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Chapter One

(Before Note: If you haven't read my first book Skeletons in the Closet, you should because you will be very confused if you start reading now. Thanks!)
I grabbed the gun out of Neal's back pocket and shot the thing that was running after us. Once you shot it, it would pop up somewhere else. It was almost impossible to kill, but I got fed up with the little... thing and grabbed the knife from my boot. Stabbing myself in the arm, I winced, but didn't let the tears to fall. "Alex, are you OK?"
"Just hold it down!" I watched as Neal tackled it to the ground and held open his mouth. I walked over to the thing. Pale green skin, blood running down its eyes. His teeth were yellow and mangled. I turned my head as my blood fell into his mouth.
I have never seen what my blood has done to others, but I know it kills. Can be used for war, revenge, and pain evil.
The little bugger froze in its spot and looked to the sky. Dark green boils formed on his skin and popped. Yellow goop splashed all over my clothes. I wiped it from my eyes and directed my attention back to the thing. Slowly his skin peel back to show his fleshy insides.
"Come one," Neal pulled on my hand. As we walked away, I looked back to see the thing burn into ashes. Truly horrifying. "Even though it scratched the hell out of my arm, I still feel guilty."
"Your not the one who did the killing," I shook my hand away from him and fell in step with him.
It has been five days and we still haven't made it to this glorious city Neal likes to talk about. Five days since my heart has been ripped into shreds. Five days since I could feel the tears in the back of my eyes, but I wouldn't let myself cry. Not yet at least. Not in till I am alone, in a cold bed, with a bucket of Ben and Jerry's sitting next to me. Five days since I have seen Casey, it feels like the life has been sucked out of me. "Alex?"
"No, I don't want to talk about it," I pushed the tree branch away from me. "How long till we get to Julia?"
"It should be only around the corner," he helped me over a fallen trunk. I followed him into the forest. Over the past days, we barely talked. I was still shell-shocked from the news he gave me and grew very nervous around him. I didn't think he was lying because I felt the same spark I had with Casey only darker.
Neal knocked on a rock three times and it swung open. Neal held out his hand, but I brushed him aside and jumped inside a dark tunnel. Smart idea.
I stood in front of at least twenty people, all staring me down. They were all much taller than me, all made the same dark personalities and gloomy face expressions. I pressed closer to Neal; I might not know him well, but I at least trust him. "I am the king of this city, you will obey my command!" Neal yelled.
Everyone turned their attention back to Neal and bowed their heads. Neal and I have been down here for three hours trying to convince his council that they could accept me into their city and let me train with them. So far it wasn't working out for us the way we hoped.
"She was in love with our enemies, how do we know we could trust her? She could be a spy, bringing her here could have been a huge mistake," one of the shorter guys called out. I have learned his name was Travis. Shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes. He was slightly attractive, but nothing like the man who stood by my side.
"I trust her," Neal looked down on me and gave me a slight smile. "If she harms us, then you could hold me responsible."
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and filed their way out of the room. Neal and I was the only ones left, "Is that a yes?"
He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door, "Come on, I have to show you where you are staying for now." We wound through many hallways and took many turns. I felt like we were going around in circles, but this was my first time and I probably shouldn't say anything. After a ten minute walk we finally walked out of the cave to a underground city.
In front of me was a beautiful black river with silver fishes darting their way though the water. A small path from there took you to the little town. Many house were lined up in circles around each other, creating a twelve circles within each other. The small path led you to the middle where stalls were randomly placed and little children begging their parents for the newest toy.
In the middle stood a tall fountain. A beautiful woman held a flower as water cascaded around her. Another path made of stone led you a large caste outside the town. Power radiated from the glowing bricks. From where I stood you could see a garden behind the castle than a forest.
"Come on," Neal led me town the stairway. We walked through the town hand in hand. At first it was very awkward, but after Neal bought me flowers I was pointing at the birds in the trees and the children playing tag. The town held a naturally gloomy feel, but it was actually very fun and alive.
"So your the prince?"
"I am. Everything you see will soon be mine," Neal smiled down at me and pushed back a piece of my hair.
"Must be easy."
"Not at all." Neal sat down at the fountain and I sat down next to him, placing my hand on his arm. "I was always under the strict rule of no silly business. When I was young, I could not have any friends and play in the park. I had to learn the rules of being king and follow the steps that my father took."
"Do you want to be king?"
"I have always dreamed of being king, but it is very stressful." We sat their for awhile, enjoying the warmth in the air and the smell of freshly baked bread. I pulled him up with me and wrapped my hand around his arm.
"So, you were never able to get to do kid stuff, right?"
Neal stood with his back toward the kids. His hands covered his eyes and he counted out numbers loud enough for the kids to hear. When he turned around he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Why aren't you hiding?"
"I would be lost without you," I exaggerated and put my hand on my forehead. I stifled a laugh and walked out of his embrace. "Lets go find the kids."
We walked through the town, looking for five little kids who like to hid in the crooks and crannies. "I know you know where they are, could you at least give me a hint."
"No, that is cheating. What kind of lesson would be teaching," I tilted my head to the left. Next to us stood a barrel, where a small child named Lily hid. Golden brown curls and a missing tooth, made her the cutest kid I have ever seen.
I scratched my left and tried giving him a sign. After a while, light dawned on his face and he casually walked over to the barrel. "I Wonder where those kids could be?" Maybe under this rock?" Tiny giggles came from the barrel; I very much enjoyed this game out hid and seek.
Eventually Neal open the top and Lily sprang from the barrel. "You found me," Lily giggled again. Neal picked her up and out of the barrel. Just as he was sitting her down the other four ran up to Neal and surrounded his legs.
The two twins, Lucas and Heather, had fire red hair and mischievous grins on their faces. both with green eyes and dimples on their cheeks. Jack the shortest of all fumbled with a teddy bear and walked around with. Dark short brown hair and blue eyes, you could see he would be a heart breaker when he grew up. Then their was the last, Rain, Neal's younger sister who stood the closest to Neal. She had black hair like Neal and the same pale skin. Neal and rain could be twins if Rain didn't have blue eyes.
"Now it is Lily's turn to be it," Jack pointed at Lily's face and ran off. Lily turned around and started her counting. Neal grabbed my hand and ran.
We were squished in an small alley between buildings as Lily walked by. She looked under sheets and boxes. Opened doors, but didn't see us. She wandered away and both Neal and I let out the laughter built inside us. "I guess we should show are faces."
"Not yet," Neal puled me back into are hiding spot. We both stood in front of each other pressed chest to chest. We breathed heavy from the laughter that took out breath away.
"I have a feeling you brought us here other than a good hiding spot."
"Maybe, maybe not," he looked down devilishly at me and leaned his head in.
I pressed my hand against his chest and looked at my muddy boots. "I am sorry, but the pain is to raw at the moment. I am really just looking for a friend right now."
Neal nodded his head, "I understand."

Chapter Two

I shuffled down the hallways, Neal by my side and the principal to my right. Since I have been roaming around the world, I never got to settle down at a real school, finish high school or learn about my demonic powers. To sum it up, I get to go to a demon school with bunch of demons. "Is there a school uniform?"
"No Miss Woods, it is a free dress school."
"Oh," I looked down at my feet. We walked into a office and Neal motioned me to sit in one of the bigger chairs. Neal sat closer to the principle, looking in between the two of us.
"In my school, we graduate by how much you have learned. I have some twenty years olds still in their second year of high school, simply because they don't get a hang of their powers."
"Is there other powers? Can demons have powers?"
"Yes, Miss Woods, there are at least three powers in total. Mind control, ability to move things with their minds, and natural strength. But Neal has told

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