American library books Β» Romance Β» Spring Is My Name by Bethany Farner (best ereader for academics TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Spring Is My Name by Bethany Farner (best ereader for academics TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Bethany Farner

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Chapter 1: Run
I ran as fast as I could In my werewolf form. I didn't like my speed so I pushed my legs faster! I was coming to the clift and ran faster towards it. I jumped. Quickly in the air I changed backed into my naked body self. I hit the water with a very light splash for which I dove into the water. I came up and whiped my hair back. My names Spring. My eyes are green as the forest and my hair is as brown as a tree trunk. I hopped out of the water grabbing my clothes that I hid In a plastic bag that I burried in the ground. It was really nothing speacial.

Just a pair of jean comprese and a black tank top. Of course underwear and a bra as well. My hair dried quickly as I walked into town. I always took alleys instead of sidewalks for I liked how it was always creepy. I don't know if there's any more of my kind. My father abanndoned me when I was five. Yeah so great father right! Finding food and clothes is always hard to find. Food I have to say is much harder. If I wanted clothes I would steal them from donation drives. I would maybe steal an apple from and open market nothing to serious.

It was about nine in the evening when I went back to the woods. I layed on the cold dirt floor that was hidded by trees. I grabbed an old rugged blanket that I rolled up to use as a pillow instead of a blanket. It was a Spring evening so it was freezing out. My head was trying to clear itself To get ready for sleep. But I heard someone and abnormal speed. I growled. These Dang Vampires really got to me. They were making me irrated and I couldn't help myself. I stripped off my clothes since they were the only ones I had I didn't want to ruin them. I began to run towards the vampire and quickly changed into a diffrent form.

I quickly pinned the disgusted thing on the ground. I hated Vampires I know it's a natrual thing but Uhgg it really gets to me alot. They're cold skinn and just what they do disgust me way too much. I growled as loud as I could. It was a female vapire so I had no mercy in this woman what so ever. I ripped her off. Every time I did that it always made me feel better. I quickly changed back into my human form and walked back to my clothes. No one ever came in these woods not even hunters. So I wasn't afraid of anyone seeing me.
I put my clothes back on and layed back down.

Oh please God let there be no more distraction I want to sleep to night! I thought. My dreams were always night mares. They all gave me guilt and sent chills down my spine. Mostly they're about my mother and How I killed her. I'll always put the blame on me. Sometimes I feel like a freak. I've never met anyone of my kind other than my father. Who though gives a care on him anyways! He's the one who left me that little jerk! I growled at that thought. This night was actually the first time I had a normal and sorta nice dream. It was very faded though. Just an image of me laughing. I smiled in my sleep.

I hated being eighteen and living alone for my world was awful. What can I say my life sucks and nothing will ever change that.

Chapter 2: Found


Everyone was running. We had been chasing this stupid vampire for weeks. All of us in the pack too were probably as much disgusted as I was. All of a sudden we lost track of the thing. We all changed back into our human form. We were extremly disapointed in ourselves. All the boys in my group were shirtless while the girls wore shorts and a tank top. It was a normal thing though so hey what the heck. Chase our leader suggested we should go home but Samantha suggested we go to the lake and take a swim. I skanned all the faces. Chase our leaders then Samantha's, Samuel, Corey, Elizabeth, Jay, and Keeley. I guess they all liked the Idea when we found ourselves going to the direction of the lake.

Corey the youngest in our group was running while we all walked. Chase was hand and hand with his future wife Elizabeth. Samantha and Samuel the twins Samuel had Samantha on his back. While the rest of us walked in silence. Corey was out of our view but we then saw him coming back back this time running faster then before. He came up to us and stopped us all. "Corey what is it?" Chase asked in an annoying tone. "Well I think you should all come and see this!" he said. We followed Corey to a bunch of trees. We looked down to find a girl.

All of us were confused. Chase sniffed her. "Not a vampire!" he whispered. "Well of course she isn't a vampire they never sleep you Idiot!" Snapped Samuel who now let Samantha gently off his back. "Wait a minute She's not human either!" I stated smelling her as well. Chase and I looked at each other for we knew what she was. A werewolf. Like the rest of us. "What we going to do with her?" Corey asked. I picked her up into my arms bridal style. "Were going to take her home that's what!" I said. They didn't argue for they weren't just going to leave the unknown girl there alone. Why would they?

We all walked home in silence. My dad and Two of my uncles stood outside in the garage. When they saw us they went dead silent. My father asked "Who's she?" "We don't know we found her in the woods She's not vampire or human. Were Pretty positive she's one of us by her scent." I replied. We took her inside and I layed her on the couch. I couldn't help myself but to stare at her. My father came over to look at her. He put on his glasses. "Well first of all you were right she's one of us but what was she doing alone in the woods?" My father asked. All of us just shrugged.

"Can we Keep her?" Jay asked in that tone like if he wanted to keep a lost dog. My uncle scowled at him. "Well certianly we can't put her back where she came from!" my Dad chuckled. I descided to put her in my room since I was the one who descided to take her home! I slept on the couch. Oh boy tommorrow was going to be interresting. I wanted to learn More about this girl and where she came from. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her being mine. I shook that thought out of my head. Don't fall for a girl you don't know! I said to my self. I fell alseep two my Ipod.

I awoke to my Ipod beeping in the morning becuase it was dieing. I realized it was nine thrity in the morning. I finally realized that I had a girl upstairs in my bed. I ran upstairs.

Chapter 3: Spring


I woke up in a bed. "What the Heck!?!?!" I screamed. I looked around the room. I quickly examined myself making sure my clothes were on Since I did not remeber coming to lay in a bed. I looked at the room one more time. Nothing but a desk that had a bunch of cluttered stuff. A few posters of bands I had never heard of. I was about scared out of my mind. I quickly stood up. My coverse touch the carpeted floor. I stood up and opened the door. I jumped back to find a guy in the door way. I quickly ran back to the bed terrified. The boy had black hair with bangs that just covered his eyes. Blue yes and a tan body.

He was shirtless which I'm not going to lie it was a site to see. A nice six pack and good biceps. At this point it actually made me a little more terrified. He stood there in silence and I did the same. "uhh Hi!" the boy said. "I'm Daniel!" he said as he held out a hand for me to shake but I didn't I was lost in his eyes. I came back into realality. "Why am I here?!?!?!" I demanded. "Well for starters we found you!" Daniel said. They found me? Really? My Lord this was going to be an interresting day after all.

"Well thanks for your help but I must go now!" I said as I stood up and tried to leave her grabbed my wrist. "Where?!?!?" He asked. I almost forgot that I lived no where except just a bunch of trees and dirt. I gulped. "You have no where to go." he said. Something snapped inside me. "You think I don't know that? You think that I'm stupid?" I yelled. He sighed. "I don't think you're stupid I just know two things For one, You're homeless, And second You're one of us!" he replied.

"Of course I'm one of you aren't we all human?" I said. I became nervous did he know what I was. He couldn't have it was impossiable. Thoughts ran through my mind and they were all of bad images. I hated turning into that horriable moster that I was. Then I realized something else He said "You're one of us!" Was it true? Could it even be that he was like me? The moster that came out of me? He frowned. "I think you should come outside and meet some poeple!" he said with a smirk. I growled.

I followed him outside. He interduced me to all of the mebers in his pack. After he was done I began walking towards the woods without saying a word. I was going home even though I had no home. I grew up in the woods and I was going to stay in the woods period! Chase their leader I was guessing since he was the biggest and the oldest grabbed my wrist. I lost my temper. I spun around and rapped my right leg around the left side of his waste and that spun him around so he was facing my back. I moved my leg in a motion so face and quick that he fell to the ground.

"Listen up pretty boy! You ever touch me again I will release the devil inside me you hear!" I shouted at him. My eyes were cold and angry. I thought that any moment now that I would transform but it wasn't that high for me to do so. You could tell that he was a bit scared. I kept my foot on his torsoe and It pushed harder so that way he groaned. I lifted my foot and started walking again. I heard a loud growl for it wasn't human. Elizabeth Chase's girlfriend and future wife had transform for she was angry for me hurting Chase.

She was in an attempt to attack but I was not afraid. "Ok Girly these are the only freakin clothes I have and I'm not ruining them so

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