American library books Β» Romance Β» saved by an angel by sunnie bryant (books recommended by bts .txt) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«saved by an angel by sunnie bryant (books recommended by bts .txt) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   sunnie bryant

"Finaly!" I say as i step off the school bus "T.G.I.F."
My house is set far off from the road so i have at lesta quarter mile walk to the house.
Every thing's quiet. Too quiet. A sweet scent fills my nose. Seconds later a man walks out. His eyes are almost a glowing red.
My heart was in my throat. I gave a short whimper as he walked towards me.
He lunged at me then pain shot up my arm.

Chapter 1 (coal holton) the rose needs rescuing

"I'm going hunting" I yell into the house as I walk into the woods.
"k" nick yells back
As I walked threw the woods, I smell blood. good , I thought, an easy meal!
Soon I found a trail. After i walked a couple of feet I saw a beautiful girl with knee-legnth hair-and almost paper white skin from lack of blood-laying in a puddle of her own blood. I knew what i had to do. I had to turn her befor she died, so I bit into wrist and pressed it to her mouth.
"ssshhh" I shooshed as she started drinking my blood
She slowly opened her eyes and staired at me in curiocity.her eyes were filled with aggony. She was probably close to done with the change judging by the labored breathing and heaving sides.
"Sssshhhh" I shooshed again. "Don't wory your safe with me"
She moaned in pain as her eyes closed and her breathing got even more labored.
"Sssshhhh. Dont wory"

chapter 2(Maddi Rimmer) the rose is a beautiful queen

"Sssshhhh,"the angel's voice soothed the burning and kept me ancored to reality.
Suddenly I could barily breath! Then, I couldn't breath at all!
What's hapening to me,
I thoughtas the burning intencifyed.suddenly his voice faded away., Noooo!
I silently sobbed as time slowly slid by.
Finaly, the burning started to fade from my toes. then, my feet, then, legs ,then chest and arms and finaly my head.
I felt a hand stroke my hair slowly. I moved my hand to the hand stroking my hair.and heard a gasp as the hand grasped mine.
"Open your eyes," The voice from before said smoothly.
I slowly cracked my eyes open, and whimpered at the harsh light.
"Ssshhh. dont worry," He soothed as he stroked my hair.
I opened them when the light finaly died down. The angel from before was standing over me with a sad smile.
"Now," he said as he grabbed a glass of red liquid and handed it to me. "Drink."
He slid his hand around my back as I took the glass and sniffed it. It smells like cherries and strawberries.....and somthing else. I raised the glass to my mouth and drank. It tasted like salt and mettal with a hint of the mistery flahold my self up.
"hey, you're doing fine," he said as I looked up at him.
"Where am I?" I asked. Suddenly the mystery flavor was all I could taste. After I was done I felt stronger ro at least strong enough to.
He bit his lower lip and looked at me with sad eyes "Nick's house.... I dont quite know how to say this ..but you'll get stronger wont age...your.a vampire"
"Vampire?" I barily recignised my voice. It was higher and it seemed older some how.
"Yes," He said
How is this possible I meen I thought vampires wernt real!
"How?" I staired into his eyes. Suddenly I saw his thoughts!...I feel so sorry for her....i wouldn't wish this life on any one..what is she thinking about?, Hethought. oops!, I thought.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yes," i said.
"Do you have a gift?"
"Can you read minds or predict the future."
"I...I can read minds."
A huge grin spread across his face as he started laughing."I was only joking."
I kept a strait face.
" wern't" He looked like a scolded puppy. I couldnt stay mad at that.
"What's your name?" I changed the subject.
"Mine is Maddi."
"Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl."
"Thanks" I bit my lip with chaaggrin.
The sad smile returned to his face.She is so cute when she doed...that... what the? am i seeing her thoughts?I pulled away from his mind."That was wierd."
Can you here me?
"Yes indead, but it will come in handy."
"What was wierd?"A voice startled me. The hair on my arms bristled in warning.
"Hey, it's alright, it's just nick" said coal.
Nick seemed to have athority over coal but coal had athority over me.
"She can read and share thoughts"Said coal
"Hhmmm"He put his inex finger to his chin thoughtfuly"She is soothed by your presence, coal"
Hey!, I protested
Nick looked startled"She'll be a handy queen in the war"
"Dont worry we'll keep you safe." Said coal
I felt the hate in my eyes. Ugh, i'm just a pon! My eyes were burning with tears.
No, a sad looking coal thought.
I heard a loud crunch and knoticed I was gripping a broken piece of metal from the bed. I felt my lips made a little "O"
Suddenly a shrill ringging came from Nicks pocket. He dug out a cell fone. "Hello....sure...uh-ha....yep....right here.. ok Well be there soon..By."-He shut the fone-" They want us at base camp now"
"I'm not going any where with you "I said
"Maddi" Coal grabbed my hand"just come"

chapter 3 the rose is forgiving..well, mostly

I couldn't say no to him it seemed...wrong. suddenly I was in a big building.
A man dressed in army cammo came around the corner. "sir, the wolves are planning an ambush."
"We'll talk about it later right now tak her to mark in the training room. She's the new queen."
"Miss, follow me."
I followed him to a huge room with 7 other vampires training. They were all guys!!
A tall guy walked up to me "Ah I see we have a new queen."
"She is Coal's" Said the man. "She need's to be trained"
"Come we shal see what you need work on" He took my hand and kissed it "Ok think fast"He flew at me. I easily dodged. He disapeared from my sight. I growled in frustration then listened. This is gonna be hilarious! hethuoght ,i'll come from the left side. I knoticed 6 sets of eyes on me. Suddenly I saw a flash of white I jumped at it and hit somthing hard and pinning it to the ground. Yah real hilarious!, Ithought between giggles
"Aww no fair you cheated."
"it's called telipathy," I said "and it is fair"
"Oooohhhh-Ouch-Burn"Came random comments to my snide remarcks.
"Well, I see you can fight," He got his arm free and slammed me to the ground putting a long crack in the concrete under me."but can you defende your self."
I struggled aginst his impregnible stregnth for control.
A sharp pain ripped threw me he dug his knee into my abdomend.
"Now let's see who can save you" he looked at the guys.
The first was batted into the air. The second flew back into a steel beem.The third came at a different angel. The man pinning me flew back into a beem.
"Nice job, tom" he said
"Thanks, marc"
"Work with her on defence"
"Yes, sir"
Suddenly he threw a punch at my abdomend. I didnt know what was going on until I was flat on my back. he extended his hand. I flipped him flat on his back
I still cant belive she's coal's fledging. She's weaker ,but she fights like him...and ex..treamly.. beautiful..Why is she stairing at me. it's like she's stairing into my soul-, i drugg my mind away from his
i'm weak am i!, i flung my self at him knocking him half way across the room then stood up crossing my arms with a satisfied smile.
that's my girl!, thought coal as he walked in, she's so cute when she's mad. could she get any more beautiful-oops!, he cought him self.
what, you cant admit you like me? i asked ,your beautiful too., I felt somthing roll down my arm.
wait your bleeding!
I accidentaly
"No!" he gasped "Get her to sa-safty,now!"
"No" said nick"once you drink her immortal blood, it will be easier for you to control your self."
I walked to him despite my fear.
I felt the fangs pierice my skin then, I felt calm and peacful. my knees colapsed and coal caught me. soon I couldn't keep my eyes open.
Finaly, as he puled away he stroaked my hair.
"Don't worry,"said nick. "She can't be killed, just hurt."
I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, he sounded broken.
Please dont worry about me... I'm alright
I'm sorry, I- your blood-your my queen...literaly. You comtrol me-
Ssshhh, Coal. You said you were sorry. You can't keep in the thirst forever.
"Take her home" said Nick
Soon I felt the silk covers of a bed.
Don't leave me, please.
I felt the covers beside me ruffle as coal layed beside me.
Thank you,
Finaly I could open my eyes and move. I layed my head on his chest and listened to his slow sorroful breathing


Text: if you copy my book i'll open up a big ole can of woop-a**!!!!!
Publication Date: 05-25-2010

All Rights Reserved

to all of my friend s an d a big thanks to jordan jones(my best friend)

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