American library books Β» Romance Β» Less Than Perfect! by Leesia (book club suggestions .txt) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Less Than Perfect! by Leesia (book club suggestions .txt) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Leesia

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Chapter One - Bar Time

"Chug, chug, chug!" Everyone shouted at me, and I did exactly what they said. With shaky hands I picked up a big bottle that read in big letters "ALCOHOL" on the top and began to chug it down. At first I took small gulps that turned into bigger ones by the second. It tasted like apple juice, my favorite. Just as I was about to drink the remaining liquid my best friend; Shay pulled the bottle away from my grasp and chugged it down.

I had to admit though, for a beginner that tasted awfully good, and I could hardly remember that dreadful night. So I guess they were right when they say "Alcohol fixes broken hearts." And that was just what I was. Broken Hearted.

Flashback (One Week Ago):

"Shay hurry up or were gonna be late!" I yelled from the bottom of the staircase loud enough for the neighbors to hear.
"I'm coming, hold on." Shay yelled back with the same type of loudness in her voice.

I braised my back against the light blue painted wall and waited for her to hurry up. Today we were going over to my boyfriend: Aden's house to hang out because yesterday are plans got canceled. I had to go fill in for one of the new workers at my job. Apparently they got lost on their way over to the restaurant, their car broke down in the middle of the road, and they didn't know what to do. Honestly I don't understand why the boss decided to keep that person there. I mean they screwed up their first day, and that does say a lot.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Shay walked down the stairs with her favorite white pair of heels. Okay I had to admit she looked super hot, but not as hot as me. She was wearing her brand new skinny jeans that she recently purchased with white heels, and a white tank top. Her curly black hair hung loosely over her shoulder while her make up was perfected to make her look like one of those models in the magazines.

I on the other hand was wearing black short shorts, with a red off the shoulder top. It exposed one of my bare shoulders and that was what I was going for today. The sweet, but at the same time sexy look. I also picked out a pair of matching red heels. My chocolate brown hair that was usually curly and tied into a pony tail was hanging loosely and clinging to my body while my make up was light but at the same time visibly clear.

You would think that me and Shay were models if you saw us and of course people wanted us to model for them but we declined. We preferred having freedom, and in the model world that was the last thing you got. I smiled in approval of what she was wearing and she smiled back also approving my choice.

"Took you long enough." I stated.
"Don't rush a girl, she has to look her best when leaving the house." Shay simply stated.
"Okay whatever hurry and get yo ass in the car woman." I smiled.

She laughed but did what I said while I walked over to the table and snatched my car keys. I then walked out of the house and locked the door making sure that it was actually locked before I got into my shiny new Mercedes Benz. Shay was already in the passenger seat blasting music. I opened the door to the driver side and then got in. Then I slipped my key into the key hole and watched as the car roared to life. After I pulled out of the glassy brick driveway (Shay's mom has a thing for decorating every little thing in and outside of the house) and began driving to Aden's house.

Our favorite song began to play on the radio so Shay blasted the volume and we began to sing Pound The Alarm by Nicki Minaj.

Oh, oh, oh, come fill my glass up a little more
We 'bout to get up, and burn this floor
You know we getting hotter, and hotter
Sexy and hotter, let's shut it down

Yo, what I gotta do to show these girls that I own them
Some call me nicki, and some call me roman
Skeeza, pleeza, I'm in Ibiza.
Giuseppe Zannotti my own sneaker
Sexy, sexy that's all I do
If you need a bad bitch
Let me call a few
Pumps on and them little mini skirts is out
I see some good girls, I'mma turn 'em out
Ok bottle, sip, bottle, guzzle
I'm a bad bitch, no muzzle, hey?
Bottle, sip, bottle, guzzle
I'm a bad bitch, no muzzle, let's go.

Music, makes me, high

Oh, oh, oh, come fill my glass up a little more
We 'bout to get up, and burn this floor
You know we getting hotter, and hotter
Sexy and hotter, let's shut it down

Pound the alarm!
Pound the alarm!

I wanna do it for the night, night
So get me now, and knock this over
I wanna do it like you like, like
Come get me, baby we're not getting younger
I just want you tonight, night
Baby we won't do it for life

Music, makes me, high

Oh, oh, oh, come fill my glass up a little more
We 'bout to get up, and burn this floor
You know we getting hotter, and hotter
Sexy and hotter, let's shut it down

Pound the alarm!
Pound the alarm!
Pound the alarm!


Oh, oh, oh, come fill my glass up a little more
We 'bout to get up, and burn this floor
You know we getting hotter, and hotter
Sexy and hotter, let's shut it down

Pound the alarm!
Pound the alarm!

Fifteen minutes later we pulled up into Aden's rocky driveway and then I recognized a suspicious car parked into it. Hmm maybe his dads home from a business trip? I thought. Shay and I got out of the car and walked up to his porch. I rang the bell and waited for him to answer. He didn't, so I texted him and still no answer. Okay this was strange. He knew that I was coming. I opened my purse and got out a set of keys. When I saw the heart shaped key I stuck it into the key hole and turned. The metal door opened up and we walked into his house.

"Aden!" I yelled. I got no reply so me and Shay split up and searched around the house for him. "I'll take upstairs and you take downstairs." I told Shay. She nodded and then we split up. I walked upstairs and opened the first door that came into sight. It was white. No one was in that room so I closed it back and walked to the next one. This one was pained light green. I opened it and it was empty.

"ZzzZzz." My blackberry vibrated. I pulled it out from my back pocket and read the text. It was from Shay. "No ones downstairs, i'm coming upstairs now," She texted and just as she said she was upstairs and right beside me. "Ahh, Ughh, Fuck me harder Aden." I froze when I heard that. Me and Shay looked at each other and then turned to where that voice was coming from. My breathe caught when I realized that it was Aden's room.

I slowly but quietly walked over there. I took a deep breathe for what I was about to see. Then before I turned the little bronze knob a hand rested on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Shay looking at me with a worried expression on her face. I half smiled then opened the door. My smile dropped when I saw my supposedly boyfriend on top of the schools slut fucking her brains out. I gasped and then they turned to me.

Aden had a shocked expression on his face. "Hailey babe It's not what it looks like sh -" I lifted my hand to motion for him to stop talking. Tears were gliding down my face, and my heart felt like it had been ripped into half and then shot multiple times with a shot gun. "H-How could y-y-you?" I choked then turned away. Before he could answer a loud sound echoed through the house. I turned to see Shay standing in front of Aden while he held his cheek

"Fuck you, and fuck you too bitch." She muttered and then walked back to me. "Aden I loved you, and this is how you repay me? All I want to know is how long this has been happening. Please this time answer me truthfully." He didn't meet my gaze when he said "About a week now." I nodded and then started to walk away before I did though I said "You know what Aden? Fuck you, and I hope you have a good time fucking the brains out of that bitch. Were through." He tried to stop me by shouting my name but I didn't stop nor did I listen.

(End Of Flashback)

Cheers erupted through the bar as me and Shay finished the bottle of alcohol. I was laughing like crazy now and I couldn't control myself. I stopped laughing when a really hot guy came up to me and asked me to dance. Oh My Fuckin Gosh. He was smokin' sexy, and i'm not lying. He looked like one of those top dollar models.

He was a little taller then me. Maybe around 6'0.With raven black hair that had one light brown streak in it. It was long, but at the same time looked perfect. His eyes were truly amazing and probably his best feature. It was a hazelnut color with specks of gold in them that seemed to look through your soul and leave you breathless.

They were so hypnotizing that I flinched a bit in my seat. He didn't seem to notice though. Oh and he was very toned with a killer body that probably took weeks to get. It looked like he had a six pack and those were one of my weaknesses when it came to guys. His smile was another story. He could probably light up a whole town with that pearly white smile. He was just the perfect package.

"Sure." I answered and then got up and followed him onto the dance floor. Motivation by Kelly Rowland stated playing and we danced to it. I felt the beat and moved my body to it. My hips swaying while the rest of my body just following. When Kelly sang

"And when were done I don't wanna feel my legs, and when were done I just wanna feel your hands all over me baby."

I bended down and then came back up grinding hard against him, while he held my hips. I heard cameras flashing but I didn't mind. I wasn't in my right state of mind now so nothing mattered. When the song came to an end we exchanged numbers, and told each other are names.

I told him my middle name instead of my first name for some reason (Taylor) His name was: Jayden. I felt his name roll off of my tongue so easily, and I liked it. I smiled and said "Well see you around I guess."

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