day I returned, I’m feeling much better. This is the story of my band named Second Gear.
I am Seiji Ikatsu. I’ve been in Japan for a long time, ever since I could remember. However, I went to America and just came back to Japan today. It seems like the sun is shining rather bright. My grandfather lives in this town, but I’d rather not go and see him. I’d much rather go to a music cafe in which my closest friend lives. After I departed from the plane, I walked around. A nostalgic feeling. By the time I got halfway to the music cafe from the airport, I saw a park in which I always used to play at when I was little. Some people say at night, people come to make-out there. Why would anyone go to a children’s park to do such a thing? After I’d walked even further, I saw a music store. The place where I bought my first guitar and bass. The case I was carrying was getting heavy, and so was the bag I had, but I continued to go to the music cafe. By the time I got to the music cafe, I saw something rather unfamiliar. Another floor above the music cafe. Had they built another floor while I was gone for such a short time? When I looked, I saw three different windows. What exactly was up there? I walked into the music cafe and saw someone at the counter, their back turned. Normally, there was a bell when you walked in, but I guess it fell off. I bet they’ll end up fixing it anyhow.
“Hello, Mister Sukiya,” I casually said as I walked in. It was Hiryu Sukiya at the counter, an old man, but my friend’s grandfather. He was the previous owner of the music cafe, but handed it down to his son, my friend’s father. My friend’s mother is no longer around, or as people say, “in a better place.” The same goes with her grandmother. For some odd reason, women end up being the ones who die at younger ages than the men. I’m sure that’s not a good thing, considering my friend is also a girl of the family.
“Ah, hello Seiji,” Mister Sukiya said, “back so soon from America?” He was rather curious to why I was back so soon. I said I’d be gone for a year or two, which my friend ended up bawling over. I’m not sure, but she may have wanted me to stay rather than go, but isn’t that how all friends are when you leave their sight for a very long time.
“Yeah, things didn’t turn out so well for me there,” I said, “So where is Sakura?” Sakura is my friend. She wasn’t quite like her father, but maybe more like her mother. I don’t really remember Sakura’s mother, since I was young when she died.
“Heading for action the moment you get back, huh?” he said, giving a rather suspicious tone to his voice. I knew exactly what he meant.
“No, what are you talking about?” I responded. I’d rather not have him accuse me of trying to get with his granddaughter, considering the friendship we have now is just fine for me.
“Ah, never mind,” he said, “She should be in one of the studio rooms right now.” Apparently, according to her grandfather, she was in one of the studio rooms. That was rather odd, considering she doesn’t normally go in there, and she isn’t assigned to clean in the studio rooms except for every other month, but if I’m right, it’s only been one month. I went up to floor with the three studio rooms. I noticed that Studio C had its light on. She had to be in there. I went over a knocked on the sound-proof door, but I didn’t hear anything. Well, what did I expect, it’s a sound-proof door. I turned the knob and opened the door to see Sakura cleaning the drums. She turned around and saw me.
“Seiji!” she said, apparently really excited to see me. She let go of the rag she had and ran over to hug me. The only thing I could do was barely get my arms around her, considering she had her arms rather imprisoning mine. When I looked down at her face, she had tears in her eyes. It wasn’t unnatural for her, considering her child-like attitude. If someone went away for a long time, she’d cry. When they returned, she’d cry. She was very emotional, maybe too emotional. However, crying didn’t fit her cute face.
“Crying doesn’t fit you, you know,” I said, “You should smile more often, it’s much better for someone like you.” I encouraged her to smile, and she did, still crying. She’s like a ten year old whose father returned from being at war.
“I know it doesn’t fit, but I can’t stop,” she said in reply to my statement. Either way, she’s still crying, even though she let go of me. After a few more minutes passed, she finally got back to cleaning the studio room.
“So, why are you cleaning in the studio rooms?” I asked, since it seemed rather unusual for her.
“A member fell ill, so I had to take over for today,” she said, then began humming a delightful tune, “And so why are you back here in only a few months?” She said something I expected to come from her. I said I’d be gone for so long, but I ended up returning to Japan faster than I expected. Suddenly, it just struck me. She said someone fell ill, and it just made me wonder who it was. I should probably answer her question, then ask, though.
“Well, I ended up having some complications,” I responded with something simple. However, isn’t that just how every person gets kicked out of a band? “So, who fell ill?” I got around to asking my question.
“It’s a new employee, someone we hired while you were gone,” she said. Someone they hired while I was gone? I wonder who it could be.
“What’s their name?” It was only natural to ask such a thing.
“Her name’s Niro Akura,” she responded to my question, though she gave me a nervous smile when saying her name. I suddenly got a bit of a bad feeling about her, but I can’t judge from other’s expressions or words. I’ll see what she’s like, myself. Though, if she made Sakura tired, she’d probably even make me tired. Either way, I’ll find out on my own.
I remained at the music cafe for the next few hours, waiting for Sakura to get off work. She was supposed to get off of work around 6:00 PM, then that’s when someone else took over and began their shift. When I heard Sakura coming down from the second floor, I heard the music cafe’s door swing open. And, as followed, a slam.
“I’m here!” A girl who looked really young had burst into the room. If I had to give a guess, she was about nine inches shorter than me. She seemed like she could be in her first or second year of middle school. Sakura seemed tired suddenly and tried retreating back upstairs, but the girl darted over and quickly grabbed her arm, making Sakura squeak. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Sakura squeak in such a way.
“Hold on, what are you doing?” Sakura seemed to be suddenly surprised.
“Aw, don’t leave so soon Suki!” the little girl exclaimed. Suki? Sakura’s last name was Sukiya, but she shortened it to Suki?
“Sakura, who’s this?”
“My name is Niro Akura, call me Ni or Neko!” she introduced herself, instead. She seemed really energetic as well as child-like. “You seem kinda cute, who are you?” She suddenly started calling me cute. Who the hell is she?
“My name is Seiji Ikatsu, pleasure to meet you. I guess?” I was questioning if it really was a pleasure. After all, she gave off a strange aura that made you either question everything or made you really tired.
“Ika!” she said something, but I didn’t really get it. What did that mean? “I’ll call you Ika!”
“Hold on, don’t go giving me nicknames,” I boldly stated those words, but her child-like manner tore down my wall immediately.
“Don’t be so picky, Ika! Just accept it!” she said, leaping from what seemed like four feet away right onto me.
“Hey, hold on, don’t squirm around like that!” I started yelling, and I suddenly felt a change of gravity. “Hold on, stop, we’re gonna fall!” Before I knew it, we were on the ground and she was still as energetic as ever. How could someone be like this? If I’m going to end up seeing this every day, I’m not sure I can stand being awake at all. Niro seemed like a kind girl, but she was just a bit too excited. Not only that, but her hair made it seem like she was part cat. Was she a pet of some sort? No, that’s illogical, she’s a human being. Niro jumped up off of me and ran over to Sakura, who tried leaving the music cafe this time.
“H-Hold on, don’t tug there!” Sakura exclaimed. Don’t tug where? When I looked up, I saw a shirt on the ground and what seemed like someone groping another person. What the hell did I walk into? Either way, I think I should make my exit. When I stood up and turned around, acting as if nothing happened, I heard someone yell my name in what seemed like a broken, but pleasured voice. I stopped and it sent a shiver down my spine. I really didn’t want to get involved with this, but if I had to, then I would. I began to turn around, but then I was stopped.
“W-Wait, don’t… look,” Sakura spoke, once again, in a pleasure, but broken, voice. Then how was I supposed to do anything? If I couldn’t see, then I couldn’t help.
“Then how am I supposed to help you?” I asked.
“I,” she stopped, soon resuming, “I don’t know.” Apparently her breasts were a really sensitive part of her body. By now, I’d expect her to be in tears, but she wasn’t, from what I know of. Was Sakura always like this, or did she change over the short time I was gone? I began walking backwards, feeling around for anything in my way. Along the way, I ended up bumping into a few things, then I felt my hand on flesh. It was either Sakura or Niro that
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