American library books Β» Religion Β» Tale of an Egyptian Goose by Pamela Rivera (the dot read aloud TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Tale of an Egyptian Goose by Pamela Rivera (the dot read aloud TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Pamela Rivera

Before it all Began

There was a period in my life when everything seemed to go wrong.  Very wrong.

I knew the Lord well and did love Him truly, but all of a sudden, it was just all wrong. 

Wrong at home, wrong at church, wrong at work, and hard and hurtful and scary.

I felt like I didn’t fit. Anywhere.

I was the laughing stock. I was the odd one. I was the failure.

One to shake your head at. Criticized and judged. And alone. Very alone. 

I felt so sad. I would walk around the lake and cry and talk to God.

He helped me through an Egyptian goose I named Egypt.



















Home Sweet Home



Once upon a time there was an Egyptian goose and his wife.

They looked for a nice place to live.





One day they flew over a beautiful small lake fed by a gurgling stream.

It had lots of fish to eat and large rushes and tall grasses all around the edge to keep warm and safe.





It was Centenniel Lake. A lake on a college campus.

There were lots of people around too and buildings and cars.





Egypt and his wife loved their new home.

They loved sitting in the green grassy lawns.





They loved swimming together in the peaceful lake.

Life was very good.







A Big Change



Then one very sad day, Egypt’s wife was hit by a car, and she died.

Now Egypt was all alone.




Suddenly everything was very very different.

Suddenly it was all wrong.



Egypt was different.

Egypt looked different. Egypt sounded different. Egypt didn’t fit in.




Most of the other water fowl at the lake were Mallards.

Mallards have lovely green heads and blue accent feathers on their brown and white bodies.




Mallards make a melodious quacking sound.

They swam around in the lake together and enjoyed naps in the tall green grass.




Egypt did not have a beautiful green head and blue accent feathers. 

Egypt was the color of sand with chunks of brown and black markings on his wings. 




He had big bright pink feet

and yellow eyes with a thick brown rings around them

so it looked as if he had been punched in the eye. 





He did not make a melodious quacking sound. 

When he honked he sounded like broken machinery or gears grinding together.





People passing by would laugh and point and say

Oh my! What’s that awful noise? And 

Oh look! What’s wrong with that funny looking duck?




Egypt was sad and alone. The laughing stock. The odd one. The one people shook their heads at.







Egypt's New Life



Egypt stayed at the lake.

Egypt kept trying.





Then one day, Egypt made friends with one of the female Mallards.

Soon Egypt had a new wife.



That spring they had babies.

Egypt never left their side.





When they swam he swam nearby keeping watch.





When they walked in the tall green grass, he lead the way.




When they napped, he stayed right there, wide awake, always watching.




He stood out in the pouring rain with them making sure they got enough to eat.




He was a gallant protector.

If he saw someone coming to the lake to bother his babies,

he would spread his huge magnificent wings and soar and swoop through the air honking till they left.




Everyone of his babies was safe every year.

They all grew up into fine adults.




And every year most of the babies looked like his Mallard wife,

but one always looked different just like he did.




People started to notice. Wow! They would say, Have you seen that goose from Egypt?

He’s a great father! Yes! They would say, He’s always right there! What a great protector. 

People started coming out to watch him and admire him.

After Story

Egypt and his Mallard wife lived at the lake many years. 

They died peacefully of old age, sitting in the green grass beside the stream, warming  themselves in the sun.


Many years have passed since then.

I still walk around the lake and talk to God, but now I’m singing. Now I’m smiling.


Greeted by the many like minded walkers and nature lovers I’ve met out by the lake I love so much.


I can still picture Egypt sitting in his favorite spots as I pass by.

And people are still amazed.


Remember that Egyptian goose that used to be here? They’ll say. 

Wow, he sure was a magnificent father, and he sure protected this lake,

they say as they gaze off into the sky.

Then they smile.


Publication Date: 04-04-2016

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