American library books Β» Romance Β» the choice by paris mckay (best ereader for pc .txt) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«the choice by paris mckay (best ereader for pc .txt) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   paris mckay


I swallowed, trying to remember how to walk….how to breath even. How could I? When the whole entire school was staring at me like I was some sort of vision that had suddenly appeared among the them? That was unnerving by itself since the only looks I ever got from any one at school was either one of utter disguise are contempt and that had to be the biggest understatement of the year.
Since I had first come to st.samarian high school I was the definition of unpopular not even the nerds will talk to me!!!!Do you know how unpopular I have to be for not even the people at the very bottom at the school hierarchy don’t even speak to me? There a running joking in school that I created my own school clichΓ© ……….kalishian.Not funny when they whisper it at you and snigger in groups are post it on your Facebook wall are………………………..
I could go on and on at the list of things the people at my school as done to humiliate for their amusement but I wouldn’t because that only bring on a headache full force. Instead I will tell you I decided to reinvent myself for school after the summer vacation to return to school for my senior year.
By how everyone is staring at me, I know my little reinvention didn’t head hangs with shame and fresh humiliation flushes my face. Trying to block the shocked, slightly awed faces of my school-mates who eyes still follow me i hurried on.
β€œKalisha! kalisha!”My head whip around as I hear mica calling my name form three feet away, beckoning me toward her. I had to be hallucinating, I thought walking trance like towards her.
Like I was the definition of unpopular mica was the definition of popular and flawless. She, Vanessa, London, Boyd and Melanie-Fiona were the school mean-girls. Loved by everyone but at the same thing equally hated and feared….everyone-I not exaggerating when I say that-


Publication Date: 08-09-2012

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