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How can someone come to JESUS CHRIST?


Pray this prayer sincerely to know you're saved:


"JESUS, I believe you came to earth, I believe you died on the Cross for my sins. I believe you rose again on the third day and went back to Heaven to prepare a place for Your Children to live with You Forever. Please forgive me of my sins. Clean my heart, white as snow. Come live in my heart, make me a child of the KING, a new creature in CHRIST, in your precious Name I ask this...AMEN."


Do these things after praying the Salvation Prayer:
1) Get a King James Version Bible (KJV) or New King James Version Bible (NKJV) and read it daily, it will feed your spirit and soul, the way you feed your body with food and water.
2) Pray to JESUS everyday. HE is your NEW Best Friend and HE wants to talk with you daily.
3) Make sure you find a christian church and get water Baptized, dunked under water, if you have been sprinkle baptized in the past it does NOT count.
4) Pray to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, "Sanctified". You do this by praying, reading the Bible and living for JESUS.
5) Take your King James Bible to church. When the preacher speaks, make sure what he says matches your Bible, it not, get up and walk out and find a new church.
6) ***VERY IMPORTANT*** Make SURE you REPENT of EVERY SIN you have done in the past and that you do now in the present, ask JESUS to forgive you with an honest heart and HE will.



How can someone receive the baptism of The HOLY SPIRIT?



Prayer for Baptism of The HOLY SPIRIT:


In the Name of JESUS, I pray to be baptized in the Names of the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT.


I pray to be filled up completely from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes.


I pray for my Spiritual eyes to be opened and for the scales to fall off and I pray for a bolder testimony for the LORD JESUS and for MY OIL LAMP TO BE FILLED TO THE TOP.


I surrender my ALL to the LORD JESUS and repent for all my sins from a sincere heart of remorse for these things done before a HOLY GOD.


I pray HOLY SPIRIT, that YOU would fill me, completely and entirely. I invite YOU to fill me and fully indwell within me, come HOLY SPIRIT, come.


In JESUS Name I pray...Amen.

WHAT YOU MUST DO TO BE RIGHT WITH GOD  Ask forgiveness for your sins. Forgive those that have sinned against you. Forgive those you have not been able to forgive. Repent of your sins.

(At first you, should repent by name of each sin individually, use the Ten Commandments to do this.) 

[Acts 13:38, Luke 24:47, Matthew 26:28] [Matthew 6:14-15, Luke 6:37, Mark 11:25-26] [Acts 3:19-20, Ezekiel 33:12] [Deuteronomy 5:7-21][Exodus 20:3-17][1 John 1:8-10]


2.  Ask GOD to wash you with the blood of JESUS. Ask GOD to clean your garments so that you may be made holy and righteous in HIS eyes.

[Revelation 1:5, 1 John 1:7, Ephesians 2:13, Hebrews 10:19]


3.  Ask GOD to baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT, ask for the HOLY SPIRIT to come into your heart and body.

[Mark 3:11, Mark 1:8-12, Luke 3:16, John 1:33, Acts 1:5, Acts 10:47, Acts 11:16, John 3:5]


4.  Confess with thy mouth that JESUS is your LORD and SAVIOR, that HE died on the cross for your sins, and was raised from the dead three days later to ascend to HEAVEN, where HE resides with his FATHER in the KINGDOM of HEAVEN. (This confession must be made before witnesses.)

[Romans 10:9-11][Matthew 10:32]


5.  You must have a Water Baptism in the Name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST.

[Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 1:4, Mark 16:16, John 3:5, Acts 2:38]


6.  Surrender your all to GOD, surrender your future plans, surrender your will, your heart, your mind, your body, and your soul to GOD ALMIGHTY.

[James 4:7]


7. Seek an intimate relationship with GOD. (Get to know GOD.) Examples: Read HIS word, speak audibly to GOD, spend more time with GOD than worldly things. (There are 1,440 minutes in a single day, how much it have you devoted to GOD?)

[Matthew 6:33, Deuteronomy 4:29, 1 Chronicles 22:19, James 4:7-8][Matthew 7:21-23][Matthew 7:7-8]


8.  Forsake the World. Focus on GOD! (You may enjoy some things of the world but do not hold onto these things for they are like dust. Examples: photography, archery, painting, riding a bicycle, running, walking, planting a garden, etc...)

[James 4:4]


The above eight items are requirements for you to be accepted and saved by GOD. The rest of the numbered list below are optional and considered a personal prayer, but consider asking GOD for these things because HE loves to hear your prayers to HIM.

[2 Chronicles 7:22, 1 Chronicles 28:9, 1 Kings 9:9]


9.  Ask GOD to place you in the center of HIS PERFECT WILL. (Live in GOD's PERFECT WILL, ask GOD's permission pertaining to decisions, seek GOD's counsel daily and often.)

[Romans 12:2]


10.  Ask GOD to fill your oil lamp. (You ask GOD for a full oil lamp so HE will see the flame of your oil lamp burning brightly when HE comes for HIS bride.)

[Matthew 25:3-4]


11.  Ask GOD to guide you down the narrow road to HIS KINGDOM of HEAVEN. (Ask GOD to cement you in HIS KINGDOM of HEAVEN.)

[Matthew 7:13-14]


12.  Ask GOD to write your name in the BOOK of LIFE.

[Revelation 3:5][Revelation 21:27]


Side note: As you do all of the above things (1-12), they shall fill your oil lamp; little by little.




-- GOD should be Revered. (Do Not use HIS name in vain in any form or fashion.)


-- The HOLY BIBLE is GOD's BOOK and the words in it are HIS WORDS and HIS WORDS are DIVINE.


-- Do Not work on the Sabbath, Do Not buy or sell on the Sabbath. This is GOD's HOLY DAY and TIME PERIOD.


-- You Must follow The Ten Commandments. If you break one, you must repent and ask forgiveness immediately. (You will make mistakes, GOD understands this.)


The Ten Commandments in the Old Testament: Exodus 20:3-17; Deuteronomy 5:7-21 (KJV)



1st Commandment: Matthew 4:10; Matthew 22:37 (KJV)

2nd Commandment: 1 John 5:21; 1 Corinthians 6:9; Ephesians 5:5 (KJV)

3rd Commandment: 1 Timothy 6:1; Colossians 3:5-9 (KJV)

4th Commandment: Hebrews 4:4,9-10; Luke 23:56 (KJV)

5th Commandment: Matthew 19:19; Luke 18:20; Ephesians 6:1-3 (KJV)

6th, 7th, 8th Commandments: Romans 13:9; Matthew 19:18 (KJV)

9th Commandment: Romans 13:9; Matthew 19:18; Revelation 21:8 (KJV)

10th Commandment: Colossians 3:5; Romans 13:9; Ephesians 5:3 (KJV)


-- Be quick to use confession so there remains a continual and clear fellowship with the LORD on a daily basis.


-- It is the attitude of your heart that GOD cares about, above the words you speak to HIM. Pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to give forgiveness, obedience, and love to your heart.


-- Give a full 10% of your gross income (not the net income) to GOD. Don't steal from GOD.

[Leviticus 27:30-32, Deuteronomy 14:22, Malachi 3:8-10]


-- Don't walk - RUN after GOD, seek HIM, knock at the door, cry out to the LORD ALMIGHTY. HE will answer!


Books to read to help you get to know GOD better:

- The HOLY BIBLE [preferably the King James Version (KJV) or the New King James Version (NKJV)]

- A Discipleship Journey by David Buerhring

The following books are available for FREE at the following website:

- Susan Davis (Dictated by GOD to Susan Davis)

Marriage Supper of the LAMB Rapture or Tribulation Left Behind after Rapture Bride of CHRIST: Prepare Now! Ready for Rapture Prepare The Way

- Revelation of HEAVEN and Hell by Othusitse Mmusi


Website: End Times Prophecy Resource Catalog (FREE):


Our three weapons as believers are as follows:

-- The Word of GOD in the Bible.

-- The Blood of JESUS.

-- The Name of JESUS. (in Hebrew is YAHUSHUA, which means Savior)


These prayers may also be used as a weapon against the enemy. You should try to do these throughout the day and as needed. Spirits never get tired so you may have to do this 5-15 times a day. If you make a regular habit of saying these prayers you will have more peace in your life.


- LORD, I want to bind any demon sent to harass me in The Name of JESUS, The SON of GOD. I also want to bind any demon sent to throw flaming darts at me in The Name of JESUS.


- LORD, I want to bind and cast down into the pit of hell for all eternity any demon, foul spirit, unclean spirit, or enemy [within this room, house, car, hotel, around myself, etc...] in The HOLY MIGHTY NAME of YAHUSHUA.


- LORD, I want to cover [this room, house, car, hotel, myself, etc...] with the precious warm powerful blood of YAHUSHUA.


- LORD, I want to protect the area of [this room, house, car, hotel, around myself, etc...] by the Authority and Power of the HOLY MIGHTY NAME OF YAHUSHUA.


- LORD, I pray in the Name of JESUS, that you cover me completely with the precious warm blood of JESUS.


- LORD, I pray in the Name of JESUS, that you place a double hedge of protection around me.


- LORD, I pray in the name of JESUS, that you send YOUR mighty angel army to protect me.


Casting Down Imaginations: [when a thought comes into your mind that doesn't belong there, this is a pray that will help alleviate it; as you say this pray on a regular basis you help protect yourself from these intrusive

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