American library books Β» Romance Β» Highschool Lovers by Sarah Daniels (reading cloud ebooks txt) πŸ“•

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Chapter 7

Kagome's POV


"Good morning" I said to Chiyo who was standing at my front door "hi I wanted to ask properly without my friends at my back telling when to say it" she said "okay" I was a bit confused at the moment because I hadn't long woken up I stepped aside "come inside i'm still in my pj's and everyone can see" I said smiling "Kagome who is it" I heard my mother call "a friend from school" I called back she came up behind me wiping her hands on a towelette "just a friend baby" she said kissing the top of my head "mom stop it" I said blushing and ducking out of her reach "come on in dear" my mom said inviting before going back to the kitchen to finish breakfast Chiyo in she came inside and toed her shoes off "so i'm a little confused what did you mean when you said ask properly" I said to the blunette she giggled "you forgot already we've only been away from school a day" she said "sorry but yes" I said she pulled something from behind her back "would you like to go on a date with me" she asked holding it out I reached forward and took the red rose from her hand "yes i'd love to" I said "oh that's pretty Kagome did your friend give that to you" my mom asked coming back in "breakfast's ready would you like to join us" she asked Chiyo "yes please thank you" Chiyo said "where's Percival" she asked me "my room I don't normally carry him around at home" I said going to the kitchen and sitting at the table I was about to invite Chiyo to sit next to me when my older brother came running downstairs and took the seat he seen Chiyo "oh hey girl are you Kagome's new girlfriend" he asked "shut up Aki" I said hitting him I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked down at my plate "her girlfriend" Chiyo asked "my parents and brother have know for a while that I was gay" I muttered "oh" she said sitting across from me "so how long have you two been going out" Aki asked "mom tell him to stop" I complained "Aki stop teasing your sister" my dad said coming into the dining room and sitting at the end of the table but not before kissing my head like my mom had done "stop it what is it with you two" I asked "what did I do wrong" my dad asked "she's coming up to high school soon apparently that means that she getting to old to be seen doing kiddy stuff with her parents" my mom said I looked at my dad who was now pretending to be upset "so that means no more movies and stuff and I can't hug her anymore either" he asked fake crying I rolled my eyes and giggled "i'm not there yet dad it's just embarrassing when you do it around friends" I said getting up, going over and kissing him on the cheek "that's good I thought my little princess was growing up to fast" he said I laughed and went to sit down again "is it always so lively here" Chiyo asked I nodded as my mom finally brought the pancakes she'd been cooking over "thanks mom" Aki and I said together before both going for a pancake "hey you always go for the same one I do" he complained when I grabbed one and stuck it on my plate "not my fault if you're slow" I said poking my tongue out at him "I hate you" he grumbled grabbing a different one I went for the maple syrup only to find it gone I looked around and seen Chiyo had it "when did you grab that" I asked "when you were fighting with your brother" my mom replied "here" Chiyo said passing it to me "thanks" I said blushing a little when our hands brushed I drew a smilie face before putting it back the rest of breakfast went by in silence but my thoughts were all jumbled all I could think was that I was getting to go out with Chiyo "Kago you alright" my brother asked "i'm fine and don't call me Kago" I said I went to eat some more of my breakfast but found that it was gone "did I do it again" I asked my mom nodded and laughed "at this rate i'm never going to finish a meal and know about it" I complained before shutting up as half of a pancake slipped onto my plate "they taste yummy but i'm not very hungry so you can have it" Chiyo said quietly "thanks" I said eating it quietly when I was done I went to clean my plate but my mom stopped me "i'll clean it you go enjoy your date" she said smiling "thank you" I said bolting upstairs to get changed I chose to wear a pair of jeans with a light pink long sleeve blouse I went over to my dresser and brushed my hair before putting it back in a french braid grabbing the locket my parents got for me when I was 7 I raced downstairs almost banging into my dad at the same time "sorry" I said slowing to a walk to make it easier to get the necklace on I seen my brother dressed in jeans and a t-shirt as well "oh no mom we don't need a chaperone" I said going into the kitchen "I wish I didn't have to do this by the way it just seems that mom doesn't trust you" my brother said ruffling my hair "I just put that up baka" I said taking it down and putting it back up neatly "you look nice" Chiyo said giggling I tried to remember how to breathe before turning to my brother and grabbing his wrist and dragging him out of the room "don't crowd us please and you can come I think i'll need it" I whispered "what's wrong" he asked "crazy in love" I mumbled he cracked up laughing "you in love" he said between bouts of laughter "Aki be nice" my mom warned he stopped laughing and faced me again "relax though this get up is half because of babysitting you and your girlfriend and half because I have a date myself we're going to the amusement park as well don't worry" he said "wait so a girl took an interest in you I don't believe it" I said as someone knocked on the door "i'll get it" I called out I opened it and seen a girl standing there she was slightly shorter than my brother and had the same color hair as me "um hi i'm Sophia i'm looking for Aki" she said "hang on" I said turning and peeking into the study "Aki she's here" I said to my brother "did you want to come in while my sister finishes getting ready" he asked coming out she nodded and came inside I quickly went back upstairs and grabbed my phone off charge before going back down "i'm ready" I said spitefully to Aki before going over to Chiyo "ready to go" I asked softly she nodded and then we all left Aki did as I requested and kept his distance all day even going in a different car on the Ferris Wheel at the end of the day "thank you I had fun today" I said turning to my date "i'm glad, I did as well" she said we both leaned forward at the same time our lip inches apart when my phone rang I pulled away frustrated looking at the caller id I seen that it was Aki calling "what do you want" I snapped "bad mood much I just wanted to say i've paid for another go around for you two but Sophia and I are going to do something else for a while" he said "sorry and thank you" I said softly "it's fine little sis" he said before hanging up "what was that about" Chiyo asked "Aki paid for us to go around again but him and Sophia are doing something else" I said I turned toward her just as she leaned forward to kiss my cheek I assumed but she ended up kissing my lips both of us went wide eyed as we sat there looking at each other our lips barely touching I slowly moved one hand up to cup her cheek while we actually started kissing she closed her eyes and leaned toward me more I closed my own eyes before we pulled away "that wasn't quite how Nagisa-Chan and Tamao-Chan kiss their girlfriends do it but I loved it" Chiyo said I giggled and pulled her closer again resuming our kiss I tried to remember what i'd seen Remon and Kizuna do in the club room but I couldn't think straight so I stopped thinking and just melted into the kiss.


Hikari's POV


"Finally we get some time to ourselves" I said sitting on my bed Amane said something in agreement but I didn't hear her "Hikari are you okay" she asked "kiss me please" I requested she laughed before walking over and doing as I had asked I melted into the kiss parting my lips when she asked I laid down and pulled her down with me "you sure picked that up quick" she said pulling away "how could I not with someone like you" I replied pulling her closer again I moved my hand to the hem of her shirt before she pulled away and looked at me "please" was all I said and she took her shirt off and leaned down to kiss me again slowly we got all our clothes off and now I was breathing heaving as she pushed two fingers into me over and over again I moved my legs apart a bit so as to give her better access while at the same time she started kiss my neck I moaned quietly and tangled my fingers in her hair "huh I wonder what the school would do if they saw their precious Prince of Spica like this" I heard someone say from the door Amane pulled away and glanced over before muttering something even though I was so close it was annoying I forced myself to look at the new arrival with a neutral face "i'm sorry you must be Hikari" the boy said "go away" was all I said "now is that anyway to treat one of your hosts" he said "fine let me tell you go away little brother" Amane said from behind me "fine I was just coming to check the noises and tell you that our parents will be home any minute" he huffed before leaving Amane went to get up and dressed again but I pulled her back "unless you want me to finish it my self I suggest you get back to it please" I said she smiled before moving her fingers back to what they had been doing I pulled her down to kiss me just as I reached the edge she held me close as my climax rocked through my body once I had calmed down she pulled away "better now" she asked I nodded to breathless to say anything I rolled onto my side and watched as she dressed again before I got up and got back into my own clothes "they're here" the boy said coming back she nodded and

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