American library books Β» Romance Β» dawn by Tyler Whatley (great books for teens .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«dawn by Tyler Whatley (great books for teens .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Tyler Whatley

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Growing up every girl has a dream- well most girls - to marry a handsome man, have kids, the house with the white picket fence and the cute dog. This was my dream i had layed out my entire life , it had been my reasoning to keep fighting through my struggles in life. Now msot of you are probably thinking this going to be some wolf type story or vampire story. But it isnt, the man of my dreams, the man who i was to give beautiful children and have what most say is the "American dream" is the son of the devil ...literally. And today i sit here writing this to tell my story, right now im not to sure if i will live long enough to see children heck to even see the sun rise tomorrow.

I want this story to forever be remembered, because soon the battle that will determine the fate of our world will be upon us. I would like it to be remembered for the truth not the lies. Heaven and hell will soon clash and many of us will have to choose sides. I have already chosen mine as it was my birthright. You see i am Jasmine - the daughter of the archangel Michael.My love for a man has started a war building for centuries. The events leading up to the war will help you to chose sides i beg you though please choose wisely.


                                                                                               Sincerely, Jasmine



chapter one

August 13, 2013

I hear the buzzing of my alarm clock and immediately feel annoyed. I slam my hand down on the off button causing the clock to fall of the nightstand. My first day of my senior year. I was happy but a bit sad. My mother wouldn't be able to see me walk across the stage to recieve my diploma. Pain raced through my body at the thought. I didnt know my father and now i had lost my mother it was hard but i knew i had to push on.

" Jasmine ! You need to wake up now if you want to have time to eat breakfast!" My aunt yells from downstairs causing me groan.

I roll on to my floor hitting the plush carpet in my room. I crawl to my closet trying to think of what i was to wear today. As i got dressed the back of my neck began to burn, i knew exactly what is was- my birthmark. It was nothing special , well to me that is. My mother use to say it was a strawberry mark , a large red mark almost circle like that i've had since birth. It burns every morning and has done so since i was five i never knew what that meant or if it was bad, i usually ignored it.

As i slide on my dark blue skinny jeans i turn to my right and saw something strange. A man with beautiful blond hair pulled back into a short ponytail and piercing molten gold colored eyes. Apart of me was thinking about how hot he was simply because i'm seventeen years old what girl wouldn't? But what struck me as strange is that first he was wearing all black when its August in Alabama , second i've never seen him in this neighborhood ever i would know if he lived here i would remember the face from my photographic memory and third he staring directly at me and smiling like he knew me or something i was strange.

I walk closer to window and wave at him which makes him smile bigger. He waves back and winks. Most people would be disturbed by all over this but i was drawn ; it scared me. I went to open my window but before i get get the window open my aunt yells for me telling me to come eat.  I turned to the door cursing her for caring so much .

As i turned back i see the man with the blond hair and beautiful eyes getting into and expensive looking black car and driving away.

" Jasmine what are you doing, you never take this long to come and eat? " She says coming up behind me.

A part of me wanted to tell her about the man but then she would proabably go and scare him away and i wanted him to come back.

" Nothing i'm just worried its the first day of school and all. " I say with a small laugh turning away from the window and walking to the full lenghth mirror on my closet door. i take in my coco brown skin, green  eyes and medium frame. Maybe i should tell my aunt why would a guy like him be interested in me ?

"Babygirl have you heared anything i've been saying to you? My aunt says snapping me out of thoughts.

" Um i'm sorry i was lost in my thougths." i say turning back to her.

" Look Jasmine I know its hard you just lost your mother and i know she was your everything but you know what your mother would want for you and how proud she is of you and how proud you will continue to make her even in heaven." She says putting her arm around my shoulder and hugging me a little.

 I nod my head and pull away going to eat breakfast. I knew she was right i obviously needed to jsut have confidence and focus and maybe the blond haired boy was just a figment of the imagination or some creep who was trying to scare a poor teenage girl. i decided  to just focus on school and nothing else.


Chapter two

I walk into the  school thirty minutes before the bell rings. I liked the peace of the building with the worry of being harrased by bullies and reading peoples feelings and partal thougths. I know its strange but it happens i can't read family but anyone without a blood connection i can read with ease. Well now that i think about it not the strange blond man i couldn't read him. My mind soon starts to go off into reasons why i couldn't read the man.

" Hey buddy!" A girl screams in my ear

I scream and  fall back onto the tile floor. I look up to see my best friend Lily leaning on my locker laughing. As i look at her the emotions of happiness , love and exciment rush through my brain. I shake it off and get up glaring at her the entire time.

" You know only teachers and us are in this building , you don't have to scream like a nutjob!" I snap opening my locker and placing my materials for the year in them .

" Well i actually did becuase first i had called your name at least five times before I screamed - you obviously were deep in thougtht- and second because i need to tell you about the new hot guy who is going to be going to our school this year. And he is in our grade! " She says her voice getting more high pitched as she got to the end.

I shake my head. Why she gets excited about these boys who will not even notice us and most likely just look at us as the freaks everyone else sees us as.

" Don't get yourself all hyped up about this boy. You know he will think we are freaks just like everyone else does. " I say slamming my locker close.

" I don't get why people think we are so strange , we dress normal act normal i just don't understand."

I look at her as she says this and smirk alittle. She doesnt know why people think we are strange but she was wearing a  black mock turtle neck with a long pink broomstick skirt, doc martin boots and fire red hair that went to her waist. Her pale white skin and all the other features made poeple think she was vampire. On halloween people often bring holy water and throw it on her as a joke. They think im strange because of my dark purple eyes that most people think are fake until they change colors to a forest green color weird i know i try and hide them behind my thick black hair and vintage clothing

" Well just know they do so don't bother." I say as we walk to the line to get our books for the year. Sadly we waited to long and ended up close to the back of the line - with the people that like to torture us on a regular basis.

"Ugh we a should have came here earlier, now we are stuck with idiots!" Lily whispers keeping close to my side as if thats going to protect us.

As we stand in line in an attempt not to attract any attention. I feel Lily tugging on my sleeve.

"What ? Lord you are getting on my nerves !"

" Jas ! Look it's the guy in all his glory!" She says looking behind us drool literally about to come out her mouth.

I turn around and immediatly want to run away. It was the man from this morning the one that was looking in my window this morning. I turn back around instantly fear racing through my body. Now i know that her wasn't a figment of the imagination but an actually person.

" Girl he is coming our way OMG OMG !!" She squeals her words making me want to take of in a sprint.

She suddenly goes slient. I look at her and eyes were wide.

" Hello Jasmine." A deep male voice says causing me to jump.

I turn around and see the man, he looked even better up close. His molten gold eyes, full lips and muscular body made me want to pull him close. I suddenly see those nice lips part into a breath-taking smile and then realize he said hello and knew my name.

" U-uh Hi . How do you know my name?" I stutter confused by the lack of feeling i can read from him and thoughts.

" Just know that i do and i know a lot about you and your friend Lily." He whispers

He raises his hand rubs his thumb over my lips electricty runs through me surpirsing me. He smiles again and pulls away just as

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