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I was awakened by my cell phone buzzing. I sighed as i rolled over to see who was texting me now.The screen read: One New Text Message from kat.I hit the open button but to my surprise the text message was blank.I looked at my phone puzzled.I hit the contact button and scrolled down to kat's name.I hit call.After a couple of rings someone answered.

"Hello?"said a ruff male voice.

"Ummmmmm hi,who is this?"i replyed.

"My name is none of your buisness!"he snapped.

"Errr ok....wheres kat at?"

"whose kat?"he asked.

"you answered her phone."i explained.

"oh you mean the black headed girl that threw this phone in the trash?"

"ya that would be her."my voice broke towards the end.

"i dont know where she went,she just took off."then he hung up on me.

Well that was weird,i thought.I dialed Kat's home phone number.Her brother,Ty,answered.

"Hey Sandra,whats up?"he asked.

"Do you know where kat is?"i asked.

"not really.Why is something wrong?"He asked,my question had obviously surprised him.

"Well i called her cell and some weird guy answered.He said she threw her phone away and then ran off."the other end of the line was queit for awhile.

When Ty finally spoke his voice was frightened."Sandra,i think somethings wrong.Kat loves her phone and she never puts it down.So why would she throw it away?Shes been talking about this place called Big Cat Cove and how much she wants to go there.Her and mom got in a big argument earlier this morning and she said she was gonna run away.I...I think maybe she did and that she doesnt want mom to know."

Great,i thought,just great."Ty we gotta go after her.

"I said.The other end of the line was quiet again.

"okay......but how we gonna get there?"was all he said.That took me back a step."

"Ummmmm well i guess i can dip into my college fund.I mean kat's in trouble and i cant just leave her.I have about 500,000 saved up."

All i heard on the other end of the line was a crashing sound and ty's cover your ears scream.I jumped up outta my bed.

"Ty!!!! whats wrong!?!?"i yelled into the phone.

On the other end i heard hard breatheing and then the line went dead.I grabbed my jacket and car keys as i ran out the door.I jumped into my car.When i started it,it purred to life.I rambed my foot onto the pedal and raced to ty's house.I parked my black cougar in ty's driveway.As i ran up to the front door i noticed that the front window had been smashed in.I threw the door open and ran inside.The living room was a disaster zone.As i walked into ty's room i noticed blood stains on the floor.I found ty's german shepherd,dixie,knocked out.Ty was no where in sight.Uh-oh ,i thought,this cant be good.I knelt down next to dixie and shook her lightly.She jumped up and snapped at me.Then she realized who i was and started to whimper."what happened to you girl?"I patted her head and then went to investigate the rest of the house,dixie followed.I opened ty's moms room and found it ram shacked.Then i checked the bathroom and kitchen.They were just as bad.I grabbed dixie and went back to my car.i put dixie in the back seat and i climbed into the drivers seat.laying my head against the steering wheel,i tried to think clearly.Get a grip on yourself sandra!!,i shouted at myself,Look at the clues.ok we know that kat went missing and now ty is gone too.Who knows where there brother zack is and joey wont be back till tomorrow.Should i go after them?or should i wait for joey?if i wait will it be to late to save them?,more questions and images of kat and ty crying for help flashed threw my mind.I sighed and pulled my phone out.I dialed joeys number.

"hello?"said joey.

"hey joey its me sandra."my voice shook a little.

"hey babe...whats wrong?you sound upset."

Dang it!why did he have to know me so well?

"Ummm can you come home early?"i asked."im not sure...why?"i guess i should tell him.

"i have a bit of a problem........Kat went missing today and when i called ty..something or someone broke into his house and now hes gone too."i started to cry.

"Im on my way!"then he hung up.I must have fell asleep because i was awakened by my phone ringing about 3 hours later."hello?"i said in a tired voice.

"Babe where are you?im over at your house and i dont see your car."it was joey.

"oh i fell still in my car,at ty's house."i explained.

Just then Dixie started to growl and every hair on her back stood up.

"whats wrong dixie?!?"i scanned the street looking for something that might have set her off.

"Sandra?you there?joey asked.

"ya im here but dixie is acting strange.she just started growling for no reason and i dont....."

i stopped talking because just then i saw a man standing a few feet away from my car.I looked back at dixie and then there was a knock on my window.i jumped.

"sandra?!?"joey yelled.

"hang on someones at my car window."

"dont you dare roll your window down!he might be the attacker!"Joey snapped at me,"Get out of there now!"

I looked at the man standing outside my car.I had never seen him before and i knew he didnt live in the neighboor hood.He stood about 6 foot.He had coal black hair with red tips and was unnaturally beautiful.Joey was still yelling at me to get out of there.The guy tapped on my window again.I rolled down my automatic window.

"hello miss"he said in a velvet voice.

"i noticed you sitting here and i wanted to make sure you was ok"he smiled at me."

"ya im fine...."i chocked out.

"i better head home now"i said.

he smiled at me again."Im damon,i just moved in on charles street and i was over visting my anut sarah.Then i noticed you sitting here.i thought i might as well come over and say hi."

okay....,i thought."well its nice to meet you damon..Im sandra.i actually live on charles myself."

His eyes flickered to ty's house and then back to mine."maybe we should chit chat some other time...i think my anut needs me."

he turned and half ran.that was weird i thought.when i put my phone back to my ear.joey was still yelling at me."shesh joey fine..he was just curious about what i was still doing sitting here."i explained as my car purred to life.

"He could have been an attacker and you could have got hurt!why dont you ever listen to me!?"he roared.

"ugh!im coming home now ok!?so wait for me!"i hung up on him.

i turned to dixie."okay girl..i guess your staying with me."

I drove home.joeys vipper was sitting in my drive way.I turned my car off and grabbed dixie.we walked into my house.Joey was sitting on my couch-his mouth was set in a stuborn pout- he looked angry.I dropped dixies leash and walked over to joey.He stood up and hugged me.As i wrapped my arms around him dixie started barking and growling fercly.Me and joey looked at her puzzled.Something flew by my window.I clung to joey.

"wwwwhat wasss that?"my voice shook.

Dixie turned towards the door.All her hair standing up.

"did you lock the front door?"joey whispered.

"umm no....should i have?"i asked.

Just then someone kicked the front door open.Dixie charged forward and attacked who ever it was.She knocked him over on his back and was standing on his stomach.Her teeth just inches from his neck."Dixie back off!"the man snapped.

It was ty's voice."Ty?"i whispered.

"Ya its me..whats wrong with her?"he asked.

Dixie started to lick ty's bloody face."Cut it out!"he ordered.

she whimpered and with her tail in between her legs she backed away.Ty stood up and i got a good look at him.his hair was knotted.He had blood running down his face,from numores cuts.His right arm had been ripped open and his clothes hung in strips.

"What happened to you,man?"joey asked,looking ty over.

"im not sure...i was talking to sandra and then next thing i know im being dragged down the street.he must have knocked me out because when i woke up i was in an old cottage in the woods.I found my way to the road and came here."

ty's knees buckled and he fell forward.

"Are you okay ty?"i asked.

"ya im just really tired.i walked about..i dont know 500 miles or maybe im over stateing it."he said.

Me and joey helped him upstairs to my spair room.As soon as we got him settled in,we went back down stairs.I went over and locked the dead bolts on the front door.Joey made sure all the windows were locked and blocked.Then we went upstairs and got ready for bed.I was out as soon as i hit my pillow.In the morning i was awaken by dixie.I looked over at joey and he was still fast asleep-snoring lightly-.I got up and to my surprise ty was up and moving.

"wheres your bathroom at?i wanna clean my cuts out."he asked.

I showed him to the bathroom and then i got out a first aid kit.Ty sat on the edge of the tub while i cleaned his cuts.

"You look horriable."i said.

"Geee thanks alot for the complement."i laughed.

"your did you get a good look at you attacker?"i asked.

"not really."he looked down at his feet.

I stood up and went into my room and grabbed some clothes that joey had left,last time he stayed.I walked back into the bathroom and handed them to ty."here put these on...ill go cook breakfest"i said.I went downstairs and looked through my cuberts.i found some just add water pancake mix.Then i set to work.I ended up making 4 plates full.i jumped when joey surprised me by wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh sorry..i didnt mean to scare you."joey said.

i sighed.When ty came downstairs he looked better.

"hey guys!"he said cheerfully

.Joey let me go and walked over to lightly punch ty on the shoulder.We all sat at my dinning room table.After we was done eating,i went up stairs and threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white tank top.I skiped downstairs and ended up bouncing right into ty and joey.We all tumbled to the floor.then we burst into a roar of laughter.There was a sudden knock at my door.I jumped to my feet.Ty and joey followed me as i went to get the door.It was Damon.

"Hello Damon."i said in surprise.

"hi again...Adrey told me where you lived and i thought id come over and say hi."he smiled at me.

Then he noticed joey and ty behind me.Joey shot ty a anxious look.Damon was giving joey a very evil look.He looked almost deadly.

"ummm come on in."i offered.

Damon walked in slowly."You have a nice home."

"er thanks."i said.

i was begining to feel nerves.Joey walked over to stand beside me.He placed his hand on the small of my back.Damon pressed his lips into a hard line.something flashed in his eyes.Ty kept staring at damon...then all i knew and it happened so quickly,was that ty started to freak.His breatheing became quicker."i better go."Damon said and he bolted out the door.i ran to ty's side.

"TY!!??"i yelled in alarm.

He didnt respond so i shook him lightly.

"that was him....its him..."he whispered.

"what?"i asked."hes the attacker!!!hes the one that attacked me!!"ty yelled.

"Are you sure?"

"no but i think its him..."he said.

i stood up....just as the phone rang.

"hello?"i answered.

"Is this Sandra?"a formal vocie asked.

"Umm ya..who wants to know?"

"This is sherif afraid i have some bad news...."he studdered..

"We found your friend kat..all her blood was drained outta her body and the only wounds we found were two small holes on her neck.

"I dropped the phone.This cant be happening..not again.

"Whats wrong?"joey asked...

"they...they..found kat..."i stammered.

"is she ok?"ty asked hopeful.

i shook my head and ty burst into tears.i picked the phone up again.

"Ya?"i said.

"well hello seems we meet again.."said a sly fimilar voice.

it cant be drove a stake throw his heart befor she died.

"isabella?or do you prefer sandra now?"he pulse quickend.

"What do you want from me?"i whispered.

"i want you to die just like my creator did and his creator befor that!"he hissed deadly."Your mother drove a stake through his heart...and all he wanted was her blood..and not much of

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