American library books Β» Romance Β» Vampire From Jupiter by Purpledays (best classic books txt) πŸ“•

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Chapter 1: Tara & Kyle (Kyannna)

Vampire From Jupiter pt.1 by PurpleDays

Chapter 1
It has always been for this way for Tara Rolusia, Rolusia meant, "Unknown" in Jupitanian. She always was beautiful, bright and cared about others feelings. She was also very flattered of the boys in her high school, at Jovian High, who would always manage a way to flirt with her. Tara would often blush but never smile. She always wanted to see a different boy. Some one who wasn't normal, but different in a good way. Tara always longed for a guy who was smart, funny, and always kept her on her feet. Tara lived in a beautiful illusion house made of glass and crystal. The glass was colored in rainbow swirls, and crystal glowed from the thin atmosphere of Jupiter. Tara was sitting on the Jupiter's rings with her sister, Kyle.They were drawing the moons of Jupiter. Tara had ivy blue eyes, rich dark brown hair, which was almost black, and nice face almost heart shaped. Kyle had the same features, except her head was more almond the heart shaped and her eyes where a deep sapphire then ivy. Tara gazed at the moon. "Kyle, look! A shooting star is coming! Remember what Mama said about shooting stars?" she inquired. Kyle leaned forward. She smiled. " I remember.... She said every time we saw a shooting star God is answering our prayers that are coming true." She leaned back softly on the rings Tara stared at the star shooting. She made a wish, a deep, dark wish. She heard Kyle waves intercepting in her thoughts. Since they were vampires, they can here and feel their emotions. The rest of Tara's siblings had different powers. Tara looked at Kyle. " Did you ever wonder why your so beautiful Kyle?" She said softly. Kyle turned back on the brown rings. " No. I know why i'm beautiful. Because i have my own beauty, everyone does. People who have a beautiful figure but a nasty personality is very ugly." she advised. Kyle was 17 years old and always gave her sister advice about her personal questions. Tara was 15 and loved when her sister answered her questions. " But at school, I feel like a some kind of bait for the guys to come crawling on me..." she stopped her sentence and started to draw more of the moon's. She drew Europa, her favorite moon. Kyle flew off the rings. " C'mon Tara, Sean is going to catch us any minute if we don't back to the house." She quickly as she grabbed and flew away with Tara's hand. They flew behind the back porch. Kyle was very rebellious and didn't even let Sean catch her while she's snooping around prohibited areas. Kyle and Tara sneaked through the back garage into their way of the living room. The furniture stayed down, while they were still floating. Tara dashed quickly as possible trying to sit on the couch, and pretended nothing happen. Kyle sprawled on the in the mid air trying to get comfortable. Sean came in and was not with his sisters. Sean was a little scrawny but very strong and had yellow eyes that shimmered in the light. He was wearing black shirt with hoodie in the back. He was 19 years old and was charged of them and there 3 other siblings. " Where were you guys? You've missed the family meeting!" He shouted in fury. Kyle went up to him with bored look on her face. " Stop being a hover parent. We just on the rings." "The Rings?! You the rings near the moons?" He question her with anger. She rolled her eyes. " I told you guys to stay away from the moons long time ago!” β€œ You said the moons not the rings, genius.” she muttered. He exasperated. β€œThat’s I had it. You two are grounded! For going to moons.” he said. Tara finally joined conversation and said,” Sean you never said anything about going to rings. Besides there is a barrier block the moons.” included. Sean was very annoyed. β€œ You’re grounded regardless for being near the moons. You those things are very dangerous, and I don’t want guys to get hurt. You guys are doing kitchen duty for this weekend.”

Chapter 2: Family Matters

Chapter 2
Kyle ran up to Sean. β€œThis isn't fair! You said the moon. Not the rings!” She shouted abruptly . Sean didn't answer her. Kyle demanded answers. β€œSean are you even listening to me!”. He stopped and gave her a cold look. β€œ Listen to you! Really? You don’t even come to the family meetings, and you have the nerve to tell to listen to you?” He said bitterly. Kyle grimaced at as if she was insulted. " Yes you do! I'm almost 18 years old and you're treating us like children! I'm clearly almost an adult!" she snapped as her voice started to raise. Her eyes turned a deep bloody purple. Sean sighed, " You're 17 clearly not an adult and This conversation is over!" He exclaimed as he walked to his room. Kyle was infuriated. " You know what FINE! I won't go because of my hover lame brother!" She bellowed ad slammed her room door. Tara say the tears come Kyle's eyes. She her was sensitive at certain point. Tara sulked in mid air laying down. Why does Sean do this?

she thought. One minute he's saying one thing we can't do and know he's punishing us for something he did even clarify.

Her brother Joshua came up to her. "Hey squirt!" he noogied her. She arm slammed him. He got up limping. " What was that for?" He cried.
She ignored and flew away to her room and locked the door. She went to her white drawer and grabbed her mother's letter from 7 years ago. She looked at it,


Dear, Taralice Alluna Roulusia

Hi, I know its been a while since I wrote you back. How are you? You've seen my Jallaion pictures? I've bet you had. I miss you sweetie. Mommy is going to be gone for a a little bit, Just until you 16. I'm going write when ever I get the chance. Tell Kyanna,Joshua,Cameron,Mina,and Sean that i love you guys soooo much. And Tell your Dad too.

Your Adoring Mother

Tara started to shed tears. She cried every time she read the letter. She always wanted her mother come back to them and be with them like in the old memories. Their Dad had told them there mother was missing and went on search to find her. That made it even worse for Tara. That's why Sean was always so up tight, He had his father wise spirit and strong heart. Sean would even stay in the room and cry about their parents being gone a young age. Tara was determine her mother was coming back just like she said in the letter.

At School, Tara saw her very best friends. She saw Sapphire Letttino. Lettino meant "glowing star" Sapphire had brunette hair, Pulsing emerald green eyes, and a beautiful oval shaped face with a nice sorta average body figure. She was wearing a shirt dress with a dark blu jeans. Derrick Rosella was her other best friend.Rosella meant "gentleman" He was incredibly handsome and always standed by Tara's side He always had a crush on her. So did Tara but she always kept her mind very vague. She hugged them both very tight. They all had warm embrace when they hug even though there cold blooded. They all went to building A. Sapphire got her back from her locker and looked confused. " My lips gone" she whimpered. Tara and Derrick rolled their eyes. They knew all about Sapphire lip gloss obsession. She grabbed an extra lip gloss from pocket and glossed her lips. Derrick had smug on his face. Tara looked in suspicion,
" Why are you smiling?" She asked raising her eye brow
" Red Eye Lake."
" Derrick that place is always reserved for rich people."
" I know Sapphire, but not today, after that storm last week the lake is nice and cool. C'mon what do you say? How 'bout it?z" He said putting his hand out. Sapphire cheerfully putted her hand out. Tara stared at them and sinked into her locker. " I can't go I'm grounded..." She said quietly. Derrick looked confused. So did Sapphire. " But you're grounded on the weekend are you?" She asked. Tara got up and stared at her. Sapphire fidgeted back. Derrick looked at her " But its's a Friday---" " Derrick... please, not this time." she said softly. He nodded. Tara turned away. Sapphire read Tara thoughts. " I didn't mean to hurt him...

Sapphire smiled and chuckled. Tara and Derrick turned back.
" Whats so funny?" Tara said smiling.
"Nothing." She chirped while wrapping her arms around her friends as they were walking to their next class.

Sean was on his laptop floating doing a history report. He could type 49 words a minute. he was already on his 1690th word. His girlfriend, Giesha Moon She was just getting out the shower and started to go in the changing in the other room. She had blue eyes,black hair and She was very beautiful. She had a scrawny figure and a little bit of hip. She had tank top on with black shorts. She saw Sean.She flew over the bed and wrapped her arms around to get his attention. He turned back and saw her and smiled " What are you doing?" he asked smiling. " What I can't kiss my boy friend?" She sitting on his lap and lean in for the kiss. Her lips softy touched his and as began to holding her, pulling he forward as she grabs his face. She stopped him slowly. She ruffled his hair and smiled as she saw his laptop."Who are you doing?" she asked. He looked at her while typing. "I'm doing a history report on Harriet Tubman for Black History Month." He replied. She looked at the screen. " Sean, Kyle talked to me today. She said were being unfair to her and Tara. Would you like to say anything to them?" She said looking suspicious. Sean didn't turn back from the screen. He continued typing. She waited for an answer. "Hello? " "I have nothing to say to her. Really I don't have time for it." He snapped. Giesha rolled her eyes. She got up from his lap. He looked at get. " Where are you going? " he asked. " Taking a nap. I thought

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