The Rosicrucian Mysteries by Max Heindel (best books to read for knowledge txt) π

Pages 19 to 26 inclusive, describing Mt. Ecclesia, have been transferred to the back of the book. (Transcriber's Note: They are pages 191 through 200.)
Among all the vicissitudes of life, which vary in each individual's experience, there is one event which so
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Read book online Β«The Rosicrucian Mysteries by Max Heindel (best books to read for knowledge txt) πΒ». Author - Max Heindel
Rays From the Rose Cross
The American Mystic Monthly
A Monthly Magazine of Mystic Light devoted to philosophy, occultism, mystic masonry, astrology, and healing.
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The Rosicrucian Fellowship,
Mt. Ecclesia
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Correspondence Courses
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The Rosicrucian Fellowship,
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Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception
By Max Heindel
Eighth Edition With New 70 Page Index
This book gives a complete outline of the Western Wisdom Teaching as far as it may be made public at the present time. The Rosicrucian Brotherhood from time to time gives out occult teachings to the public in such a manner that their expression conforms to the intellectual development of the times. This is the latest of their communications.
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By Max Heindel
The Occult Effect of Our Emotions
PrayerβA Magic Invocation
Practical Methods of Achieving Success
This book is based on personal occult investigations by the author, in which he uncovered many of the inner laws governing man's hidden springs of action.
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Freemasonry and Catholicism
By Max Heindel
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