American library books Β» Romance Β» Trusting you. by Trishala Jain (e manga reader TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Trusting you. by Trishala Jain (e manga reader TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Trishala Jain

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Trusting you- Chapter one.


I mindlessly strummed the strings of my guitar as I thought of how fucked up my life had become. I mean that you would thimk the same if you walked in on a cheating boyfriend cum best friend who you have been dating for two years . And have known each other since you were in diapers.

There were four more days for school to start and I for one wasn't looking forward to going to school. It had been more than two months since I had seen Jake, my cheating ex... and I wasn't looking forward to seeing him again. This was mostly because I knew that I wouldn't be able to even look at his face without punching him.

The last time I saw Jake, a day I remember clearly, was when I walked in on him and his other 'girlfriend'. Iwas so convinced that I was in love with him that I was broken after that. I was an emotional wreck. I did nothing but sob for two whole days. Finally my parents had had enough. They shipped me away to Spain along with Sophie , my sister and Ashley, my best friend.

And I think that that was the best thing that my parents did. Inever had so much fun in a long time and it was honestly fun just to be with girls and not worry about anything else. And the vacation helped a lot. Apart from the fabulous time I had I got back my self -confidence. And the biggest achievent was that I was no longer suicidal.

When I returned yesterday I almost walked back into the plane that I had come in. I didn't want to see Jake or , for that matter, anyone else from school. Suddenly through all my ramblings my subconscience scolded me,' You just had the best vacation ever and your thinking about that cheating bastard again.' I mentally slapped myself for thinking of him again.

" Kaylie," my brother Nash said as he walked into my room.

" Hey," I said smiling at him my foul mood long forgotten.

" Are you okay?" he asked as he came to sit next to me. Concern lined his features.

" Yeah, I guess," I replied. I couldn't lie to Nash even if my life was depended on it. He always saw through them. And, if some people were to be balieved , he beat up Jake after I came home that night.

" I swear to God," Nash started bur I cut him off.

" Relax, Nash I am really fine. Are you ready to go back to college?" I asked hoping to divert his attention. It worked but I was really sad because he was going back to college. Ididn't want him to leave.

" Yeah. No," Nash said smiling a little but the smile didn't reach his eyes. I could see that he was still concerned over leaving me here alone. But I knew that I should make him happy.

" That's why you should listen to me," I said smiling broadly," I mean I always knew that you would miss me tons once you went to Florida so you should've stayed here.

" Keep deluding yourself," Nash said but he was smiling.

" Deluding? Hardly," I chuckled.

" How was Spain?" he asked ignoring my teasing.

" One word," I said grinning broadly," Awesome!"

This time Nash's smile did reach his eyes. Then I finally asked the questin that had been nagging me for so long," Did you .......... uh..... beat up Jake? You know after I came home that night?"

His eyes hardened and he frowned. After some time he finally replied," I did go looking for him after you went to sleep. But I never found him. If I had that SOB would have been dead by now."

I shuddered and cringed at that sentiment.

Nash continued," I may be going away to college but if that bastard even tries talking to you again I will cut his balls off."

I touched ny brother's arm. Nash had always been protective of me, since Sophie was older than him by a minute. But after what happened with Jake Nashhad become even more protective of me. If a guy gave me as much as a look he would glare at him until he looked away. At every point in my life Nash had protected me from getting hurt but there are some things that, unfortunately even a older brother couldn't stop from happening.

My mom's cheery voice broke us from our musings, "Kaylie! Nash! get down now lunch is ready"

I looked at Nash and said, " Last one dawn buys chocolate." As I ran down I knew that I wouldn't have to buy anything for Nash even if I lost because he wouldn't let me.

" Milo!" I exclaimed as I ran into the living room and into his arms. Milo was my bestest friend and , even if he didn't agree, totally 100% Irish. Okay, maybe a little British too.

" I cannot brethe Kay," he said in his cute Irish- British accent.

I laughed as I let go of him, " Why do you want to live ? you hae seen me. What more could you want?" I put on fake seriousness.

" Oh. ha ha . ," he said," What would you do without me?"

I pretended to think abut it for a while and watched in amusement as his smirk faded. " Nothing," I finally said only to be pulled in for a hug. I was really glad to have a friend like Milo. He was the greatest friend.

" How was London?" I asked as we ate lunch. Milo shuffled between London and Dublin during the holidays.

" Do you even have to ask?'" he replied," I wish I was anywhere but there."

" C'mon don't tell me it was that bad." I said laughing.

" Bad. Understatement,'" he said frowning. He almost looked scared. and it was comical.

" Girls?" I asked smirking.

He gave me a wary look," Do you think I could choose tham over you?"

Before I could reply Nash walked into the room," Do you think its cool to flirt with my sister?"

" Its cool to see her laugh," Milo retorted. Milo was never one to get intimidated by anyone. Not even Nash.

And even Nash didn't have a smart-ass comment for that.

The rest of the day was spent just hanging out with Milo.I was dancing in my room to my favourite songs some time after Milo had left.

I suddenly stopped when I heard someone say, " Nice moves you've got there"

I turned to the sexiest guy i had ever seen. He introduced himself smirking," Jayden."



I looked at him with a stunned expression. I was very sure that he looked familiar. Since I didn't remember right now I asked him the lamest question," Your staying at Terri's place?"

He chuckled. His laughter sounded like magic. " Yeah,Terri's my sister. I'm crashing here until I find a place of my own."

Oh. I wanted to slap myself for asking such a lame question to such a hot guy. It should be illegal for anybody to be that hot. And he was really your 'boy next door'. He was cute and sexy .

" What's your name,milady?" he chuckled at me. I blushed realising that I was checking him out and he was smirking at me.

" Kaylie," I introduced myself with a smile.

" So ....?" he trailed off a smug smile on his face.

I was about to ask him what he wanted to ask but left him standing in his balcony when I heard my sister shout," Kaylie!!!!"

I sighed as I walked to my sister's room. I had no doubt that this was one of her wardrobe emergencies.

I gasped as I entered her room. There were clothes scattered all over her bed and couch and shoes adorned the floor. " Did a fly get into your cupboard,sis?" I asked chuckling to myself at that little joke.

She narrowed her eyes at me and then whimpered," I don't have clothes to wear for my date tonight."

" Hot date?" I asked smirking as I took in her clothes. The dresses were a disaster. Some were to short and some way too long. Some were classy but lacked that style, while some were plain slutty. Some had a way too dipping neckline and some didn't have a neckline to speak of.

I sighed and said," C'mon I'll lend you one of my dresses for tonight."

She sqealed happily and followed my to my room . Once we were inside I said," sit." and pointed to my bed. I walked to my walk-in closet and tried to picture Sophie in my dresses. She was the same size as me, maybe a size bigger.

I finally narrowed the options down to two dresses. One was a pupple dress and was one of my favourites. It had a ruffled sleeve and fit right an all the places. The other one was a classy number. It was a black dress which was sleeveless and fell to about two inches above the knee.

" Which one?" I asked showing her both the dresses and she finally choose the purple one.

After she left I went down to have dinner.

As we, consisting of me and Nash since mom and dad were busy preparing for the barbeque tomorow, Nash said," Terri's brother moved in."

I don't know why but I felt my heart beat fater at the mention of Jayden. I replied," Yeah, I know I saw him."

" When?" he asked suspiciously.

I gave him a look. He quickly covered up his question," I mean, you'd have obviously talked to him. He's our neighbor."

I nodded and internally chuckled as I watched his face. My brother was really a dumbass.

After dinner I went up and dediced to change. I took off my top and opened my

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