American library books » Romance » Loud Noises Make the Big Animals Run by seastarpwn (books recommended by bts .TXT) 📕

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chapter 1- Collin

My body was in all sorts of pain. Most of which I couldn’t feel at this point. My mind had blocked everything out. But I would still catch bits of what was happening around me.
Apparently we had made it out of Hell without anymore casualties. And we were somewhere in India.
I blacked out again, this time for what seemed like a shorter amount of time. When I came back around this time, I was actually able to keep my eyes open.
I was in a standard hospital room. Everything was white and clean. I looked to my right and saw an IV running into my arm. A slightly clear red liquid was in it. I reached to take the IV out, but it hurt to move my shoulder.
“I’m so happy to see you awake.” Said the sweetiest voice I ever heard.
I smiled. “It’s good to be awake again. How long have I been out?”
“Three days.”
I just nodded my head. “How bad is it?”
She didn’t answer me right away. “When we got you here, you were almost dead. You were barely hanging on. The doctor said you were lucky to still be breathing.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” I looked at Astra and saw tears forming in her eyes.
“The arrow left a scar. But the poison really worked its magic. It left your shoulder slightly green, and damaged some vital organs.”
To lighten the mood I tried to be funny. “I thought you were going to say something worse. Like I lost my arm.”
She gave a small smile. “You would say something like that.” She looked away from me.
“What aren’t you telling me?”
“In order to save you….” She trailed off. “The procedure was slightly painful since I don’t like needles, but I stuck through it.” She lifted up her shirt¸ showing her stomach. And a scar that went from one hip, up to her chest. “They took out small pieces of my heart, liver, lungs, and blood.”
A goofy grin spread across my face. “I have a piece of your heart.”
“That would be the first thing you say.”
I scooted closer to her. “I’m thankful for you saving me. But how was this able to work?”
She looked at the door. “I don’t know if Nova told you, but she was told that her parents died in a bank robbery. The details are not for me to tell. But her mother was a healer. One of the best out there. She found a ways to heal any creature. One of her healing ideas was this. But she never got to try it out before she supposedly died.”
“If she didn’t get to try it, how come it’s been tried on me?”
She got a strange look on her face. And stood up. “I’m going to go so she can explain it.” She leaned down and gave me a kiss on the lips. “I’ll come back later.”
“I’ll be waiting for you then.” I laid back down on my bed.

chapter 2- Alexzander

I was still trying to process what happened three days ago. First we were falling down a waterfall then we ended up in India. Once we were there Scott and I carried Collin to the nearest home we could find. Surprisingly it was very big and beautiful. It had white walls, peach colored shutters, thick columns in the front, and a cute little garden.
Astra walked out with tears in her eyes and a small smile on her face, “He’s awake.” She sat down next to Scott and grabbed hold of his hand. I stared at their entwined fingers like it was the plague. That whole relationship was just a fall back. Poor Collin.
“Alexzander are you coming?” Nova’s mom stretched out her hand to take. I was hesitant at first, she looked like Nova, talked like Nova, but there wasn’t that spark when we touched. It felt like the universe was mocking me. I grabbed her hand and stood up, I quickly let go and walked into the room. It might have been rude, but it felt so wrong.
“How are you feeling brother?” I walked to the side of the bed. Collin was pale, red eyes, and looked weak.
“I feel better.”
“You sure don’t look better,” I snickered, but a hand punched me in the stomach and I almost fell down crying. “Fuck, you still punch like a dude.” Selena, Nova’s mom, stepped around me and felt Collin’s head. She then injected a needle into his arm, which got a yelp from Collin, and checked his pulse.
“You have a slight fever and you can leave in three days,”
“Three days!” Collin shouted. “No I need to be out there, finding Nova and kicking Scott’s ass whenever it is needed,” he dramatically pointed towards the door. Collin started to pull out his IVs and getting up from the bed.
“Get back,” Nova’s mom told me. When I had my back pressed against the wall and Collin was already half way up, she injected him with another needle. In seconds Collin fell back to the bed, “Give him this every day,” she handed me seven pills, “For this week and put this on his wounded every six hours.” She handed me another container full of goop.
“What is it?” I warily stared at the goop and swear I saw it blink at me.
“It will help Collin’s wound heal quicker,” she started up push me out of the room. “No one is allowed in here until you’ve all had your sleep. When was the last time you slept?”
No one answered. Astra’s head was on Scott’s lap sleeping, Scotts head was leaned back and drooling, and I was already cozy on the floor using my arm as my pillow. Nova. If felt like my bone moved and poked my kidney, then I was in a cave. Well if you can call it a cave. It had three beds, a dresser in the corner, a lamp on a desk, and rugs.
On one of the beds Nova was sleeping. She gotten her color back, her hair was straighten, and it look like she got food in her stomach again. I was fine with just staring at her, but I could feel that time was running low. “Awake,” I commanded.
Shift. Tingle. I turned around and a smile spread across my face. Sparkles fell and turned and formed my Nova. “I’m sorry,” Nova squeaked.
I moved toward her and hugged her, “Why are you sorry?”
“Because I left without telling you, but Fulvia said it was the only time I could leave and I panicked.”
“Are you safe?” she nodded, “Then its fine.” I sat down and pulled her into my lap, “Anyways I got better news. Well more like good news and bad news.”
“Tell me the good news first.”
“Well I have to tell you the bad news first then work my way to good.” I told her the story of us leaving Hell, Collin getting shot by an arrow, and finding her mother. By the end she was in tears. I slowly kissed her tears was and pushed the hair out of her face. “I love you Nova,” I tried to say it all cheery like.
“I love you too,” she mumbled and a smile appeared. I felt my body shifted and the it poked my kidney. “Tell Astra I said happy birthday!”
“Will do,” I softly kissed her lips before I got awoken by Astra.

chapter 3- Collin

I had managed to keep my mind intact. Sitting here waiting for them to make up was excruciating. I had nothing to do except to wait.
The first of everyone to wake up was Scott. When he saw Astra, he got a smile on his face, and began to stroke her head. I wanted to get up and kick his ass, but I couldn’t exactly get up. “Can you please stop stroking my girlfriend’s head?”
Scott didn’t stop. “Are you really still calling her that?”
“Yes. Up until she tells me she doesn’t want to be together anymore. When she does I’ll stop.”
“I’m not going to have to wait long then. I can even bet you don’t know when her birthday is.”
That shut me up effectively. The smile on his face only widened. It was true. I not even once thought to ask when her birthday was.
A few minutes later Astra and Alexzander woke up. “Hey Collin.” Astra said to me sleepily. She got up and gave me a kiss on the lips.
“Nice to see that you’re finally awake.”
“It is. I hate to sleep now.” She got in the bed and curled up next to me. I got a nasty look from Scott, but I ignored it.
“If you want to talk about it we can.” I suggested.
“It’s alright. There’s nothing that can help.”
Alexzander coughed. “If it’s alright, I’d like to talk to Collin. Alone.”
“I’ll see you in a few.” I kissed the top of her head and watched her walk out. “So what did you want to talk about?”
“I heard that little conversation you and Scott had. And I really think he’s trying to get you and Astra to break up.”
“That much is obvious. I just wish I knew when her birthday was.”
“It’s today.”
“Oh, god. I feel like such a douche. I can’t even get her a birthday present.”
“That’s alright. We can plan something together.”
I shook my head. “No. I want to do something for her myself. Thank you though.”
“Alright then. If you need help with anything just ask me.” He got up and went to the door.
“Before you go. Tell me, how did you know it was Astra’s birthday?”
He smiled at me. “Nova told me.” Then he was gone.
I carefully got the IV’s out of my arm and went to the door. If I was going to plan Astra a birthday party, then I’m going to need some help. And the one person I could count on knowing anything Astra would like, it would be Selena.
I snuck down the hallway, careful to avoid the

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