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wanted Jabar to increase his production of hashish. Jabar became so busy making the hashish that the heroin production went down so it was his decision to take in someone to help him".

"Let me guess. that someone is Philip Spencer",said Wallace.

"That's correct. Philip had been a regular customer at the club.


He ate and drank and spent a lot of money, both on food and drink and hashish. One day Jabar came to me and insisted that we hire Philip. I was against it from the start. However, there are times when a Berber woman must allow the husband to assert himself as head of the family. That time I did just that.

What happened next was that Philip went from being the security man in the Kasbah to working next to Jabar in the creation of black tar heroin, marijuana and hashish. I didn't like it and I told Jabar that I didn't like it. After many arguments I convinced Jabar to place Philip in my gift shop where I could watch him". Amina took another sip of coffee.

"Unfortunately, Philip learned how to make hash oil. The information we received was that he made an excellent product, so good in fact that they wanted him to fly to Mexico, meet with them and teach them how he made it.

You must understand that Jabar felt that the Mexicans and Spencer were cutting him out of the hash oil end of the business. What happened next, was Jabar sat down with Spencer and offered him a partnership in the hash oil end of the operation. However, Philip wanted a partnership in our complete enterprise. Jabar suggested that Philip fly to Mexico and meet with the, what's the word they're using today? Cartel?”

“Yes, Cartel”, said Wallace

“Jabar suggested that Philip fly to Mexico, meet with the cartel and learn what they were willing to pay with the oil being made in New Jersey rather than in Mexico. At the same time if the arrangements were beneficial to us Jabar would consider taking Spencer in as a partner”.

“What happened?”, asked Wallace.

“When Philip returned from Mexico he had changed. From being a co-operative employee he became domineering. He became insulting and insolent to his customers. Fortunately he had a product that they wanted and desired, even after he raised the price of the oil.'

“Did he and Jabar become partners?”, asked Wallace.

“No, I refused to allow it. Why should we give him half of everything? Half of the heroin trade, half of the marijuana trade, half of the supper club along with half of the gift shop, for what, the hash oil business? No, I don't think so”.

“And how did Philip accept your decision?”, asked Wallace.

“With our refusal he made plans to cut us out of the hash oil trade and go into business for himself”, said Amina.

“How do you know this?”, asked Wallace

“I know because Betty overheard Philip and his girlfriend talking


about making their own deal with the Mexicans for buying and selling marijuana and hash oil.”

“You say girlfriend. Who was Philips girlfriend?”

“ Emma Prescott”.

“Are you sure?”


“OK. Then what?”

“ Betty was into heroin heavy, not as a user but she was either selling it among her friends or giving it away. I don't know which. So in exchange for her silence she wanted free heroin from Spencer. Well, one or both of them killed the girl. But not before she told Gloria”.

“And, Gloria told you”.


“I was told that Gloria was on her way to see me the day she died. Can you tell me more about her?”

“What's to tell. Gloria was a lost girl from the streets. She had told me that she became a prostitute at age thirteen. She dropped out of school when she turned sixteen. She held menial jobs a waitress one time, cashier another time and of course she worked the streets. Some how for some reason she took up belly dancing and got a few jobs in little restaurants and private parties. Still, even though she could move her hips, she lacked the gracefulness required by those considered the best such as the movement of the hands. But, she tried. At my insistence Jabar featured her on Wednesday nights. You see a good belly dancer can make between two hundred and a thousand dollars a set. So even if she only danced once a night in our club she made two hundred dollars. Of course there were times when a Wednesday night was busy. When that happened we allowed her to dance two sets”.

“So. Why was she killed?”

“I think she was angry. She put two and two together and figured that Spencer and the Prescott girl killed Betty. She made the mistake of telling them that she was going to tell you what she knew”.

“Why me?”, asked Wallace.

“Because your name and picture was in the newspaper about Betty's murder”.

“Let's talk about the flowers you use in the Kasbah”, said Wallace.

“What about them?”

“Why so many? And different kinds”.

“As a girl in Morocco I learned how to dry flowers in the sun. My


family would sell the dry petals to the perfume and soap makers. What we didn't sell to them we sold to the spice merchants. When I came to America I continued to dry flowers. Here, the American woman use dry flower arrangements for decorating. At the Kasbah I sold arrangements, and petals for cooking, along with Moroccan recipes.”

“You also used them to cover up the smell of the black tar heroin”, said Wallace.

“That's true Captain. That's true.'

“We found a lot of dry petals in both girls automobiles”.

“Probably because they were delivering for us. I'm sure that heavy users ripped open the packages and the flower petals spilled in the car”.

“Do you use oleander flowers for anything?”

“Oleander? No. I would have no use for it. It is not too aromatic and as for its use in cooking it is said to be poisonous.”.

“I see”.

“Is there anything else that you can think of that I can tell you?”

“No Mrs. Himidi you gave me exactly what I needed, the motive for the girls death. However, if I should need to talk to you again I hope the invitation is on going”.

“It is Captain it is. Nonetheless if there is a next time you will have to pay for any information”.

“And how much will it cost me?”

“One dozen of the almond brioust”

“Hey, that's a deal”, said Wallace.

“And, should we not meet again be assured that I will pray to Allah to protect you Captain and you also Miss Myers”.

“Thank you”.

“Good by”.

On the drive back to Nautilus beach Wallace played and re-played the audio tape of Amina Himidi's conversation. Satisfied, he removed the single ear piece from his ear, shut of the recorder/player and placed it in the large, leather carrying case where he kept it . Turning to Myers who was driving he said, “Well, I'm satisfied that neither Amina or Jabar Himidi are guilty of killing Kerr or Esposito. When I asked her about oleander, she didn't even flinch. Hell, she even told me that the stuff is poisonous. Miss Myers, we are closing in on the culprits”, he said happily.

Arriving back at headquarters Captain Wallace and Detective Myers were met by Mckenna and Stiles. Looking at McKenna Wallace asked, “How did you make out?”

121. “Here's my report. I would say I made out fine and I got what you wanted”, Mckenna answered.

Wallace walked around his large, walnut desk and sat down. With McKenna's report in his hand he leaned back in the high-back black leather chair and began to read. When he was finished he smiled and looking up at Tom McKenna said, “Nice job Tommy. Nice job”.

“Thanks Cap”, McKenna replied.

Wallace then turned his attention to Stiles. “What have you got Frank?”, he asked.

“Our poor little rich boy is home, safe in his mothers arms. He's not going anywhere. One of the conditions of his bail is that he remain in New Jersey and if he wishes to leave either Nautilus Beach or the state he is to notify the United States authorities”, said Stiles.

“Alright, it's been a long day. You and Tom pick him up tomorrow and bring him in for questioning. It's going to be very interesting to see what he has to say”.

It was one thirty in the afternoon the next day when Stiles and McKenna escorted Philip Spencer into Captain Wallace's office. Wallace looked up from the reports he had been reading at took a long look at the young man who at that time appeared to be agitated. “Something wrong Mr. Spencer?”, asked Wallace.

“You're damn right! This is nothing more than police harassment! Just because I have been accused of dealing narcotics by the feds doesn’t give you guys the right to pick me up on trumped up charges. You know and I know that I have rights and one of those rights is to have my lawyer present when you pull bullshit like this”, said Spencer.

“And just what do you consider to be bull shit? We haven't even asked you a question yet. But, you're right. You are entitled to have your lawyer present. Who is he? I'll call him for you”. Said Wallace.

“Never mind”.

“No. no, no. Who is you're lawyer? I insist that you have everything you deserve, which by the way might be life in prison”, Wallace responded.

“What the hell are you talking about? Life in prison? For what dealing drugs? The feds and I cut a deal. They said ten years and I'll be out in three”.

“ What they didn't tell you is that they're the governments attorney's. They prosecute their case against you. In the end they can recommend ten and out in three. It's that person in the black robe sitting high on the bench who makes the final decision”, said Wallace.

“They wouldn't lie to me. I'm their star witness”.

“Is that right? I imagine that you came to that conclusion when they


asked you to testify against the Himidi's, right?”


“Did they tell you that they gave the same deal to the Himidi's to testify against you?”

“You're trying to bullshit me. They wouldn't double cross me. They want the Himidi's too much to do that and I'm the guy that can give them to the feds”.

“OK, if you say so. If I were you I'd ask my lawyer what the status of the governments case against you is right now. Things happen. Things change.”

“Yeah, but let's stop and get on to just what you want with me”, said Spencer.

“No problem. I just have a few questions I want to ask you”.

“Such as?”

“Such as how did you end up working at the Kasbah?”

“A friend of mine told me that grass was being sold down there. I drove down had dinner asked around and made a buy”.

“How much did you buy?”

“Hell, I don't remember exactly how much. It was a long time ago. It was enough to last me two or three days”.

“Did you roll it?”

“No, I used a bong”.

“OK, what next?”

“Well, it was so convenient that I guess you could say I became a regular. Jabar told me that if I steered customers to him that he's take care of my supply”.

“Now, these customers, were any of them Elizabeth Kerr and Gloria Esposito?”

“I took Betty Kerr down there. I also took Marty Thomas and Emma Prescott, but at that time I didn't know Gloria. I met her later, when she went to work as a dancer at the club”.

“And it is our understanding that Betty, Gloria and Emma went to work for you as delivery girls. Is that true?”, asked Wallace.

“It seems that the feds gave you some false information Captain. Emma never went to work for me”.

“Why not?”

“We have something special. I didn't want her out there at night carrying horse and grass”.

“Something special? Is it still special after you've been busted?”

123. “Certainly, she promised to wait. I'll do the three, come out and go to work in the hotels with my family”.

“I see, then the two of you have

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