American library books ยป Romance ยป -The One That Caught My Heart- (EDITING & WILL BE COMPLETING SOON) by Jocelyn reynoso (best short books to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซ-The One That Caught My Heart- (EDITING & WILL BE COMPLETING SOON) by Jocelyn reynoso (best short books to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Jocelyn reynoso

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Chapter 1


I woke up to a buzzing noise, great school. i get up and look around my room, my room is normal size my walls are painted purple with black swirls. i have a desk by the window poster of my favorite bands on the wall, and a vanity on the other sidel. my comforter is purple. all my furniture is black. i head into the bathroom and do my morning routine. once showerd i got to my closet to pick an outfit. i pull out some ripped balck skinny jeans and a Nirvana tee. once dress i go and sit in my vanity, i like to think im average looking. i have soft ivory skin smooth and clear. my brown eyes are adorne with thick eyelashes normal size lips. i apply some eyeliner and mascara, and blow dry my hair, which is reall long. slip on my combat boots and go downstair where i can hear Mom and Ryan talking.


"good morning mom Ryan" i say when i step into the kitchen 


"morning" they say 


i get a bowl and serve myself cereal, my mom is sipping on coffee. we look alike just mom is abit shorter. Ryan on the other hand looks more like my dad with his blue eyes. if you're wondering where my dad is well he ditched us saying somehting about he didnt wanted this life, but like whatever like we care.


"i should get going see you later, love you" mom says to both of us as she exits through the kitchen door 



"junior year are you excited?" i hear Ryan say 


i shrugg my shoulders, he was a senior at our school and the popular quarterback. i like to think we have a good brother and sister relationship. he has been there for me and i for him. 



"yea i guess so" 


he chuckles at my respons 


"dont get into any trouble this year" he looks at me acuisingly but i could still hear the playfullness in his voice 


"hey no promises" 


i finish with my cereal and head to the garge not before sayin bye to Ryan 


i look at my baby everytime i look at it im hit with happyness and sadness, you see my grandpa gave me my 69 Camero which i was in love with the minute l laid my eyes on it, i it was sleek and black with a black interior. Granpa knew so he left it to me when he passed away. i get in and start the car and it roars to life. i make the trip to school its a fifteen minute drive from here. parking anywhere i could find. i cut the engine, with a deep sigh i come out the car and the bell rings. i make my way through the corrider filed with kids hurrying up trying to make it on time.  i make it just in time and go sit at my seat, which is behind my my best friend Ana. the teacher still wasent in i smile at my bestfriend when she asked 


"what are you doing today?"



 "Um nothing, why?" i asked 

"Can i come over today"
"Yea sure" i say when Mr. O walkes in; he was a middle aged man brown hair brown eyes. Ana was super skinny 5'4 blond hair with grey eyes light skinned. The teacher was going on about some assignment he wanted us to do, when the door flew open and everyone's attention turned to the boy standing there. He was tall, taller than Ryan he was built and looked strong, he had light brown skin, shaggy brown hair that covered his hazel eyes a bit, full lips that look so soft . He was wearing a white V-neck and dark jeans. He walked in and when up to the teacher all the girls were drooling including me, he was probably the hottest guy i have ever seen.
"Iโ€™m new here" he said in a deep voice the teacher look up and nodded and looked back down
"Yes Mr. Reed" Mr. O said
"Call me Jay" he said with a smile when he turned around
"Well okay have a seat" he started scanning the room for an empty seat. there was probably two open seats and one was next to mine, he started making his way towards me i look down quickly then look up he gives me a sexy ass smile that i almost melt almost, and sits next to me.
"Hey" I hear someone whisper
"So class look to the person to your right, which will be your partner and answer the questions on your English book" Mr. O said and going to his computer. I look to my right and see a smirking Jay; i give him a small smile and start moving my desk towards him.
"So whatโ€™s your name since you know mine now" he casually says
"Um Cara Wilson nice to meet you" i say and extend my hand to him
"Cara... what a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl" he says shaking my hand and smirking at me. Does this dude only knows how to smirk?
I roll my eyes at his statement "So letโ€™s get on with this" i Say getting out a piece of paper.




I was at lunch now and everyone was buzzing about the new hot guy. I was making my way to my table when i see Ashley rubbing her boobs all over his chest ugh disgusting, sheโ€™s hardly wearing any clothes and her shirt doesn't even cover half does fake as titties of hers. I feel a little jealous that he is liking it, i make my way to my table where my friends are. Thereโ€™s Mike tall small muscles blue eyes blond hair type of guy, Eli or Elizabeth short thin with light brown hair and chocolate eyes, sheโ€™s going out with Mike. Next is Jaime sheโ€™s probably the tallest of the girls tan skin black hair and blue eyes. Then there's Aiden tall lean and somewhat built he has the i don't give a shit look sandy blond hair that covers his eyes most of the time light skin with green eyes. Zane is the bad boy here black as night hair light skin gray eyes you could look into forever, and Zeke his brother same hair same skin tone except he has black eyes. So these are my friends.
"Did you hear about the new hot guy" Jaime shouts at all of us
"Yea" we all say
"He's my partner in English" i blurt out
"Reallyโ€ all the girls say and i nod and blush
"Someone has a crush" Eli said
"No" i sayt back Aid gets a mad look on his face and i think i know why he likes me i donโ€™t end of story there.
Lunch pass rather quickly it was art class now and Mrs. Love told us to draw what we wanted so i started sketching my skull, when i do art i get like in a trance so i didnโ€™t notice the bell had rung until someone touched my shoulder and it felt like if i got shocked, tingly vibrations traveled down until they moved it away.
"Wow you have mad skills there" Jay says inspecting my drawing
"Thanks" i say blushing a little
"No problem, well um see you tomorrow Cara" he says giving me a half hug and leaves. What just happen right now? I was making my way to my car and got in it when something caught my eye, it was jay and he was in this slick motorcycle. I watched him kick start it and roar to life and he was gone in a flash
"What are you looking at?" Ana asks me
"Um nothing" i say turning to her she gives me a skeptical look
"Just get in before i leave you" i saw turning my car on, she gets in and we speed of to my house. When we arrive, my brotherโ€™s jock friends are here playing COD.
"Hey guys!" i shout cuz the TV is laud as a MOFO
"Hey!" they all shout back without looking at us
"Oh hey Ana" Ryan says and she starts blushing, my brother has a thing for her and she for him but they told me not to tell either of them.
"Hey Ryan" she says still blushing
"Letโ€™s go" i say pulling her up the stairs once in my room i plop on my bed Ana does the same.
"so when are you going to tell him you like him" i ask her getting on my side to face her
"Umโ€ฆ i don't know" she confesses
"well you shouldn't wait too long, by then someone ells might have him" i say
we talked for a while and had dinner Ryan kept staring at her the hole time during dinner, i had to kick him to stop it was real creepy. Now Iโ€™m getting ready for bed i come out of my bathroom fresh and clean go to my bed and fall asleep, thinking about one boy. Jay.

Chapter 2

I woke up did my normal routine and head downstairs noticing my mom was gone already. I went to the garage got in my car and it wouldnโ€™t start just fucking great. I went back into the house
โ€œRyan can you give me a ride, my car wonโ€™t start!โ€ I said screaming
โ€œYea sis letโ€™s go,โ€ he said walking in the kitchen. We got in his car and drove off. We parked in Ryanโ€˜s official parking spot
โ€œSee you after school Ryanโ€ I called out waving at him behind my shoulder. I made my way through the hall and headed to English. I sat in my seat and glanced at jayโ€™s seat but it was empty
โ€œHey Caraโ€
โ€œHey, Ana,โ€ I said and in walked in jay wearing blue faded torn jeans and a black v-neck shirt. WOW, he made that look good. He sat down in his seat staring straight ahead.
(Jayโ€™s POV)
I was getting off my bike when I saw Cara getting off a car and waving at the guy I met yesterday In P.Eโ€ฆ Ryan. He seemed pretty cool, but I didnโ€™t know that was her boyfriend. I felt this weird feeling overcome me. I mean I just barley met this girl and Iโ€™m already getting weird feelings towards her, and the worst part is sheโ€™s taken. I made my way toward the school when I heard someone call me I turn around to find Ryan.
โ€œHey whatโ€™s up man,โ€ Ryan said
โ€œNothing just heading to class,โ€ I said in a rude tone
โ€œThatโ€™s cool; well Iโ€™m having a party this weekend you should comeโ€
โ€œYea sure where and what time?โ€ I asked
โ€œ8 and hereโ€™s my address,โ€ he said handing me a paper and walking away. I made my way to the hall and into English, sat on my seat, and waited for the teacher to show. The teacher showed up. I already forgot his name but whatever and told us to continue what we did yesterday. Cara starts moving her seat towards me and takes the book and a sheet of paper out.
โ€œHey jay,โ€ she said
โ€œHey,โ€ I said not looking at her. She starts

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