American library books ยป Religion ยป 2004.01.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the Lord's Baptism (The Epiphany) by Lord Jesus (electric book reader .txt) ๐Ÿ“•

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2004.01.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the Lord's Baptism (The Epiphany)




The Word of God at the feast of the Lordโ€™s Baptism (The Epiphany)



My voice is My Spirit, Who opens the heavens and comes down on earth as word, the same as the voice of My Father was heard at the river Jordan, when I, His Son, let Myself to be baptized by John, and the Father opened the heavens and the Holy Spirit came down on Me in the image of a dove, and He said: ยซYou are My beloved Son with Whom I am well pleasedยป. (Matt. 3:17)


My voice from the Father is the voice of My Father in Me, and the heavens open in a day of Epiphany and I speak this word of the Holy Spirit and I bless and sanctify the waters because it is written: ยซThe voice of the Lord is over the waters, the Lord over many waters. The Lord will bless His peopleยป. Amen, amen, amen. I come down from heaven with a spirit of Epiphany in the garden of the meeting and its sky is filled of all the hosts of angels and of saints and here is the whole heaven, for I am here and the waters hear My voice upon them and they know it, and I make My word into waters, for they obey the One Whom they know. Amen. Two thousand years ago, after I came out of water of My baptism of Jordan, the Father opened the heavens and made the Holy Spirit come down upon Me, so that He might make Me known. If someone asks himself why John had to come to baptize with water and to be called the baptizer, the answer is found in his mouth when the priests and the Levites asked him: ยซWhat do you say about yourself?ยป And he answered them: ยซI baptize in water, but among you stands One Whom you donโ€™t know. He is the One about Whom I have spoken: after me there comes a man Who was preferred before me, because He was before me and I did not know Him, but for this reason I came baptizing in water: that He would be reveled to Israel and I have seen the Spirit descending like a dove out of heaven and it remained on Him. I did not recognize Him, but He Who sent me to baptize with water, He told me: โ€˜On whomever you will see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him the same is He Who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.โ€™ I have seen, and have testified that this is the Son of Godยป. (John 1: 30-34) Amen.


The beloved John also testifies and says: ยซThe world was made through Him and the world did not recognize Him. He came to His own and those who were His own did not receive Himยป. (John 1:11) And My baptizer revealed Me to the world through the water of baptism and by the Holy Spirit descending from the Father upon Me and on the waters, for he was baptizing with water for repentance and for the forgiveness of the sins, speaking to everyone that the kingdom of the heavens had come near. Oh, it is a great and deep mystery for the man to see with the spirit and to see the Spirit as John, My baptizer, saw Him, and when the Scriptures was fulfilled through the Father which says: ยซThe voice of the Lord over the waters, the God of glory thundered, the Lord over many watersยป. Amen.


Behold, the gates were lifted up and I have come in you, Jerusalem, with a feast of Epiphany and with the Holy Spirit over the waters and with wisdom of mysteries, My people, for great is this mystery for the man to see the Spirit praying as John prayed to the One Whom sent him to baptize Me.


Oh, how hard it is when I come through the wound of a spirit, for the man does not value God from man. When I find those in the gates with wounds in them, I pass through the wound in them in order to come, because I cannot avoid the wound, and I did have to come. My coming is hard to bear, and I have taught you much, My people, to know to wait for Me and to help Me to come and to take care of My Spirit and of His path and you shall not forget this work, to be able to keep Me away from wounds and to be able to comfort Me when I come. The greatest preparation during feasts that you have to make is for My descending from heaven on earth, from Me in you, to come through your serenity, because I make the heavens come down and this is how I come, and this is how you should also do, to be one for another and that I may not pass through the wound and that the wound may not hurt, and to come with serenity and to be easy and to be pace for My coming. Amen.


Oh, My people, those near Me did not value Me, because they were used to Me and there came John and he knew Me. If I let Myself be seen the man would get used to Me. That is why I work within the spirit and I let Myself to be seen by the eyes of the spirit when the man sees Me, when the man sees those that are not seen, and I do so because he who has the Holy Spirit sees without becoming haughty and he humbles himself and that is why he sees and he sees like Me, for it is written: ยซThose who are like Him will see Him as He isยป. Amen. Those who see Me are like Me by sight, because humility exalts the one who sees. John humbled himself and asked the One Who sent him to baptize Me, and said: ยซBy what shall I know the One Whom I have to baptize?ยป


Oh, people who are taught by God, the mystery of the seeing through the Spirit is a deep mystery, and the one who sees through the Spirit sees them both, both those that are seen and those that are not seen by the eyes of the body, and the seer is the one who humbles himself as both John the prophet and the Baptizer did, and by faith and prayer he receives the vision and its revelation afterwards, at its appearance. The mystery of manโ€™s humility is a strong path for My coming and for its appearance, but he who is haughty by nature cannot get humble for those that are not seen, for his nature stands against him, together with its mob. It happens the same to the obstinate and that is why I spoke by the prophets instructions over those who try to see or to prophesy. I can hardly find among people and even among those who believe, I can hardly find the one in whom I can dwell with the Spirit and to be able to see and speak or to be silent while seeing.


It is a spirit of Epiphany in this day, and the teaching is a baptism of the hearts, which sets down to the teaching God in man and the man in God, My people. Oh, I want so much to teach you by those who I pass through to you with the river of My word, but the teaching by which I come is established by the humble spirit and in the humble spirit, and otherwise it comes back in Me and the man remains in his own self. At My baptism the Father opened the heavens at Johnโ€™s prayer and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove and sat on Me and made Me known to the world, and then John testified about Me saying: ยซBehold, the Lamb of God, Who washes the sins of the worldยป.


At the descending of My word upon you, My Father opens the heavens and My Spirit comes down and makes Me known to the world, and you shall testify about Me, My people, as John also testified about Me. I open Myself with the mystery of the visible spirit and I say that to a spirit of humility is needed faith and to faith a spirit of humility and wisdom of spirit are needed, because if the man is not poor in his spirit, there is no wisdom within him, but rather he is stubborn because of his seeing against the humility of the spirit, and he is proud by his nature, which cannot humble itself for those that are not seen when they are seen by the one who stays humble for these. My teaching upon you is the baptism with the Holy Spirit, for it is the river of life and it is the voice of the Lord over many waters, My people. My word is a fire baptism over the earth for those who do not know Me in it, for it is written: ยซThe voice of the Lord, which pours out the flame of fire!ยป and this is how the Scripture is fulfilled, which says that I baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Amen.


From those that are heavenly on earth I declare, together with the visible and invisible servants, let the waters from you be sanctified, My waters with you, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, for it is a day of Epiphany. Amen. The sky of the garden of the meeting is full of saints and angels and the whole heaven is above, for the Holy Spirit, working from heaven on earth and from earth in heaven, becomes joy for the whole invisible heaven, for the whole invisible breath, and I, the Lord, want the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to comfort Me from your mist, and how much I wanted, and how much I wanted to be like the bird which thanks Me for its every sip when it drinks, for I give you from heaven and I wait to be comforted with you and with those that I give you to have for Me, My people. Oh, I do not want you to get used to Me, but I want you to learn to have Me, and that I may see Myself in you and with you, and for you to work like Me so that all you do may come to remain, for I have exhorted you to a spirit of humility for the Holy Spirit on you, My people. Amen.


I make the blessing come down upon your new little ship and I speak from those in heaven: it is blessed and it is sanctified by My spirit and by the grace of My Spirit, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And I bless you in this name and everything that is with you for Me and with Me for you, for without My blessing always on you the malicious evil spirit is against you, My people, but when it hears My name upon you, it grows weak and when you strengthen yourselves in Me, it dies and I live, and I want to be able to work on earth with the kingdom of the heavens which I started from you, as I also started with it two thousand years ago when John saw Me with it on earth and He told everyone to repent for it because otherwise it was not possible for them to come into it.


If the man does not pay any attention

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