American library books Β» Romance Β» Is there a Rune for Love? by Sarah Daniels (ebook and pdf reader .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Is there a Rune for Love? by Sarah Daniels (ebook and pdf reader .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Sarah Daniels

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Chapter 1

Jocelyn's POV

I glanced up as Luke snuck into my room at the institute as he had been for a couple of months now he went to say hello but I cut him off by getting up and going over to kiss him deeply "hey" he said breathless when I pulled away "hi" I replied quietly "what's wrong" he asked "three things" I answered slowly not wanting to face any of the truths "want to talk about it" he asked I shook my head "I just want a distraction tonight" I said he nodded and led me over to my bed.


Clary's POV

"Clary help me train for a bit" I heard Jace ask me I was about to say sure when Alec came over "actually I was hoping you could help me with the fearless rune I can't seem to get it right" he asked I was going to say once i'd finished helping Jace but Max decided right then to race over and command my attention next thing I knew someone had grabbed my hand and we were running through the halls they shoved a door open and pulled me in closing the door behind us I glanced at me savior and seen Izzy panting at the door "thanks" I said blushing and looking down "you looked like you were suffocating" she said before going over to the bed in the middle of the room I looked around "why are we in your room" I asked "I didn't know where else to take you they know they can't come in my room without permission from me" she said shuffling over and patting the bed next to her I laid down on my side facing her as we fell asleep.


Jocelyn's POV

I woke up feeling warmer than normal when I turned my head I seen Luke laying next to me still asleep I took the chance to get dressed scrawling a quick note saying i'd see him later I went out of my room seeing Clary and Isabelle come out of a room together that I recognized as Isabelle's room they both seemed to be laughing about something my stomach clenched at the thought of telling Clary one of the things i'd been thinking about last night I shook my head to clear the thoughts instead thinking about breakfast as the smell of bacon came through the air Clary looked over and spotted me just as I began to get nauseous Alec came out of a bathroom next to me and I ducked in closing the door and kneeling down in front of the toilet just as I threw up I could hear Clary asking if I was okay outside the door the door opened a little and Luke slipped in I assumed Clary had let him past, I didn't have much time to worry about it though because I had to lean over to throw up again "what happened Jocelyn" he asked I shook my head and shrugged a bit telling him I didn't know I tried thinking of everything it could be when I realized that I was late "oh god i'm late" I said getting up quickly and going back to my room by the time Luke and Clary caught up I was already searching my drawers for one in particular when I found it I paused counting the objects in there once I was done I closed the draw and sank to my knees silently crying "mom what happened" Clary asked coming over to me "no, no I can't be I can't go through this again" I sobbed roughly wiping my tears "can't go through what again" she asked confused I glanced up at Luke silently begging him to understand he seemed confused for a minute before it dawned on him understanding flooded his features "you can't put this on the same level Jocelyn" he said crouching down to me "yes I can Luke it is exactly like that the only thing that's different is the other party" I said through small gasps for air he sat down and pulled me into his arms softly soothing me until I stopped crying "that's what makes this one different" he whispered "how is this one any different none were planned and so far all have been strong in one way or another" I said pulling away slightly but keeping a clutch on his arm as if that could keep me from crying again "what do you mean all Jocelyn" he asked warily "it means what it sounds like Luke" I snapped before sighing "do you have any idea how dangerous it is for her if her brother or father found her" he asked standing "of course I know that but not even I know where she is which breaks my heart every single day" I yelled he grabbed his jacket "come find me when you're ready to be more reasonable about this" he said leaving the room "Luke wait, damn it" I groaned going after him when I got down to where he was I seen almost everyone watching him but he just kept walking "Luke wait please just let me explain" I said reaching for him he pulled out of my reach and turned to face me he arms folded across his chest "explain what how even though she could get killed you still wouldn't stop seeing her" he snapped I winced "no, that's not- she's a shadowhunter you know that she can defend herself she knows the different runes" I argued "look what happened to her sister nothing could be done by her when he came after her" he said "leave Clary out of this Luke" I warned "fine what about her brother how can you explain that one away" he said "you know what forget it I don't want to fight with you over this she is my daughter and i'm not going to shut her out of my life just because you refused to help me protect her" I snapped "don't Jocelyn I didn't refuse my choice was protect her and lose the woman I love or fight for you and leave her so i'm sorry for being selfish for once in my entire life" he growled I felt the burn of tears in my eyes so I bolted back to my room slamming the door shut and collapsing on my bed in tears.


Mystery Girl's POV

"Shut up Jake you can't tell me what to do" I said laughing shoving the boy next to me he stopped teasing me and stared straight ahead I followed his gaze and seen a guy my mom had shown me in some pictures "you need to come with me she needs you now more than ever" he called out to me his voice sounding cold "do you hate me or something" I called back he shook his head we got up closer to him "so why are you so cold" I asked "please come with me I can't stand seeing her the way she is at the moment" he pleaded his voice growing soft "Jake go tell Jane i'll be home as soon as I can" I said to the boy he nodded and ran off "lead the way Luke" I said he led me to a portal the took us to New York out side an old church I activated the right rune sighing as the institute came into view he led me inside where a girl who look really exactly like me stopped him "I don't know if you two should see each other at the moment" she said "Clary please just tell her that's she's here" he begged 'Clary' she nodded and walked off coming back a few minutes later "fine go ahead take her with you it's freaky how much we look alike" she said it suddenly clicked who she was "oh my god" I whispered laughing softly "it's true she told me it was uncanny" I said as Luke led me away again going up some steps down some halls finally stopping a door that was well worn or like someone had been pushed against it a few times to many I could guess who the pair was that had done it the door opened to reveal my mother standing there glaring at Luke "lovers quarrel" I joked both heads turned to me while Luke raised an eyebrow Jocelyn stepped forward hugged me "I missed you too" I said quietly as I returned the hug gently "Elise please tell you're really here" she asked "uh of course I am mom" I said pulling away "who are you" I heard someone new ask I turned to face the brunette behind me I glanced at my mother she nodded her consent so I turned back to the other girl "hey i'm Elise" I said quietly "Elise who" Clary asked coming out of the girl's room "you wouldn't believe me" I said more people came to see what was going on "try me" she challenged I was going to answer when I got distracted by Clary "El" my mom said quietly "huh what" I said looking back at her she smiled and nodded to my sister "oh um Fray Elise Fray" I said going back to watching just watching Clary silently "mom what's going on" Clary asked "you never told her anything about me" I asked "no but it was to keep you safe" our mom stated "fine i'll tell her now then" I said she nodded as Clary came closer "mom never told you but when you were born she had twins Valentine only knew about Sebastian so when we were born she hid us but two very strong Shadowhunters such as ourselves she couldn't keep us together so I was sent somewhere else away from you and she comes to see me at least once a week where you can remember old runes I can create new ones as you can guess it wouldn't be wise for either father nor brother to get their hands on us so she kept us as far away from each other as she could" I explained "she can't just have a normal child for once" Clary said laughing I joined in pretty quickly both of us calming looking at our mother then losing it again. She huffed and went back into her room I watched as Luke went to leave "uh no get in there and sort it out" I said stepping in his way "no how many years has she been coming to see you" he asked "my whole life she's my mother Luke it's expected you were selfish once everyone knows but don't expect her to do the same she can't give one of us up face it or leave her the hell alone" I snapped well aware of the crowd building up "who are you and how did you get in here" I heard someone ask me "Elise Fray nice to meet you" I said flashing my wrist in the direction of her voice knowing she would see the rune of Shadowhunters etched into my wrist with my stele when I was 12 but never taking my glare from Luke "fine yes she's your mother but Jocelyn could get either of you girls or herself injured or killed so forgive me for caring about you" he replied "no I won't because she is old enough to make her own choices you can't keep telling her what she can and can't do Luke you're her boyfriend not her father" I said folding my arms "you two look exactly like her when you do that" he said I glanced to the side and seen Clary with the same posture as me "talk to her she may want to see us

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