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Chapter one - a change beginning to occur

Silver's P.o.v
I was there next to a man wearing all black, I can tell he was creeping me out saying weird stuff because I got up and ran and kept looking back. The weirdest thing of all he was there running after me. I ran into the forest not stopping to look which way to go I just ran. I was out of breath soon but it didn’t stop the man he wasn’t even breaking a sweat. He didn’t have to catch up with me he was always on the edge of my heel waiting till I stopped, like I did. Is this the end for me?

Books fell on the floor and I stopped daydreaming and noticed I made them fall. “Ms. Angulis had a splendid nap I suppose?”My teacher Mr. Wormen asked while writing my name on the board for a detention.

“Indeed it was I guess ill have to share it with you after school during detention.”I groaned making it oblivious I hate him.

I looked around everyone was doing their work, unusual, and none of them turned and laughed at me. Today has started aberrant things are off, weird daydream, detention, people not laughing at me. I need to go back to daydreaming. I daze off but this time I keep my eyes open. What was that about? The whole man thing is it a sign or just me being a fool? Of course me being a fool, it’s only because my father and mother had died. My thoughts were interrupted by the loud bell signaling it’s time to go home, for people unlike me who has detention. I stay seated and groaned once again.

“Next time don’t snore and maybe just maybe Ms. Angulis I wouldn’t notice, now do this worksheet.” My eyes widen when he handed me a large packet while the other detention students started to fill the room.

I sink lowly in my chair and stare at the arduous work he has given me. Perhaps he will not collect this at the end of detention. 24,456n+12 flashes up in my mind making me blink but it was still there, so I look at the first question and find the letter with that equation. A. How did I know that? I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and took this as an advantage and finished the packet within 20 minutes of silence. I smirked when I was done and skipped my way over to Mr. Wormen with trumpeted written in my eyes. He took the packet and went over it briefly.

‘How did this girl get this all correct when all she does is daydream in class,’ he thought astonished.
Once again I flinched when I heard his thought. This day has been so anomalous, stranger, and odd. I rub my temples and try to wake up from this dream. When I open my eyes it was still happening and I sigh.
A boy from across the class has had his eyes on me since he came into this classroom, his eyes were cold and judgmental. When I looked back to Mr. Wormen he had a bright smile, which made me sick, he always hated me why stop now. My life has always been the opposite of simple. I was born, my mother died giving birth to me, and I always say it is my fault. My father also died, but in a fire 2 years after my mother had died, the fire fighters all said I should’ve died I also agreed this was my fault. 2 days after my father died I was taken into a Foster Home, where I was never cared for. When I was 4 years of age I had hit my head and forgot everything, so I have no idea who my father even was. I started school in Pre-Kindergarten because Ms. Debbie the owner of the Foster Home didn’t like me. Ever since the first day of Pre-Kindergarten I was treated horribly. I never had a bully but the stares and glances did all the pain instead. Every day up till today I had been giving those same unwelcomed stares. Why did it end today? I have absolutely no idea. From the ages 4-17 I have had a lot of mishaps, everyone I got close to moved away because I lived at a Foster Home and those were the only people to except me, well everyone except Ms. Debbie. I got pulled out of my thoughts with a hideous cough. I shook my head and looked at Mr. Wormen he quietly said I could leave.

Chapter two - pain

I shook my head and looked at Mr. Wormen he quietly said I could leave. I smiled and wanted to stick my tongue childishly at everyone else, but I was raised differently then that if I did that within sight she would’ve slapped me instantly. I rushed out of the room at the thought of that, I should’ve been home 20 minutes ago she is going to kill me. I became frantic and pushed the heavy school door to outside. I wasn’t paying attention to how it was outside so once I got outside I started getting drenched with rain, the water pounding hard on my like drums. I sigh and continue walking to the Foster Home, when my stupidity made me trip over a vine. Before I could fall flat on my face someone stops me and I felt horrible. I sighed and got out of their grasp.

“Thank you,” I murmured not even wanting to know who I embarrassed myself in front of. Besides I have to get to the Foster Home, the later I get the more hurtful things are. I bit my lip thinking of what might happen of me. I started to walk again carefully stepping over the vine, when someone, or the same someone, grabbed my wrist and turned me around.
I faced the guy from detention that gave me such a cold stare, that I began to get used to.

“You’re welcome,” he said with a musical tone to his voice. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him doubting this is happening. Oh god I’m going to be even later, I can’t take another beating.

“She won’t hurt you.” I didn’t panic or anything it didn’t even shock me that he knew my thought it was clearly written on my face.
“And you know this because?”
I rolled my eyes and turned on my heel hoping this isn’t going to come back and haunt me tomorrow, as I left I looked at the vine in utter hate.
After a few minutes of walking, looking back, and then walking again I finally reached the Foster Home. I walked into the main entrance and got embraced with a hand on my wrist. I knew the feel of this unwanted hand, it was Ms. Debbie’s. I bit my lip knowing that if I whine and beg her to not hurt me it would only make her satisfied. She threw me against the wall and slammed her fist into my stomach causing a mind numbing pain to swirl around in there. I let out a squeal that had been riding up my throat since I stepped foot in here.
‘That should teach her not to be late’ Ms. Debbie thought with a great deal of hate scattering through her. I sighed when she thought that, it means she is done hurting me. She left me alone in the big entrance room, so I began to move and my stomach felt like it got punched again. I didn’t move from that spot I just slowly made my way down to sit on the floor against the wall.
I examined my wrist and noticed she broke skin with her nail it was bleeding. I kept breathing slowly but when I tried at normal rate, it brought more pain. A hot tear escaped my watery eyes, why does my life hurt so much.
I’ll be 18 in 2 days, and then I get to leave here, away from the abusing Ms. Debbie. I sat there crying, wincing in pain every time I tried to move, for 3 minutes until I saw the door open. The people who came in looked in their 40’s the ages my parents would be. I stayed silent, and they didn’t notice me.

‘I wonder what she’ll look like,’ the women thought brightly. On the other hand the father thought something deeper than that, ‘how will she feel with us taking her like this, she’ll be 18 so soon.’ They looked for Ms. Debbie and followed the hall, never looking my way. I bit my lip stopping myself from making a noise. I stare at my wrist, it has dry blood halfway down to my elbow. I felt something making its way up my throat when I began to cough, then I started to cough blood.

“Help,” I barely got to choke out between coughs of blood.

I could hear Ms. Debbie assuring them I was fine, just playing a sick game. They didn’t believe her for one moment I could hear it in their minds, so they rush over to where they heard me. The women let out a sudden cry of shock. I felt more tears escape, before the man was placing his hand on my stomach. At first it hurt because he put pressure, but then after a few seconds it began to tingle then feel the best. I stopped coughing blood in a matter of seconds, I breathe in the air and let it out roughly.
I looked up at the kind man, and whispered “thank you.” He nodded and went back to put a solid arm around his wife.

“You must be silver,” he stated, not a question but a statement. The women became even more shocked and gasped putting a hand over her mouth once her husband said that.
I felt disappointed, of course she is appalled of me I get that a lot. I do not understand it, I believe I’m not ugly. I have light brown curly hair down to my waist, fair skin, and light bubble gum pink lips, I’m lean because Ms. Debbie barely feeds me. I nodded waiting for him to give me that hateful glance I am so used to. When he never did give that glance I began a tad bit happy.

“You’ll be coming with us,” she looked at me head to toe then continued, “you’re a lovely young lady,” the women

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