American library books ยป Religion ยป 2008.09.27 - The Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross ascension by Lord Jesus (scary books to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“•

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2008.09.27 - The Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross ascension

            The Word of God[1] at the feast of the Holy Cross ascension[2]



In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in this name the entire Christian people on earth believe and is baptized. Amen.


I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, in this name became and become word now, in the end of the time, for Father has sent Me to work in this way, but for the one who has not understood My cross then and now, his faith is useless, his baptism is useless, if he does not come after Me with his life as the saints followed Me as long as they lived on earth, after their love become love of God in them, love and holiness in their spirit, soul and body.


I come down with a wound, I descend through a wound and My way to the man is harder and harder, with more wounds, with more pains, for the evil spirit comes into My way to break it, to scatter it, but I tell it every time when I descend that in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I come down after man and that Father is He Who sends Me, for I do not do My will but His will, as the son, faithful to his father, works. The wound of My descent is heavy, and I do no longer find any comfort for it, and My Father has always taken care of it, and My way is only sighing, only sufferance, and it can hardly bear Me on it to come and not to stop from My coming, and hosts of angels help Me as I tell them, for the sufferance for My descent has become a heavy cross, and only it can prevail against the opposing spirit, which strikes My way, for sufferance is with patience and sigh, and these become weapons against the opposing spirit on earth for My coming after man.


โ€œOh, I have mercy for man, dear Son, suffering and sighing Son on Your way to man.โ€ This is what My Father has been used to telling Me seeing My crush and wound, and My mercy for man helps Me on My way, and the man is not able to know My sacrifice for My coming of today, and he has no mercy on God, for the man does not know what mercy is, he does not know what love and mercy are, mercy and love embraced within the same work, for one without the other cannot do anything for God, between God and man, between man and God.


Oh, My people, I have mercy on you and I have mercy on man, and My mercy is only sufferance, and man does not know what My mercy on him is; he does not know that it has become My way of coming again from the Father to man, for the whole hell is on earth, the hell, which stands against My commandments for man and which does not let the man fulfill them; it does not let the man to be sanctified for God and for the eternity with God, and I, the Lord, sigh bitterly and I have no help on earth.


Oh, My people, the man cannot bear sufferance. He seeks only after his comforts and he makes his comfort out of sin, and there is no one to tell him and there is no one to stop him from this lie and there is no one to remind him of My commandments for man which have to be fulfilled by man on earth, for I want the manโ€™s life and not his death, My people, which tramples under his foot My commandments and works out death.


Oh, how and in what way shall I speak to the man more not to violate Godโ€™s commandments? I gave the man and I go on giving him the book of My speaking with you, My book of today, and by which I bring My speaking of two thousand years ago to the man, to his memorial, and Godโ€™s entire book of history with man, My people. I have always become word of life and repentance for man and I stay into his way to hear and see My mercy on him and to see My waiting and to see My sufferance for him, for God suffers and all the saints suffer in Him from manโ€™s departure from God. Man works everywhere only sufferance for God, and he does no longer know that he is seen by God, but on the contrary, he says that the Lord does not see and does not know.


Oh, My people, only into your midst I refresh My pain from man, for I only tell it to you, and then I set My speaking with you before the man who forgets My sufferance from him and who diminish My victory for him against the opposing spirit, which pulls the man away from the way of the commandments of life. I built the man from the beginning and I meant him to be as holy as God and to be the dwelling place of Godโ€™s rest, but he did not love Me because he did not listen to Me. After the man does not listen to Me, he does not love Me either, for love means obedience, and love does not mean anything else.


Behold, I set before you, people of My word, a mystery that is not understood. Man does not need wisdom, but he needs obedience instead. If the man comes after Me and does not take his cross, that is his obedience, by which he is supposed to follow Me in My entire word upon him, then he becomes My enemy, and he becomes his own enemy too, and this is a greater enemy than before his coming to God, for whoever loses his obedience, also loses his wisdom and the protection of his life, for the lack of manโ€™s obedience draws the devil to him, and the devil comes with the manโ€™s fearless spirit of God, then he comes with the spirit of doubt and then with the spirit of unbelief, if the man does not come back to repentance and with humility on the way of obedience to God on the way of Godโ€™s commandments. Oh, read every day, once with your prayer, read Godโ€™s commandments, son. Make a small note and make it hard so that it may not be broken, and write on it and read from it Godโ€™s commandments, so that they may not be altered in you, son taught by God, so that Godโ€™s dwelling in you may not be spoiled, for the hell is on earth, and from everywhere it steals manโ€™s watchfulness for God in man, and if he who promises himself to Me does not stay firm, he is overcome by the devilโ€™s bait, by the devilโ€™s whisper, by the devilโ€™s will, which tries to pull the man away to disobedience to God, to the violation of Godโ€™s commandments in man and between man and man.


It is the feast of the cross, My people. The cross on which I was nailed has come to testify; it has been testifying before the people to the witness of My divinity, for God died on the cross for man, My people. Oh, take care, have mercy on the Lord, for the Lord died for man. Take care of your life, of your salvation from Me; take care not to lose it, for I paid for it two thousand years ago, but you should not lose it, son, but you should struggle to earn it more and more, day by day, and then you will be able to do this only by obedience to Godโ€™s commandments, son, and which the man crushes in his own body even from his beginning, because man did not listen to God, but he rather listened to the angel of death, which came into being once with the manโ€™s disobedience, for man brings forth evil spirits from his mind and heart and from his body, spirits opposing to God and the man forgets about the cross, he forgets about life, for the life is kept in man only by the spirit of obedience, only by the fulfillment of Godโ€™s commandments for man. When I told the man to listen to Me, I also told him that if he did not listen, he would surely die, and behold, disobedience is the death by which the man dies in his spirit and which brings on him the death of his body then, but who gets up on earth to tell the man that he surely dies by his disobedience to God and that the sin he has committed goes before his death? Behold, I have told this to the man. I have also told him at the beginning and I tell him now too, in the end, and that is why I have had to come again on earth as word upon man. I am the beginning and the end, and after the end there is a beginning again, for I am without the end and I exhort the man to listen as I listened to God, the Father, and I am without the end. Amen.


Oh, the man does not want to believe that he can listen to God if he wants. Oh, the one who does not listen, how to believe? Oh, the one who does not believe, how to listen? Oh, how is supposed to listen he who does not believe? However, you, My people, listen to God, for His commandments are life and victory only for the one who believes in them inside of him and they are faith in the one who fulfills them in his body, in his soul and in his spirit. Amen.


It is the feast of the cross, My people. My sufferance and the sign I suffered two thousand years ago for the man has become a feast of memorial for those who believe by fulfilling Godโ€™s commandments. Blessed are those who have lifted the wood of My cross to My glory before man, but even more blessed are those who listen to Godโ€™s word and fulfill it with faith, and let this word be this way in you, son of My people of today, and I go on telling you that a son of My people is only he who fulfills that what I ask him and teach him to fulfill. Amen.


Oh, I do not know how to strengthen My way and coming anymore, for the wound on My way is heavy, heavy, deep and burdensome, and I cannot dispose of it. I am the son of sufferance that comes from man. My sufferance from man has become a heavy cross on Me and seven thousands years of manโ€™s disobedience has been piled up on it; seven thousands years of manโ€™s death, of manโ€™s sin, and the commandments of the life are crushed by man, as crushed as the man who does not want to look into them as to God, for their fulfillment means God in man. The man who sees God is he who fulfills Godโ€™s commandments and is the one in whom God is seen and who makes life in people, for he has the Lordโ€™s power in him, and a man like that becomes a miracle worker and worker of God in man. Such a cross do I want you to carry, and to lift up in order to be seen, My people. The sign of the holy cross is made by the hand

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