The Rosicrucian Mysteries by Max Heindel (best books to read for knowledge txt) π

Excerpt from the book:
r, for the awakening of the latent powers in man, so that all may be guided safely through the danger-zone and be as well fitted as possible to use these new faculties. Effort is made to blend the love without which Paul declared a knowledge of all mysteries worthless, with a mystic knowledge rooted and grounded in love, so that the pupils of this school may become living exponents of this blended soul-science of the Western Wisdom School, and gradually educate humanity at large in the virtues necessary to make the possession of higher powers safe.
Pages 19 to 26 inclusive, describing Mt. Ecclesia, have been transferred to the back of the book. (Transcriber's Note: They are pages 191 through 200.)
Among all the vicissitudes of life, which vary in each individual's experience, there is one event which so
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Read book online Β«The Rosicrucian Mysteries by Max Heindel (best books to read for knowledge txt) πΒ». Author - Max Heindel
Spirit, threefold (ego) abandons vital body in sleep, 138;
absorbs solar ray, 124;
destined to become creative intelligence, 103;
disembodied, relief of, at leaving body, 161;
distinguished from soul, 134;
drawn to rebirth by desire for experience, 182;
earth-bound, condition of, 144;
encrusted in mind stuff, 101;
free will of, 184;
freedom of, in choosing environment, 183;
has seat in forehead, 124;
immortality of, 39;
improvement in vehicles of, 185;
individualization of, in childhood, 196;
instructed in building archetype, 184;
many earth lives of, 183;
no limitations possible for, 104;
sowing and reaping of, 104;
sufferings of, in purgatory, 163;
uncreate and eternal, 39;
various human relations of, 183;
works with archetypes, 103, 180.
Spirits, planetary, see Planetary Spirits.
Spiritual investigations, 63.
Spiritual powers, see Powers, spiritual.
Spiritual sight, see Sight, spiritual.
Spiritual thought, spinal nerves developed by, 125.
Spirituality followed by materialism, 7.
[pg 224]
Spleen, entrance for solar forces, 123;
transmutation for solar energy in, 123.
Stellar ray, absorption of, by brain and spinal cord, 124;
animals incapable of absorbing, 124;
induces morality, 123, 190;
threefold nature of, 124.
Stimulants, effects of, upon dying, 152.
Storms caused by nature spirits, 71.
Sub-conscious memory, basis of future life, 156;
consciously utilized, 161;
in seed atom, 155;
retentiveness of, 154.
Suicide, sufferings of, 174.
Sun, movements of, 94.
Superman, evolution of man into, 53.
Survival after death, established by scientists, 35.
Sylphs, spirits of mists, 70.
Tears, white bleeding, 130.
Temptation, repetition of, 174.
Theological theory of life, 36-39.
Third Heaven, few have consciousness in, 182;
in Region of Abstract Thought, 116, 182;
inspiration of philanthropist, 182;
place of awaiting rebirth, 182;
source of inventor's inspiration, 182.
Thompson, J. J., discovery of electron by, 107.
Thought, objects of physical world, crystallized, 97, 131;
result of union, idea and mind stuff, 113.
Thought, world of, earth's finest vehicle, 55;
home of spirit, 58;
knowledge gained in, 100;
makes man's thought possible, 57;
realm of tone, 180;
[pg 225]
spirit's work in, 180;
time non-existent in, 101;
tonal vision pertaining to, 67.
Thought, World of, Region of Abstract Thought, abstract verities of, 106;
Third Heaven in, 116.
Thought, World of, Region of Concrete Thought, acme of reality, 97;
mind built in, 185;
physical world replica of, 97;
Second Heaven, 116.
Thymus Gland, function of, 196.
Time, end of, 112;
relatively non-existent in higher worlds, 92.
Tobacco, fumes of, disembodied work through, 166.
Trance, caused by flight of spirit, 140;
kinds of, 140.
Truth, freedom by, 114;
self-evident in higher worlds, 114.
Undines, spirits of water, 70.
Vehicles, improvements in, 185.
Veil of Isis, 134.
Vibration, external, transferred to blood, 37;
universality of, 36.
Vital body, born at seventh year, 195;
collapse of, in sleep, 138;
composed of ether, 122;
connected with spleen, 123;
disintegration of, stops life panorama, 157;
extends beyond dense vehicle, 123;
in sickness lacks solar rays, 128;
in third stage of evolution, 131;
nourishes dense body, 129;
[pg 226]
photographed by scientists, 129;
polarity of, 129;
propagation by, 121;
recuperative work of, 138;
second vehicle acquired by man, 186;
separation of ethers of, 137;
war with desire body, 138;
well organized state of, 130.
Vital Fluid, see Solar fluid.
Voice of the Silence,
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