Caught Up by Ronesha J (free ebook reader for ipad txt) π

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- Author: Ronesha J
Read book online Β«Caught Up by Ronesha J (free ebook reader for ipad txt) πΒ». Author - Ronesha J
"Sammy, grab that box,will you!" Mrs.Crayson yelled back at me.I turned around and headed towards the car and opened the trunk ,grabed my box labeled "My Stuff and headed inside.As I was walking I heard a ripping sound, and all of "My Stuff" came flying out of the bottom of the box. I realised I was holding the box upside down.I scrambled down to my knees and began putting everything back into the box when I saw my skateboard rolling down the driveway.I got up and ran after it.It stopped in the middle the street,and I grabed it.Just then I heard the screeching of tires on the pavement.I froze like a deer in headlited when i saw the car comming at me and not slowing down.Just as it was about to hit me a black wall of force slammed into me and I hit my head on a book that had fallen out of my box. After the car speed down the street I heard my name being called.
"Samantha!Samantha!Are you ok!?!" I noticed it was a male voice and I looked up to see bright green eyes staring back at me. I shook my head and said something smart like "Is my skateboard OK?" The boy laughed and said "Yeah, but I think you may have to go to the doctor and get your head checked"
As he said that I felt a stinging pain coming from the side of my forehead,and then I realised I was bleeding,and he did too.He told me to wait here and he ran across the street and grabed a backpack off of the lawn and ran back to me.He pulled a bottel of water and a napkin from the backpack and dapped at the cut on my forehead.Then he got a bandaid and put it on the cut.
"I'm Drea by the way." and with that he left.
I stood and gathered the rest of my things,walked strait to my room and fell asleep on my bed.
CHAPTER 2 First Day
"Sam,honey wake up.You have school today!" Oh crap.I had totaly forgot about school.I got out of bed and ran to my bathroom and shut the door.I looked in the mirror at my plainness.My hair is an ordinarry brown,and my skin is kinda pail.The only thing I really like about myself is my bright blue eyes.They were like the sky on a cloudless day,and they made it easy to scare people when I was mad.Then I thought back to Sunday morning,when I had met Drea.He looked like the 'Cool Kid'of the neighborhood.His eyes a startaling green,his hair a shiney black,his skin lightley tanned,and he has a smile that would make any girl want him(even me).But I would not fall for him that easilly.I knew his type,and all he wanted was to make you fall in love with him and then he would break your heart like it was nothing.I promised myself I would not like him and so far it was working.I took a shower,Got dressed in a black long sleeved shirt,dark blue jeans with a chain on the left side,and my black NIKE shoes,and ran downstairs for breakfast.
Mr. and Mrs.Crayson said "Hi" as I sat down at the table.
"What do you want to eat,sweetie?" Mrs.Crayson said to me.I looked up and said
"Whatever you're having,Mrs.Crayson."
She frowned and said "Honey,please call me mom."
Just to please her I said "Ok,mom".
I didn't really feel all that comfortable calling her mom,but it made her happy,and her and Mr.Crayson had adopted me into their home so it was the least I could do,right? She smiled and fixed everyone a plate of eggs and turkey bacon.While we ate Mr.Craysonasked me "So are you excited about your first day of highschool?"
"No." I said
"Why not?" he asked,real concern in his voice.
"Well to start I'm the youngest person in the school, not to mention I'm starting three months late so I will only be classified as the new girl and I dont like that feeling." I said with no intrest in my voice.He just nodded and left the subject alone.Then my watch chimed and I looked at it.It was 7:30.Time for me to go to school. I got up and cleared my plate,then I went to the the door, grabed my skateboard and helmet and called back "See you after school!"Then walked outside,putting my helmet on my head.As I looked up I noticed Drea walking outside with his car kees in hand. Unfortunatly he saw me .I quickly laid my board on the ground and kicked off. I risked a quick glance behind me and saw him in his car coming up behind me. I stoped as his red and black Mustang GT 500 pulled up next to me."Hey. Good to see you made it through the night." "Ugh,yeah thanks again." I said.He smiled and said,"No problem.What school do you go to?" "Umm,Lexington High." I told him.He looked down and sighed.I felt kind of hurt.He didn't even know me and he already made up his mind that he hated me.It seems like everywhere I go someone hates me for no reason. He looked back up and said,"Do you want a ride?" "No." I said.My tone was kinda angry but I didn't care. He smiled and said "Fine but Lexington is a very hostial school.It's all about image."He said eyeing me up and down with a smirk on his face.He let out a small laugh and drove off,leaving me glaring at the back of his car.I sighed and looked behind me to see an allyway.I decided I could be a little late for school.I walked down the ally and came across two crossing paths.I decided to go left and see where that took me. when i reached the end of the allyway I saw a tall building and there were alot of kids there.I looked at the name of the building to find out I was at school.I sighed and started walking across the street,kinda happy that I had found a shortcut to school.I walked on the sidewalk and into the parkinglot where a red and black mustang was just pulling up.I rolled my eyes as I saw Drea smiling at me through the windshield.I walked past him and into the recption office.There was a redheaded lady sitting behind the desk.She was sighning papers when I walked up to her desk.Without looking up she said"What can I do for you,darlin'?""Um, I'm new here and I need a scheduale."I said miserably.
"Whats your name,sweetie?"She asked nicely.
"Samantha Locas." I said.When I said my last name she looked up from her papers and stared at me,in what seemed like shock.Then she blinked and said,"Um here is your school scheduale,and a slip that you have to have every teacher sighn.OK sweetie?""Yeah." I said.She handed me the papers and went back to her work.I turned around and walked out of the office.I had only taken one step out of the door when I bumped into someone.I fell back and landed on my back.I sat up my face flaming red.I heard soft chuckling and I looked up to see,of all people,Drea laughing above me.I glared up at him and his smile faltered.He quickly realised that all eyes were on him and put that stupid smile back on his face.
"Don't worry,you'll get the hang of things around here....sooner or later." He said with a smirk.then he just left.not even trying to help me up.I sighed in anger as I stood up.
I watched him as he walked away and I noticed that everyone moved out of his way like they were afraid of him,but the look on their faces shoed how much they admired him.
I rolled my eyes at how much this seemed to feel like a movie and not real I dusted myself off I muttered,"Can he be any more of a jerk?"
"Yeah,and now he's gonna make your life a living hell." a deep voice said close to me.
I jumped when i heard it.At first I thought it was Drea again but as I looked at the boy next to me I could tell that wasen't it.He had dark black hair.and instead of green eyes he had soft caramel eyes.I took a second to look at his body and was amazed at what I saw.He was wearing a white hoodie jacket with a black shirt underneath.You could still see his abbs through the shirt.He also had on black jeans like mine,with the chain on the left side. He had on the same kind of NIKE shoes I did.
I looked back up at his eyes and said,"Don't worry.I think I can handle the pretty-boy on my own."
He he laughed and said,"Good cause he can be pretty good at getting what he wants.".As he said it he looked over my body much like drea had this first I was gonna walk away thinking he was just like Drea but then I noticed what he said.
"What dose he want?" I asked.
He smiled and said,"You Sam.He was up all night talking about you."when he said that my face got really hot,and I looked down. "Well thats just great a jerk with a 'highschool crush',just what I need this year."I mummbled to myself.He chuckled and said "Yeah looks you got it all figured out,I'm Ryan by the way."
I looked up and said "Nice to meet you Ryan."
Publication Date: 01-26-2011
All Rights Reserved
I dedicate this book to Orchid,you helped me write,and finish my story. Thank you!
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