American library books Β» Romance Β» love or leave by TanayBooks (ebook reader color screen TXT) πŸ“•

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In Califorina where there was a girl with long curly black hair and she was seventeen years old. Her name is Chrissy Gordon. She is very popular at her high school Jefferson High. She gets good grades shes a cheerleader and she has a football player as a boyfriend.

starting from Chrissy's locker
Hey Lanessa, Chrissy says
Hey girl do you got your notes from english and science. Lanessa
yeah here you go. Chrissy
thanks ill give them back tomorrow. Lanessa
okay. Chrissy
Lanessa walks away and Chrissy is standing at her locker looking through her purse for eyeliner until Rashawn sneaks up on her.
Chrissy screams and drop her purse
Rashawn you jerk ! Chrissy
I'm sorry baby i didnt mean to scare you. Rashawn
Yeah watever. Chrissy
Why you always got an attittude reserved for me. Rashawn
I don't know. Chrissy
Well you better figure it out. Rashawn
Actually thats why. Chrissy
What? Rashawn
You got a smart mouth. Chrissy
Oh sorry. Rashawn
Yeah so are you going to drive me home. Chrissy
Ummmm. Rashawn
I guess i'll ask someone else then. Chrissy
No i'll drive you home, and plus why you ask you know i always drive you home.
Well you gave somebody a ride home yesterday.Do you need me to remind you who it was. Chrissy.
What she asked for a ride home and i called you and waited for you to get out your class but you never came so i took her home then i went home and called you and you aint answer. Rashawn.
Lets leave now. Rashawn
And go where. Chrissy
To get some icecream. Rashawn
Ok. Chrissy.
They leave school and go get some icecream then they go to Chrissy's house.
What up Rashawn. Chrissy's older brother
Wassup Lamar.Rashawn.
Bye Rashawn. Chrissy
Dang i can't stay for a couple of hours. Rashawn
No. Chrissy.
Well can i have a kiss atleast. Rashawn
Chrissy gives him a kiss on the cheek.
That wasn't the kiss that i was hoping for but okay, see you later. Rashawn
Why you home so early? Lamar
I got out ten minutes early from my classes. Chrissy.
Ohhhhh well i'll be back i'm going to Shanell's house. Lamar
You going to leave me alone? Chrissy
Yeah sorry bye. Lamar.
Oh wow i'ma call Rashawn. Chrissy.
Chrissy calls Rashawn
Where you at? Chrissy
Down the street. Rashawn.
Turn back around. Chrissy
Why? Rashawn.
So you can spend some time with me.Chrissy
Ok. Rashawn.
three minutes later there's a knock on the door.
Hey Shawn. Chrissy
So you couldn't resist me huh? Rashawn.
Hahaha my brother left me here alone so i called you to keep me company. Chrissy.
Oh so i'm your second choice. Rashawn.
Kind of. Chrissy.
Oh dats cold, real cold. You always my first choice. Rashawn
I wasn't your first choice yesterday now was i? Chrissy.
Are you still on that. How many times do i have to explain nothing happend you can even ask her and she'll tell you the truth. Rashawn.
I bet she will tell the truth. Chrissy.
And what is that suppose to mean.Rashawn.
Excalty how it sounds, you know what i don't even care i believe you ok. Chrissy
Good now lets watch a moive and eat popcorn. Rashawn.
I'll make the popcorn. Chrissy.
I guess i'll pick a moive. Rashawn.
Don't pick a dumb moive. Chrissy.
How bout a scary moive? Rashawn.
Ok. Chrissy
They watch a scary moive and eat popcorn then it starts getting dark.
That was a good moive. Rashawn.
Yeah. Chrissy.
Well i guess i should get home see you tomorrow. Rashawn.
Ok. Chrissy gives Rashawn a kiss and a hug.
Chrissy's brother comes back.
Did you have fun? Chrissy.
Yeah did you? Lamar
Yeah we watched a moive. Chrissy
Oh cool we went to get some pizza. Lamar
That sounds real fun. Chrissy
Well goodnight. Chrissy

The next day
Wake up Chrissy! Lamar
What its saturday. Chrissy
Rashawn is here. Lamar
Tell him to come up. Chrissy
Get dressed girl. Rashawn.
Ugh shhh i'm tired. Chrissy.
Were going to the mall, but if your tired then we don't have to go. Rashawn
What i'll get dressed give me thirty minutes. Chrissy.
Thirty minutes later Chrissy comes out the bathroom dressed and ready to go.
Ready. Chrissy.
Okay lets go. Rashawn.
It takes them twenty minutes to get to the mall. Soon as Rashawn pulled in a parking spot Chrissy hopped out of the car.
Dang slow down. Rashawn.
Come on. Chrissy.
When they get in the mall Chrissy drags Rashawn to Papaya.
I'm going to try this on stay here. Chrissy
Hey. A girl.
Hey. Rashawn.
Whats your name? The girl
Oh my name is Karen.
Oh nice to meet you Karen. Rashawn.
Rashawn? Chrissy.
Yeah. Rashawn
How does this look on me. Chrisssy
It looks good on you. Rashawn says kissing Chrissy on the lips so that Karen can see that he has a girlfriend.
So this must mean that you have a girlfriend? Karen.
Yeahh. Rashawn.
Who's she? Chrissy
This girl I met when you was in the dressing room, but she said hi to me first i had to be nice and say hi back.Rashawn.
She looks atleast thirteen. Chrissy says laughing.
I know thats what i was thinking to.Rashawn.
Well i'm going to buy this shirt. Chrissy
I'll buy it for you bae. Rashawn
Aww thanks, oh and i want these earrings. Chrissy
Ohkay. Rashawn.
Rashawn goes to pay for the shirt and earrings then he sees this ring and neckless that would look good on Chrissy so he brought it for her.
Here. Rashawn.
Thanks Chrissy says giving him a kiss.
Look inside for two other things.Rashawn.
What? Chrissy
Look inside the bag. Rashawn.
Chrissy looks inside the bag and sees a ring and a neckless.
Rashawn! Chrissy squealed.
Yeah i know, you like it huh? Rashawn
I love it. Chrissy.
Now what are you going to give me? Rashawn.
I'll buy you something out of a store. Chrissy
No, thats not what i'm talking about. Rashawn
Then what do you want? Rashawn.
You know.Rashawn.
Chrissy hit Rashawn in the stomach and says that she isn't going to have sex with him just beacause he brought her stuff.
Well ok gosh you aint have to hit me. Rashawn.
Yeah i did need to hit you cuz you need some sense in you head. Chrissy.
We haven't had sex yet whats up with that? Rashawn.
I'm not ready. Chrissy
When will you be ready? Rashawn
Can we just drop this conversation? Chrissy
Yeah for now. Rashawn.
Do you love me? Chrissy
Yes i love you boo.Rashawn
Then wait. Chrissy
I've been wating for atleast four years now were seventeen. Do you want to wait untill were thirty? Rashawn.
Thats not a bad idea. Lets wait untill were thirty. Chrissy
Wait no i was kidding. Rashawn
Well don't say dumb stuff then. Chrissy
I'm tired of waiting and i'm tired of you pushing back the subject. Rashawn
Then how about you go find a girl that will have sex with you since you can't wait any longer and your tired of me pushing back the subject. and the reason that i won't have sex with you now is because i'm trying to see if your the one for me and if you can wait. Chrissy
Chrissy come you know i am the one for you and you know i wouldn't leave you and you know i aint mean it that way. Rashawn
Yeah. Chrissy
Rashawn holds Chrissy around her shoulders. A couple of minutes later two teenagers that look like thier eigthteen looks at Chrissy and smiles. Chrissy smiles back at them.
She's celibate.Rashawn tells the two boys and they walk away with weird expressions on thier face.
Why you tell them that for you jerk. Chrissy says with an angry voice.
Did you see the way they were looking at you? Rashawn.
They were looking at me like they would look at anyone.Chrissy
Yeah if it was a girl they wanted to get in bed with them. Rashwan
Your just so impossible.Chrissy
So are you,you were staring at them like you wanted to get in thier bed and i'm standing right here holding you in my arms while your staring at them and were not even having sex and i've known you since ninth grade now come on! Rashawn
Ok that's how you feel then its over i'll find a way home and heres the stuff you brought me and don't even think about calling me.Chrissy
Ugh Chrissy come on i'm sorry all my anger was bottled up and i just exploded.
I don't care you said what you had to say and now i know how you feel.Chrissy said walking away
Rashawn walks fast behind her.
Wait Chrissy i'll drive you home please i don't want you to get hurt or ride with a stranger. Rashawn
Well you should of thought about that before you exploded. Chrissy
Rashawn grabs Chrissy by the arm and lead her to his car then he puts her inside and he gets in then he starts the car.
I don't want you taking me anywhere Rashwan let me out.Chrissy
Calm down i love you and i didn't mean to hurt you please don't break up with me i need you please i'm begging you i never begged a girl to take me back ever and now im begging you soo please i'll do anything i'll wait another year if you want me too just don't leave me. Rashawn
Ok Rashawn ok. Chrissy
Rashawn leans over and kisses Chrissy
Pull over there. Chrissy
Why? Rashawn
Just pull over there.Chrissy
Rashawn pulls in a vacant parking lot.When he stops the car Chrissy pulls him in the back seat and takes off her shirt then she takes off his shirt.
Woah Chrissy.Rashawn
What isn't this what you want? Chrissy
Yeah but i don't have a rubber. Rashawn
So. Chrissy says when she pulls off Rashawns pants and he pulls off her shorts and panties then her unsnaps her bra and she takes off his boxers.
This isn't how you imagined you first time is it? Rashawn.
No but if it makes you happy then ok. Chrissy.
We don't have to do this right now if your not ready.Rashawn
Were already naked so lets just do it. Chrissy
Six hours later.
Are you sure you were a virgin before i met you. Rashawn
Yeah im sure. Chrissy says laughing
Man i'm all tired and stuff.Rashawn
I'll drive if you want. Chrissy
No what i want is some more candy.Rashawn
Not right now. Chrissy said rubbing Rashawn's leg
Rashawn leaned over and kissed Chrissy's neck because he knew that was her favorite spot.
Mmmm. Chrissy
Feel good don't it. Rashawn whispered in her ear.
Chrissy and Rashawn went in the back seat for three more hours. When they got home it was around twelve at night..
Where have you been little girl! Lamar
Umm we went out to eat after we went to the mall. Chrissy
Girl where have you been? Lamar
I just told you Lamar. Chrissy
You better not be lieing to me. Lamar
Why would i lie to you.Chrissy
I'll see you tomorrow. Rashawn
You can stay over if you want.Chrissy
Chrissy and Rashawn go upstairs. Rashawn takes off his pants and shirt.
What are you doing? Chrissy
This is what i wear to bed. Rashawn
I mean why your on my bed. Chrissy
What, then where am i sleeping? Rashawn
On the floor.Chrissy
What after

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