American library books Β» Romance Β» Highschool Lovers by Sarah Daniels (reading cloud ebooks txt) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Highschool Lovers by Sarah Daniels (reading cloud ebooks txt) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Sarah Daniels

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Chapter 1

Shizuma's POV


"Good morning Nagisa" I called to my girlfriend waiting for me by the doors of the dining room "morning Shizuma-Sama" she said blushing as I came up to her, wrapping my arm around her waist and placing two fingers under her chin I tilted her face upwards, giving her a soft kiss on the lips I chuckled as she stammered whether we could go get breakfast "yes my darling Nagisa" I said allowing myself to be pulled over to where her best friend Tamao Suzumi was sitting with her hands folded in her lap "good morning Tamao-Chan" I said politely figuring I could be nice to her for Nagisa sake I glanced over a the younger pink haired girl who was cautiously looking between me and the bluenette who still had yet to say good morning to me and Nagisa I touched her shoulder and as expected she jumped and stared wide eyed at Nagisa and I "oh good morning Nagisa-Chan, good morning Shizuma" she said politely nodding at us both before glancing down at mine and Nagisa's hands which had a some point intertwined with each other "will you be joining us for breakfast Shizuma" Tamao said turning back to my face "yes I will be if you and Nagisa don't mind" I said glancing at my younger girlfriend who was now happily bouncing on the spot begging with her eyes for Tamao to say yes "very well then I hope you enjoy Shizuma" Tamao said caving to Nagisa "thank you Tamao-Chan" she said hugging her Nagisa sat down next to Tamao leaving me to sit the other side of Nagisa. I jumped a little when Nagisa suddenly held onto my hand and pulled them above the table I smiled slightly and curled my fingers through hers causing her to look over at me and smile before turning and speaking to Tamao about some thing 'I'm going to invite Nagisa along this summer break to meet my family now that we're dating and she can bring a friend along as well even though I already know who she is going to invite to come along' I thought to myself smiling"-do you think Shizuma-Sama" I heard Nagisa say as both girls turned to me "eto..." I said blushing a looking down into my lap "well I kind of didn't hear anything either of you said" I commented sheepishly "Shizuma-Sama" Nagisa groaned but thankfully before either of them could say anything else Hikari and Amane came in and everyone was quiet with their hands folded together in front of their hearts and their eyes closed while Hikari and Amane said the Etolie prayers afterwards everyone began eating "finally i'm starving" Nagisa said "you are always hungry darling" I said as I picked up a small piece of toast and began eating "so what a girl needs her strength for all those classes" she shot back "for someone who is so starving you sure are talking a lot Nagisa" I said smiling when she closed her mouth and then began eating quietly.


Later that day Nagisa and I were out by the lake I was sitting on the ground with my legs tucked up underneath me while Nagisa was laying down with her head on my lap playing with a few strands of my silver hair "Nagisa may I ask you a question" I asked looking down at her "I believe you just did Shizuma-Sama" she said trying not to laugh I sighed and thought 'I'm not going to be able to talk sensibly about anything with her while she's in this playful mood never mind ask her anything' so instead I settled for pulling her up so she was sitting up in my lap and I kissed her I felt her giggle against my lips "someone is in a naughty mood are they?" she asked still giggling "yes I am and someone else seems to be in a cheeky mood" I playfully growled moving us so as Nagisa was laying on the ground and I was kneeling above her pinning her hands either side of her head "yep" she said popping the 'p' before adding "what are you going to do about it you can't punish me out here in the open" smirking I said "you're right I can't out here so that's why we're going back to my room" "what makes you think i'll go willingly" she said blushing deeply "because I know you want me" I whispered in her ear causing her to moan a bit and stammer out "b-b-but -i-it's almost t-time for my next class Shizuma-Sama" "I know, did you want to know my question now Nagisa?" I asked she nodded "I wanted to know if you would be willing to go away with me for a little bit this break you could even bring Tamao along" I said "thank you so much Shizuma-Sama" she said hugging me tightly and knocking me off balance I put my arms around her waist and rolled us over before I landed on top of her but unfortunately I rolled us the wrong way and we ended up in the lake "SHIZUMA" my girlfriend yelled as we came above the surface and after that I promptly closed my eyes and went back underwater for a few minutes I heard Nagisa yelling my name again but this time she sounded more frantic "Yaya-Chan I can't find Shizuma" I heard her say but she sounded like she was also crying "i'm right here Nagisa darling" I said as I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around trying to calm her down "don't EVER do that again BAKA I thought you'd drowned Shizuma I don't know what I'd do without you BAKA!" she yelled before running off "NAGISA WAIT" I tried yelling after her but she was already gone I kicked my shoes off and began running in the direction that I had seen her go.


After about 4 hours of searching I still couldn't find her so now I was sitting back in my room by the window with a blanket wrapped around me much to the insistence of Tamao and Miyuki.



Flashback starts


"You need to warm up you've been running around wet for the past 4 hours" Miyuki said to me as I stood near my window constantly looking around for any sign of Nagisa coming back "no I don't want to why should I get comfort when Nagisa is out there probably freezing cold right now" I said shaking my head defiantly I heard a sigh and then my bedroom door open and close "any luck" I heard Tamao say "no she keeps refusing unless she knows that Aoi-Chan will be okay and warm" Miyuki sighed again "Shizuma..." Tamao said but I didn't want to talk anymore so I just gave a quick nod of my head to show I was listening "I have two things to say to you one of them being do you think Nagisa-Chan would rather come back to a sick girlfriend or one that is still healthy and can look after her because I sure that Nagisa-Chan would want you too be the one to look after her rather than anyone else and two why did Nagisa-Chan run off in the first place?" she asked concerned "fine then" I said bringing the chair that was at my desk over to the window and then grabbing the blanket off my bed and wrapped it around myself, sitting down on the chair I stared out the window again.


Flashback ends


"I don't think you're going to get a answer Tamao" Miyuki said "I don't think so either Miyuki" Tamao said quietly "it was an accident I didn't look when I flipped us over so as I wouldn't land on top of Nagisa so we ended up in the lake and then she shouted my name in a way that I knew meant trouble so I went back underwater for a bit too long obviously and she got scared when I heard her crying I came up and swam back to shore when I got back up on land I tried to calm her down but she got mad and yelled at me and then ran off and well you already know the rest" I said and by the end I was crying Tamao came over and kneeled down so as she could hug me "I can't lose her Tamao I love her so much I couldn't live with myself if I lost her because of my own stupidity" I said through my tears streaming down my face "just how much do you love her Shizuma" Miyuki said coming over and placing her hand on my shoulder "I love her more than I loved Kaori Miyuki" I said confidently and I heard a gasp that didn't belong to either of the girls currently in my room instead it belonged to my girlfriend "Nagisa" I breathed as if afraid that if I said her name too loud then she might go away "Shizuma-Sama" she cried before she ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in my neck I pulled her onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her waist "i'm so sorry" we both said at the same time "it's fine Nagisa all I care about is that you're back safe" I said leaning down to capture her lips in a kiss I felt her return the kiss with just as much passion I felt a slight tug on my hair as Nagisa weaved her fingers though it something she had long since figured out I liked I brought my hand up and cupped her cheek as we both pulled away breathless she leaned her forehead against mine breathing heavily "well that was a nice welcome back" she said chuckling softly "sorry for not being back sooner Shizuma-sama I got a bit lost on the way back also sorry for yelling at you like that" she whispered "i'm also sorry for making you think the way you did I should of just come up anyway and I honestly didn't mean to make us go in the lake Nagisa" I said blushing "hey for once you're blushing and i'm not" she said turning her head so as she could kiss my palm I hadn't heard any complaints about the closeness of Nagisa and I from Tamao yet so I turned my head to see what was wrong and I seen Miyuki and Tamao passionately kissing with Tamao's hands on Miyuki's arms while Miyuki had her arms wrapped around Tamao's waist pulling her closer I looked back at Nagisa and she was looking at me through lowered lashes and a deep blush covering her cheeks "what would you say if I told you that seeing them like that was turning me on Shizuma" she murmured moving one of her hands down my chest and sitting it on my stomach lightly "I wouldn't say anything I would kiss you again" I said leaning down to once again capture my lovers lips in a deep and passionate kiss.


Miyuki's POV


I pulled away from Tamao and glanced over at Shizuma and Aoi-Chan and seen them kissing again Tamao and I laughed softly "will you spend the night in my room with me I don't think Nagisa-Chan will be leaving this room anytime tonight Miyuki?" asked my girlfriend "of course I will Tamao" I said catching her easily as she allowed herself to fall "what if one of these days I don't catch you Tamao" I said as I walked out of Shizuma's room closing the door behind us I began walking towards Tamao and Aoi-Chan's room "you will always catch me Miyuki I know you will

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