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Heart of Stone Book 1

(Emery & Jackson)


Chiquita S. Dennie

Copyright@2017 Chiquita Dennie

Published by 304 Publishing Company

All Rights Reserved. Except for use in any review, no portion of this book may be performed, reproduced, published, sold or distributed by any means, or quoted in any medium. Including on any website, without prior written consent from owner.

This is a work of fiction. Names characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

For questions and comments about this book, please contact 304 Publishing at [email protected]. Visit the official website at


The most important people in my life and biggest support system my Family and friends, and especially my readers that have stuck with me from the beginning of this author’s journey. The support is amazing, and I can add another title to my description of Best Selling Author because of you. Beyond humbled and grateful for the continued support and especially to my author friends for all the latest tricks and tips in writing romance.


HI, I KNOW YOU’RE READY to delve into this book. I can’t believe this is my fifth release and my first series is a Best Selling series. I’m beyond excited for you to read and thankful that you’ve chosen my books as one of your favorites to include on your shelf. Let me know what you think and follow me on Goodreads, Bookbub, and my Facebook Author page for all the latest. 

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Author Inspiration

“Never allow anyone to steal your joy. It doesn’t matter how many times someone says you can't do something. Invest in yourself—even if it’s just writing down what your goals and plans are. Starting small can lead to bigger things.”

—Chiquita Dennie


THIS WORK OF FICTION contains strong language and explicit sexual content and is only intended for mature readers. This story may contain unconventional situations, language, and sexual encounters that may offend some readers. If you're looking for sweet, fluffy romance, I would recommend another book. This book is for mature readers (18+).

Latest Releases from Chiquita Dennie

Latest Releases

Antonio and Sabrina: Struck in Love 1, 2, 3, 4

Heart of Stone, Book 1 (Emery & Jackson)

Heart of Stone, Book 1.5 Emery & Jackson A Valentine’s Day Short

Janice and Carlo: Captivated by His Love

Heart of Stone, Book 2 (Jordan and Damon)


Heart of Stone, Book 3 (Angela and Brent)

Cocky Catcher

Bossy Billionaire

Joaquin Fuertes (Fuertes Cartel Book 1)

Upcoming Releases (2021/2022):

Heart of Stone, Book 4 (Jessica and Joseph)

Joaquin Fuertes (Fuertes Cartel Book 2)

She’s All I Need

Exposed - A Salvation Society Novel

Dare to Love

Mutual Agreement

Something Gained

Heart of Stone Book 1 (Emery & Jackson)

Emery Stone has a secret. If all goes as planned after she leaves her cheating ex-boyfriend, she can make sure no one ever finds out. Determined to keep love at bay, she’s resigned herself to a life of no strings attached, but just as she settles on her new loveless path, her heart is put to the test – again.

Jackson Pierce is all for a good time with a gorgeous woman, but Emery isn’t like other women. For the first time in a long time, he’s found someone he can’t stop thinking about and can’t wait to get to know better. The only problem is she’s built walls around her heart and no amount of promises or long, lust-filled nights will convince her to let him get closer.

As Emery and Jackson try to find a balance between what they want and what they need, they find themselves up against people from their past and forced to face the truth, no matter what the cost.

Is their relationship strong enough to survive the obstacles life places in front of them?

Chapter 1 Emery

THE BEEPING OF THE hospital monitor used to drive me crazy when I was younger and visited my grandfather when he was battling cancer. Every time we came for a visit, I’d somehow get lost in counting the beeps.  Lately, we’ve come for my grandmother because of her high blood pressure. A few days ago, I would have never imagined the way my life would turn out since Anthony, and I broke up.

“Emery, Emery honey!” Mom called out.

“Oh Lord Elisabeth, my grandchild done gone into shock,” Granny stated.

“Ma, she’s not in shock,” Elisabeth said.

“Hush, yes she is or what they call it now turned out.”

“Huh?” I answered.

“Momma, what do you know about turning out?” Mom questioned.

“Sorry, I just zoned out for a second,” I responded.

“Zoned out, turned out. At the end of the day its’ all the same in my book.”

“Emery pass me my purse.”

“Oh sure, here you go.”

“I’m going downstairs to grab something to eat. You want anything?”

“I’m fine.”

“Grab me a burger and fries,” Granny answered.

“Momma, you’re in the hospital for high cholesterol and blood pressure. I’m not getting you a burger and fries.”

Granny waved my mom off and rolled her eyes.

“Emery, your mother’s a hater.”

Laughing at her statement, my mother shook her head in disbelief.

“Now that your mother’s gone tell me what’s really going on.”

Walking closer to her bed, I tilted my head on her shoulder. She massaged my hand and kissed my cheek.

“Honey you can lie to your parents and even to your friends but not to Granny, so spill the beans before your nosy momma gets back.”

“Granny how can you call her nosy when you’re trying to get in my business?”

She folded her arms and tapped me on the forehead. “Hush child. I’m your grandmother we can do that. Now spill the tea.”

Fiddling with my earrings and avoiding eye contact, we all knew she would get the truth out of us at one point with just her narrowing her eyes. All the grandkids and even my mom and dad fell into her spell of never lying because the truth is easier than covering up a lie.

“Emery, I have all the time in the world. Now either you tell me, or I go ask your mother.”

“Granny, it’s not that serious. Anthony and I broke up.”

“About damn time!”

Shocked at her words, I cowered in the corner of her hospital bed; running a hand down my face and blowing out a breathy sigh.

“Listen, I know your friends with his sister. I like the boy, but as far as boyfriend material? Ummm...I’d pass.”

“He cheated with Teresa.”

“What now?”

“I caught him in bed with Teresa.”

“Teresa, your best friend Teresa?”


Granny jumped out of bed and walked over to the drawer to remove her clothes. I jumped up and drew nearer.

“What are you doing?”

Taking the clothes out of her hands. I placed them back down and pulled her back to the bed.

“We about to take care of her. Don’t nobody hurt my baby and get away with it. That hussy will get her ass kicked.”

Waving her off, I placed her back in the bed right as my mom walked back inside. “You can’t talk like that. Besides, I’m handling it.”

“Let me call Angela and we gonna ride out tonight. Forget Jordan she may lie and hide with Teresa.”

“Oh my God! Granny leave Jordan and Angela out of this. Just get some rest for me, please. You’ll get your blood pressure up.”

Mom placed the food tray down on the bedside counter and pulled out a salad and fruit mix for Granny.

“What the hell is that?” Granny shrieked.

“Your dinner, Momma.”

“Elisabeth, now I know you ain’t that damn prissy that you can’t get me real food besides some damn salad. My husband likes me with meat on my bones.”

“Just eat your food so we can get out of here.”

Chuckling at the exchange, I decided to leave for the night and meet up with Angela and Jordan.

“Since you’re back, Mom, I’m going to take off and meet Angela for dinner and drinks.”

Kissing Granny on her forehead, and Mom on her cheek, I headed toward the door right as Granny made a comment.

“Emery don’t forget I still got friends in Hamilton Projects. Let Teresa know she gonna see me.”

“Okay, Granny, love you!” I bellowed out.

Chapter 2 Emery

HEADING TO DINNER WITH my two best friends, I realized I never introduced myself. I’m Emery Stone born and raised in New York City. I’m twenty-six years old, African American, 5’6 with coffee brown skin, heart oval-shaped face, button nose, shoulder length curly hair, and an hourglass figure or as to society’s standards of being curvy. An Account Executive at Townsend Advertising Firm owned by one of best friend’s Brent Townsend.

Arriving at the restaurant, my phone vibrates in my purse. A message from Anthony appears.

Anthony: Emery please pick up the phone.

Me: Fuck U

Anthony: I want us to still be friends

Me: That’s funny seeing as how you hated for me to have guy friends. Anthony leave me alone and go tend to your pregnant girlfriend.

Anthony: We can figure this out.

I shut my phone down and massage my temple from Anthony’s constant aggravation. I

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