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- Author: Paul Curtis
Read book online «Insights Of Love by Paul Curtis (popular romance novels .txt) 📕». Author - Paul Curtis
Since the first day
When my life was blessed
When by Gods grace
You entered my world
We shared one love
One heart
One soul
Soul mates united
And life was good to us
So good we didn’t notice
The years quickly slip by
Then you slipped by with them
And I was alone
Half a love
Half a heart
Half a soul
And I could have blamed God
For taking you away
But I thank him instead
For the life we shared
Though I mourn your passing
And yearn for you
I know in my heart
We will be together again
Love comes in many shades
Ranged as on a colour chart
From “like” to “can’t live without”
Some love knows only sunlight
Others inhabit the dark places
Some are shallow and superficial
Others deep and intensive
Love can simply be physical
Or a mere infatuation
It can be companionable, platonic
Or purely spiritual
Love is both simple and complex.
Often at the same time
It can be of the moment
Or woven through the fabric of your life
It can be merely a veneer
Or layered in strata
But the simple truth is that love
Is the glue that holds the universe together
From the moment I met you
I’ve been on a high
A natural high
I feel like I’m walking on air
I giggle to my self
Or laugh out loud
For no reason
And if I start to come down
And I need a fix
I think back to our first kiss
Or the first time I held your hand
Or I re read your love letters
And I’m floating again
Or I’ll call you on the phone
Just to hear your sweet voice
And the call will last for hours
Since falling in love with you
You’ve made me feel young again
With your joy of life
As we run through sprinklers
And swing on the swings
Or make sand castles on the beach
Everything is a joy when I’m with you
Driving in the country
Queuing at the supermarket
Every moment is filled
With good conversation
Punctuated with special glances
We share each other
We share a hot shower
We share a bubble bath.
We share a bed
We lie in bed and listen to the rain
My fingers playing with your hair
And I look into your eyes
And I know you love me
I see it looking back at me
Since we fell in love
I’ve been on a high
A natural high
And I never want to come down
In an instant you were gone
Taken from us by another’s selfishness
He was too drunk too walk
So he drove instead
Devastation left in his wake
The children want to know why
I don’t have the answer
They look to me for a reason
They look to me for strength
They cling to me out of fear
The fear of losing me too
But they must be my reason
And they are my strength
And I cling to them out of fear
The fear of losing them too
On the table
The candle sputters
Flame flickers
Almost guttering
But does not die
At the table
A heart yearns
Tears form
As hope fades
She cries inside
At the table
A rhetorically thought
He’s not coming
How cruel
She dies inside
At home
Her heart aches
Her spirit breaks
She drains the glass
And she dies
Love alone did light
Passions flame burning bright
Emotions slowly stir
For the want of her
Only she can quench the fire
Of this burning desire
Romance in all its glory
Has written this love story
Love is not heralded
By lightning strike
Or thunders crash
Nor by Mantovanni’s Violins,
A chorus of heavenly voices
Or 21 gun salute
Love is more subtle
Love is stealthy
Love creeps up on you
When least expected
It seeps into open pores
Unnoticed and unheralded
Then spreads like a virus
Until you are defenseless
And you are hooked
And there is no cure
An exotic fragrance filled the air
A heady perfume so divine
A scent that made me giddy
Like being intoxicated on wine
It was the girl with the dazzling smile
And almost luminous eyes
When she spoke each sentence
Was like a string of sultry sighs
Each sweet honey coated word
Delivered from her luscious lips
What import may have been
The honey sound did eclipse
I was mesmerized by her
For how long I could not say
But it is to my satisfaction
That she chose not go away
If I had not let you go
What would we be now?
The perfect couple?
Mr and Mrs Right?
Or sad reflections of ourselves
If I had not seen
That we were not right together
We would now be
Bitter and resentful
Fighting like old dogs
Scratching at each others wounds
Love made us blind
Your love for me was deeper
And so you were blinder
So it hurt you more
When I let you go
I was right to let you go
I didn’t want to hurt you
Though I know I did
But I would have hurt you more
And I would not have regretted it
If I had stayed
If I had not let you go
I would have broken you
Broken your spirit
As well as your heart
You would not now know
Loves true face
So I can tolerate your hate
To know you are truly happy
Love confuses the senses
It tricks us into seeing what’s not there
We see what we want to see
Someone you love, who loves you back
In equal measure
Someone as happy, content, faithful
As you are
But love blinds us
It blinds us to the truth
It fails to register
All the tell tale signs
Of sadness, discontent and infidelity
Until it’s too late
Being in love with you
Was like a roller coaster ride
Exhilarating and stomach churning
But not in a good way
Not in that happy waving your arms in the air
Screaming with delight kind of way
No not your roller coaster
Oh there was exhilaration
You took me to dizzy heights
When you really took my breath away
When I thought life didn’t get any better than that
Like walking through fields of flowers in the sunshine
Or hand in hand along an empty beach
Declarations of love and promises for the future
Making me feel I was the most special person in the world
Then without warning came the stomach churning
That headlong rush into darkness
Cast down into a trough of despair and bitterness
Jealousy and accusations
Venomous verbal tirades and volleys of flying fists
Churning my stomach and breaking my bones
Being in love with you
Was like the roller coaster ride from hell
So I got off and walked away
And I will never ride with you again
Your declarations of love and promises for the future
Are just empty words
Drowned out by your venomous tirades
Thinking of you may still churn my stomach
But you will break my bones no more
I got off your roller coaster broken and battered
But with my spirit in tact
You sought me out
And overwhelmed me
Your directness was disarming
You were seductive and charming
But the want of you made me ache
And soon you took me to bed
Made me sweat and made me shake
As you soothed my ache
You made me whimper and moan
And grunt and groan
You used me and abused me
Until I begged for rest
You exhausted me
Till I could scarcely go on
And when I had no more to give
You wrung me out like a wet rag
And cast me aside
Then as quickly as you came into my life
You were gone from it
And I slept the clock around
When winter comes
And the first snowflakes fall
Who is the first one in my thoughts?
Who is the first person I call
When winter comes
And there is a fresh fall of snow
Who makes snow angels with you?
Is it that you’re the best angel maker I know?
When winter comes
And there’s fresh snow on the ground
Who builds the snowman with you?
Is it that you make the best snowmen around?
When winter comes
And we spend all of our time together
Have you ever wondered why?
Do you think that I just like the snowy weather?
When winter comes
There is a reason why every winter I call you
It’s the same reason I’ve had since we were seven
I’ve wanted to tell you but have been to scared to
When winter comes
The reason I pull off your wet gloves?
And the reason I gently warm your cold hands?
Is that you’re the one I love
There is a ghost in my house
That haunts my every waking moment
And infiltrates my dreams
A ghost that taunts and torments
The ghost in my house is you
I am haunted by the memory of you
It is the ghost of our lost love
And I am tormented because I let you go
Putting up the decorations
And trimming the Christmas tree
Writing all the cards
This year from you and me
Your presents are wrapped
Only bows and tags to do
Until this moment I didn’t know
Just how much I loved you
So I will have a happy Christmas
With the love of my life
The very first Christmas
Since we became man and wife
Why do I love you?
Well it could be
Because you’re beautiful
Or that you’re funny
It could perhaps be
That you laugh at my jokes
Or that you chose me
When there are better blokes
It might be because
You’re caring and sharing
Or of modest disposition
Though cautiously daring
Why do I love you?
It could quite easily be
Your wisdom and intelligence
Or that you’re pretty and witty
But it doesn’t matter
What superlatives I apply
Or how long the list of traits
And attributes that I supply
You wouldn’t recognise them
The wonderful girl I see
Would be a stranger to you
Such is your modesty
I was given the challenge
Well in truth it was a bet
And the bet was to get a date
With Prudence the librarian
Whose coldness was legend
It would be a tall order
But I picked up the gauntlet
And headed to the library
I walked up to the desk
And there she stood
She was short in stature
But imposing nonetheless
Her countenance was severe
Thick chestnut hair
Pulled back off severely off her face
Her make up would best be described
As minimalist
And she peered at me
Over thick framed spectacles
She wore a chunky beige sweater
Two sizes too big which hid her shape
And a dark pleated skirt, knee
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