American library books Β» Romance Β» Wicked truth by Jamie collins (romantic love story reading .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Wicked truth by Jamie collins (romantic love story reading .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Jamie collins

Chapter 1

Every time he walks past her she wants to tell him. But every time she gets scared. She has run for ten years and now she gets scared about telling her fiancΓ© the truth. Kenni stares at Jazz's back as he grills steaks for dinner. She shouldn't be afraid because she's had to face tougher situations then this. The worse he can do is leave but that would devastate her and he might not even make it that far with her brother's and father around.

But still Kenni couldn't force the two words out of her mouth. I'm pregnant. That is all she has to say but she use can't say it. Every time she gets the courage to say it she gets tongue tied and backs down. Jazz turns around and gives her that heart melting grin. Instantly her legs tighten as she thinks about early that day when he also gave her that smile. She licks her dry lips and gives him a mischievous smile in return that was filled with promises for later.

As Kenni thought of later she thought of six months from now. She would become Mrs. Jazz Lancing. But at the same time theirs going to be a little girl or boy with a thick cap of pitch black hair and brilliant blue eyes or Maddox green eyes in the picture.

At the thought of that kenni's mind raced through the calculations of the wedding and the baby. Shit. At this rate she will more than likely be pregnant on her wedding day...or she could persuade Jazz to move it forward or back.

" What's wrong" Jazz's voice brought her back to reality.

"Nothing," she replied hoping her face wouldn't give her away.

Jazz set down the wire brush and walked over to where Kenni was sitting. He squatted right in front of her and rubbed her forehead right between her eyebrows.

" Did you know Kenni, that when your frowning or deep in thought you get this series of v's right here?" He asked her softly.

Kenni had to laugh at that because it was like Jazz payed attention to every little detail when it came to her.

" I don't know whether that was to be creepy or romantic." She told him with a smile.

He chuckled softly before answering.

" Hopefully romantic," he replied before leaning in to kiss her.

As soon as he kisses her she deepens the kiss. Her fingers twist into his hair and he cups her face with his hands and kisses her back.

" Whoa Jazz, she's still my little sister so save that shit for the honeymoon."

Instantly they break apart to stare at not just Cord but the whole Maddox clan. Cord stood in the entrance of the porch with Kenni's father and Deacon and Sawyer Maddox.

" Poppy!" Kenni exclaimed before literally pushing Jazz out of the way to hug her father.

" Hey baby girl," Ginny said to his daughter as he took her into a bear hug.

Ever since kenni's dad found out she was still alive they grew close again. Just like their relationship before the fire. She talked to him about everything and anything.

" What about us?" Cord asked from behind Vinny. 

Rolling her eyes Kenni gives each of her older brothers a hug.

" T room for four more?" Deacon asked Jazz.

" As if I had a choice."



Jazz finished grilling the steaks and brought the pan into the kitchen. He looked into the television room to find Vinny in his recliner with Kenni curled up in his lap asleep. Jazz glanced at his watch to see it was only six ten.

" Hey Lancing the steaks done yet?" Deacon called from the couch.

" Come check your damn self Deacon." 

Seconds later Deacon came pushing past him and into the kitchen.

" Hey guys steaks are ready." Deacon yelled from the kitchen.

Almost instantly Cord and Sawyer jumped up from the couch and ran into the kitchen.

" Childish ass kids," Jazz mumbled before moving towards Vinny. 

When Jazz moved into Vinny's eye sight Vinny smiled and held up his index finger to his mouth. 

" You really need to let her sleep at night."

instantly Jazz smiled. If only he knew who was keeping who up. Vinny shifts to stand and Kenni opens her eyes. He sets her feet on the ground and she stumbles slightly before gaining her balance.

she walks with Vinny to the kitchen and leaves Jazz lagging behind. When Jazz walks into the kitchen Cord, Deacon and Sawyer were all digging into their food and were nice enough to put a plate out for their faster Kenni and him.

Kenni sits in the middle of Cprd and Vinny and only takes a couple of bites out of her food and just pokes at the rest.

" So Kenni... Do you mind if we take Jazz to a strip club?" Cord asked.

All eyes were on Kenni but she just continued to poke at her food.

" Kenni?" Cord said.

Then he raised his hand and waved it in front of her face and her head jerked up quickly. She looked around the table to see everyone one looking at her.

Jazz made a mental note to talk to her and ask her what was wrong later.

" What?" She asked.

But not one answered they just stared at her trying to figure out the problem.

" Kenni what's wrong?" Vinny was the one who spoke up.

She jutted shook her head and pushed back her chair.

" May you excuse me for a minute?" She murmured before heading for the stairs.

Seconds later they hear the thumping of feet hitting the stairs. 

Everyone wa silent for a minute before Cord broke the silence by clearing his thoart.

" So want to explain that Lancing?" Cord asked.

Jazz just stared at his face and slowly shook his head.

" I don't even know what that was," he replied.

Cord shook his head then pushed a hand through his hair. 

" If you Burt her I'll kill you, you know?" Cord said.

Vinny just stayed quiet and ate the rest of his steak. After about ten minutes in silence Vinny's phone goes off. Vinny glanced at it for a second before getting up.

" If you will excuse me I have something to deal with." He said before leaving the house.

Cord, Deacon, and Sawyer's phone went off minutes later and each of them glanced at each other. 

" Shit," Cord muttered.

" We have to go Lancing." Sawyer said as they gathered their plates and jackets.

Once they left Jazz sat at the table for a second before realizing Kenni never came back down. Jazz makes his way upstairs and the closer he got the more the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He opened the bedroom door to find the balcony door opened and the curtains blowing into the room.

" Kenni?" He yelled as he went to the bathroom, closet, guest bedroom, and guest bathroom.

" Fuck," he muttered while running a hand through his hair. Quickly he pulled out his phone and quickly typed in a number.



Chapter 2

Kenni had to excuse herself from the table because her stomach couldn't handle it anymore. She excused herself from the table then made a beeline for upstairs. She had only barely made it to the master bedroom before vomiting.


Text: Jamie Collins
Images: lora leigh
Editing: jamie Collins
Publication Date: 11-12-2015

All Rights Reserved

I would like to thank my sisters and father for giving me the confidence to publish this by going in my stuff and reading my notebooks without my permission. I hope they enjoy it as much as I liked writing it! Also thanks to the song: After you by Meg Myers

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