American library books Β» Romance Β» Is there a Rune for Love? by Sarah Daniels (ebook and pdf reader .TXT) πŸ“•

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at the moment but she needs you during the pregnancy" Clary said quietly "wait she's pregnant again" I muttered she nodded "no wonder she seemed so moody last week" I said we each grabbed one of Luke arms and pulled him to our mother's room closing the door behind them so it forced them to talk it out "well I never imagined doing that to her when I first met her" I said laughing.


Jocelyn's POV

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you" I said "it's fine i'm used to being yelled at by you by now" he said chuckling before returning to seriousness "can you really handle both of them with everything that's going on with Sebastian and Valentine" he asked "yes I can I promise i'm stronger than you give me credit for Luke also the prenancy, I lost the baby" I answered softly walking closer to him "I love you so much" he said I leaned forward a bit and kissed him his arms made their way around my waist as our lips molded together softly we gradually made our way back to the bed until my knees hit the edge "wait lock the door" I groaned as we fell back as he started kissing my neck he got up, went over clicked the lock and came back over all before I had the chance to catch my breath "let me help you" Luke mumbled against my fevered skin "why do you always insist on talking when we have sex" I asked panting but tilting my head to give him better access "because any other time you won't listen" he said "fine how exactly would you help me" I asked "marry me" he said questioningly "no, ask me again after" I said shaking my head he agreed and continued with his ministrations on my body after we laid next to each other hot bare skin touching as we tried to catch our breath once we did it didn't take us long to get cleaned up and presentable I walked over and unlocked the door leaning back into Luke when he came up behind me and wrapped me into his arms "i'm sorry for going off about Elise it wasn't right of me to ask you to stop seeing her all together" he whispered turning the handle and letting me go the door swung open just as I turned to kiss him "it's fine I should have told you what I was doing" I mumbled his hands came down to rest on my waist when I pulled away "you told me to ask you after" he said "I didn't mean straight away I meant once we've both come down from the sex high Luke" I replied trailing a single finger up the front of his pants "now that's not fair Jocelyn" he complained as I walked away "if you really mean calm down then come find me and ask" I stated heading downstairs looking for my daughters I found the in the library with Simon "who are you two and what have you down with Clary and Elise" I joked smiling "we're teaching each other all the runes we know" Clary said I leaned down and kissed each girl's temple softly "it's nice to have both of you here finally" I said as I watched them Clary teaching Elise the old runes while Elise showed Clary her runes I sighed softly when I felt my boyfriend's hands on my shoulder "hi calm yet" I asked "yes does that mean I can ask now" he said I glanced back at him "why do you want to so bad and please don't say it's to help because that's a load of bull you wouldn't be this persistent if that's all it was" I said "because I love you is that so hard to believe" he asked I shook my head he took the chair next to me "I can wait for you I did the entire time you were married" he said "no need I have my answer I just wanted a reason" I said he looked at me hope shining in his eyes "you know you remind me of Clary and Elise when you look like that" I said "are you going to tell me your answer yet or am I going to have to guess" he said "yes" was all I said "wait yes as in yes you'll tell me, yes I have to guess or yes to my question" he asked confused "yes" I said again laughing "come on, women are complicated and annoying" he groaned "need I remind you that you sleep with this woman" I said pointing to myself "nope I get reminded enough thanks" he said grinning I stood up before leaning down to his ear "I can't marry you" I whispered "finally a straight answer" he said dramatically throwing his hands into the air as he brought them back down I grabbed a hold of one tangling our fingers together even though I could see the hurt in his eyes as I sat on his lap pulling his arm around me laughing "drama queen" Clary said I thought for a moment about how to tell the girls "what's wrong" Luke asked kissing my shoulder "how are we supposed to tell them" I said nodding my head to the girls who were now back to working on their runes "I have a way to ask but you need to promise not to interrupt me until i'm done" he said "okay I promise" I said hesitantly "can I ask you girls something" he asked a little louder so the red-heads in front of us could hear him they both looked up at us grimacing a bit when they first seen the position we were in before fully focusing on Luke "what would you say if one day you mother and I were to become more..... permanent" he asked struggling for the right word I raised my eyebrow at him a smile playing at my lips "I lied I just wanted to ask" he murmured rolling my eyes I turned back to the girls who were watching us amused "I can't say that i'd mind" they said at the same time before turning to grin at each other for a second "what if it was soon" Luke asked hesitantly I leaned back into him with my head leaning against his shoulder and my eyes closed while I waited for it to click "wait Luke proposed" Clary yelled I winced "not so loud Clary but yes he did" I said "please tell me you said yes" the girls said Luke and I laughed as Clary jinxed Elise before snickering I quickly un-jinxed the eldest twin before answering their question "actually I said no" I glanced over to the side as Isabelle came up to us "hey do you mind if I steal Clary away" she said Clary said sure while Elise got up with a shared smirk to her sister I groaned as they left "really Clary" I said "how do you know which is which we look identical" she complained "I raised you both I know all the slight differences between the two of you" I said.


Elise's POV

"Why'd you ask for me" I asked as she led me to Clary's room "help I can't seem to get one of the old runes right everytime I draw it on paper it never looks the same" she said "which one" I asked "the fearless rune you seem to be the only one that can draw it properly" she said "um actually no I can't wrong sister we were messing around and switched before I came with you but I could ask Clary about it if you want" I said she nodded and left Clary coming in a few moments later "have you ever slept with a girl" I asked curiously she shook her head "have you ever wanted to" I asked she shrugged "never really found a girl that took my interest before now" she said "who has it now" I asked she came over and kissed me her hand quickly snaking under my shirt as she pushed me back onto the bed her hand squeezed my breast and I moaned "point taken" I said quickly stripping her shirt off my shirt not far behind my finger traced the older runes on her body leaving her quivering "I take it you have" she muttered "once or twice never boys though" I answered "once a boy never a girl" she said I smirked my fingers slipping behind her back and unclasping her bra and flipping us over so I was on top I took her bra off and kissed my way down to her breasts my tongue flicking against a soft pink bud already hardened she moaned and tangled her fingers through my hair holding me to her chest I shrugged a bit and slid my hand down her body feeling every goosebump that popped up I stopped when I reached a small scar on her hip just above her jeans "no iratze has been able to fully heal it" she explained breathless I hummed while sucking one her breast her back arched pushing her chest up toward me I undid her jeans and tried to get them down using one hand she groaned and used her free hand to push the other side down until she couldn't reach anymore she took her hand from my hair allowing me to move down and take them off completely once they were on the floor I hooked my fingers into the sides of her panties her hips lifted so I could pull them down I took them off and stuck them on the floor as well before my hands came up and gripped her hips pulling her to the edge of the bed she didn't fight me when I coaxed her legs apart and trailed a finger up her sex as soon as my hand came away from her she reached forward and grabbed it slipping the wet finger into her mouth I held her thigh with my free hand while I leaned forward and licked her moaning softly at her taste I dipped the tip of my tongue into her entrance she moaned and thrusted her hips up to my mouth I replaced my mouth with my fingers thrusting them in and out of her until she got close to the edge before going back to my tongue making her cum in a few seconds I pulled away going up to kiss her "that was wow" she panted just before I actually did kiss her my tongue invading her mouth she kissed me back with equal fever her own tongue battling for dominance against mine we pulled away after a few seconds she flipped us over doing pretty much the same thing i'd just done to her we laid next to each other afterwards a light sheen of sweat visable "we should shower" she said "after some sleep" I said wrapping my arm around her and pulling her closer to me.


Jocelyn's POV

I rolled my eyes when I seen Clary go into her room as Isabelle came out "I wonder how long until they do the same thing as you and Sophie" I heard behind me I yelped and turned to face my boyfriend with a glare "don't sneak up on a shadowhunter did you miss that lesson or something" I said hitting his arm "I know where you can find her if you want" he said quietly "Luke she's my older sister if I did find her what's to say she'd want to go back to that sort of thing between us" I asked "because I know you both and you weren't the only one that was heartbroken when she left Jocelyn" he pointed out "alright where's Sophie" I asked softly he grabbed my hand and pulled me after him after

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