American library books Β» Religion Β» 2017.04.02 - The Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the Saint devout Mary, the Egyptian by Lord Jesus (general ebook reader .txt) πŸ“•

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2017.04.02 - The Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the Saint devout Mary, the Egyptian

The Word of God[1] on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the Saint devout Mary, the Egyptian[2]



Oh, if I did not miss it, if I did not have My Spirit always, always aggrieved, then I would no longer come as word on earth and I would no longer become so much word, such a river of word with which I speak to man. I have lost man from eternity even from My beginning with him, I have lost him, and I miss what I have lost and I have deeply suffered from it.


I am the Son of God, the Father, and I came on earth two thousand years ago, and those on earth knew Me by the name Jesus Christ. I came into the womb of a Virgin to grow up for My birth and I was born a baby, as every men has been born for seven thousand years and more, (In 1992 there were 7500 years, - see all "The Word of God", r.n.) and then I grew up little by little, from being a child to a grown up man as I am before the Father even before eternity, born of the Father. In heaven God’s name is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and when I came on earth two thousand years ago, I told My disciples the whole name of God, and I told them to put under this name all those who would believe in Me by My preaching and get baptized for the kingdom of God brought with Me from the Father on earth, and which I preached that it had already come.


Oh, it is a day of holy memorial and the saints are in a celebration of love and birth from above for the devout Mary, the Egyptian, a feast day set by the holy fathers of My church to be remembered in Christianity so that the Christians may understand from the example of her life and to understand well what love means, God’s love, not the love for the people. When this saint saw how much she had damaged love and the gifts of the love woke up from her deep sleep, in which she was driven only by sins and lustful desires and then she found the way of love and cried for it all the time when she lived on earth, for she saw within her spirit how much she had lost from her life through her deep and long sleep and she saw how hard she had hurt love, how much she had stained it for herself, and this being cried having been nourished with sin for many years in which she could be awake and alive, oh, she cried when she saw how long she had been eating the spirit of death which touched the man in paradise and drew him to death, and it has drawn the man even from his beginning in paradise.


Then I advised this woman through the saints and angels when she woke up from her sleep of sin and found the whole mystery of life and she worked and saw with the spirit how much death she had sowed on earth among people years in a row through the spirit in her, the spirit of fornication, from which the saints and the angels flee, and they flee because of the cleanness and their holiness, which is dedicated to the Lord for His glory.


Oh, how much feast there was in the heart of the wilderness always, always, after this woman had turned back to love, to the holiness for God! The saints and the angels were serving God near her and filling her with love and holy tears and with burning longing, full of repentance and pain for God, and with these she was wiping out all her sins and everywhere she had sinned in her body and spirit, and then she rose with her body above the earth like the saints, like God’s angels, like one who passed from body into spirit, and she loved, she loved with love and remained up to her earthly end in her first love always fresh, always with burning longing, for love hurts and sufferance keeps it awake, burning like fire, and behold, the mystery of love is the pain for it and which always cries: I miss you!


Then this human being loved Me far beyond anything on earth, and she was the one who knew fully the flames of hell in her human body, and then, having come out to refreshment and full of wounds served to the love for God, the One Who made the heaven, the earth and the man.


Oh, behold what is needed for man to love on earth when he is born, or when he comes to life from sin dedicating himself to God! Oh, behold the work of the holy fathers, who set in the time of the Lent a holy example of the love of God, the memorial of the love of God of Mary, the Egyptian, the example that works over the Christian people to put him on the way of the love of God and saints, and thus man does no longer have to persevere for sin by the human weakness and which separates man from God and God from man! (See the selection topic: β€žWhat defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?”, r.n.)


Sin allures man to sin and it becomes sweet in order to draw the man to it. Oh, in the same way I draw the man to Me and I become sweet for him when I ask him in marriage for Me to save him from the lie of the sin and to draw him to holiness, and if he falls after that from this love, from his first love, then I, the Lord, call him back to it, I call him and I say to him: Come back to your first love so that you may no longer remain lost. Oh, this is what I tell him, even if he does no longer turn back, I still tell him this: Come back!


Oh, every sinful man sees that sin is deception, temporariness, for which he always pays with his life little by little, and when I search him and show him the way of love, then his soul is adorned and then he goes back to his beginning within God, and any beginning which adorns your soul is beautiful, it is comforting and gives you power to work, to have and give to the One Who gives to you, and I, the Lord, bring to enchantment the one who wants to ask him in marriage for Me, for otherwise man cannot come, cannot see, cannot feel, and he has no power to come to My love in him so that I may be able to work through it in him with My will after that, to his redemption from sin.


Oh, any beginning is beautiful when is with God, and that is why he has to come back to this beginning, the one who loses this beauty for another, which tries to throw down that with which the beauty with God started in man and which enchants the man when he is born from God.


Oh, this woman is only love and longing among those in heaven, this woman who sanctified herself completely, after the heavenly Spirit had hallowed her heart and then her whole body up to her earthly end. This little heart of her spirit is only love and longing and it is lying down as word near Me into the today’s book of My word on earth. Oh, may My speaking and hers be blessed over My church of New Jerusalem on the hearth of the Romanian people on this day of love from which may take all those who are nourished on earth with My food here, My word, God’s word. Amen.


β€” In the end, as in the beginning, Son Lord of the Father, You are the Word, God’s Word. In the time when I was sanctifying myself for You in the heart of the wilderness, Your love showed Me this great time of Yours and everything it was going to have significance over the earth, over the people and over everything Your coming in the word would bring forth, and my spirit was only longing for this time, and here we are with it and in it, and we, those in heaven, value it being chained in love and longing, in the flame of longing, Lord, for our view is heavenly and not fleshly, and Your today’s beauty cannot be comprised within words, but only by the view, Lord, only for those who see this beauty and Your today’s lands, in which You have set Your new country, which is so little for the mind and view of a man, but as large as You are with the heavenly armies together, as large as the heaven and the earth, this little Romania, all in its midst, for You have room here with the whole heavenly suite, with all of Your mystery, Lord, and You prepare here the happiness for those who are faithful, and for those who are to believe from now on in Your coming of today on earth, (See the selection topic: β€žRomania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.) and the faithful ones, for whom You prepare such a heavenly delight on earth, oh, these need to have faith like Your saints, who by their faith have earned Your promises for the faithful and holy ones with their faith and its works, even if for a little while they were among the sinful on earth, just as I was, but with high ranks among those who live in sin and for sin, until You changed my way and drew me to the things in heaven with my heart and the things in it, which tormented me so much by that time.


Oh, the man who perseveres in sin has no profit from the sin. An abortion is happier, happier than the one who is born and then has no share in the kingdom of the heavens. You put man on earth when You took him out of paradise, after he had committed by disobedience, and because You took him out and set him on earth, You put him on a battle field to fight for what he had lost and to keep on fighting lest he may become lazy or be born and get to hell. This would be to happen all the time in the man’s life: to fight moment by moment according to the heavenly laws against satan, who was born out of man’s disobedience to God.


Oh, I took my sinful body and carried it to the wilderness, beyond the land of the people, and I made the wilderness into a church of the saints, and the saints and angels served with me when they saw the flame of my longing and my new love, in which You were burning fully, after I had left the world and loved only You, and with such great love I cried over those I had caught by my feeling full of sin against me and against them in my time on the men’s earth, and then the new earth became for me the wilderness where I went by my running from sin and from people to be able to put an end to my weakness for sin. A man

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