Plan B by Me =/ (spiritual books to read .TXT) π

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- Author: Me =/
Read book online Β«Plan B by Me =/ (spiritual books to read .TXT) πΒ». Author - Me =/
I make it to work by 6:30, since the meeting is at seven. Once I put my stuff in the back, I but on my servers apron on, and wait for the others, stifling a yawn the entire meeting. When 8 o'clock hits, some of our regulars come through the doors. The day goes by slowly, going from table to table, of mostly older people since they are retired and don't have plans in the middle of the day. By the time four o'clock rolls around, the place is bustling. I have to say, this is my least favorite part of the day, because their are so many people. Antonio has made me afraid of men, and women normally judge me, but I still prefer them to men. By the time nine rolls around, I'm exhausted and just want to sleep.
"Sofia. Table thirty." Someone says as he passes me. Ugh. Since that is a circular booth, it always has large groups. It's the largest spot we have, seating up to 10 people. With a sigh I walk over and gulp when I see four out of the six men from yesterday, with four others across from them.
Chapter three~Sofia~
"Well hello." One of the new guys says.
Feeling more intimidated than yesterday, I say almost unaudibly, "Hello, I'll be helping you today. Can I start you off with anything to drink?" The four new people just ask for cups and I sigh again. "I'm sorry, but alchohol is not allowed on the premises." I tell them, knowing why they asked for cups.
"Dammit Adrian, bringing us to an booze free zone?" The one closest to me, on the edge, asks the blacked haired man from yesterday. I unconsciously move closer to the more familiar side, getting the same feeling from the ones I haven't seen before, as I get from Antonio.
The man- Adrian apparently, shrugs. "The food is good."
"Fine. We'll just take some mountain dew." The first guy sighs heavily, making sure to show his disappointment.
"For all of you?" I ask quietly, but my tense body makes my voice hard.
"Yes stupid bimbo. That is what I meant by 'we'!" He spits out sharply. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I turn to the familiar faces with them open. Baldy, the younger blonde, and the brown haired one accompany Adrian.
"Joseph that's no way to talk to a lady." Baldy tsks.
"I wouldn't have to if she'd use her brain." Joseph scoffs.
"What can I get you, gentlemen?" I ask the four politely.
"Same as yesterday." They all say and I nod. Normally I probably wouldn't remember something as small as that, but this is a pretty unforgettable group. I get the tea and mocha, and then move onto the six sodas. When I get there, I place the drinks in front of them, getting thanks from blondie, baldy, and two of the new people.
"Are you ready to order?" I ask, keeping my eyes downcast. They all order, and I go to my other tables. When their food is ready, I bring it out to them, and when I'm about to ask if they need anything else, I hear the bell above the door ring, followed by a familiar voice, making me stiffen.
"Helloooooooooooooooo theeeere prettyyyy." Antonio slurs, over and over again to all the female waitresses, until he gets to me. He scoffs behind me, but I keep my eyes focused on my feet. "Yooooou're uuuuuuglyyyyyyyy." He chuckles at himself, and I've never been more thankful for Polly.
"I'm sorry sir, but you're obviously drunk, and I'm going to have to ask you toleave." She tells him.
"No. I want tooooooo tell this bitchhhhh how ugly she is." He sighs.
"Antonio, I'd suggest you leave unless you want some real problems." Adrian raises to his feet, towering over my 5'6 figure, with his 6'3 body. How would he know his- boss. The blonde called him boss yesterday, so he's probably in some sort of gang.
"I'm not scared of you." Antonio states, puffing his chest out. He's taller than me, but still about a head shorter than Adrian. Adrian fakes lunging towards him, and he screams and runs out, causing everyone to look over at us. I feel my throat start to close and take deep breaths to stop stop from having a panic attack. I hear the bell again, and that's when I allow myself to open my eyes, and find concerned gray eyes looking back at me.
"Are you alright?" He asks, putting his hands on both of my arms.
I jump back, sort of putting my hands up. "I'm fine. Thanks for your help. Now, is there anything else I can get y'all?" The other seven men look angry after seeing Antonio, making me believe that the other guys are also in a gang, but a different one than Adrian and his people, given the way they interact, but they shake their heads. I guess now they have one thing to get along over.
"Miss?" A gravely voice calls out behind me as I go to leave. I turn to see baldy looking directly at me. I look away, and realize that I should probably stop calling him baldy... "Do you know him?" I hesitate, wondering if I should tell the truth or not, but I end up shaking my head. If they are both at odds with him, then I they knew I was 'with' him, I'd be a target. Not that that would be a bad thing...
Stop it Sof. You're better than that now. I tell myself. He nods, and they all go into a hushed conversation. I take that as my que to leave.
"Hey Sofia, are you able to close tonight?"
"No, sorry Polly. I have to work tonight." I have a part time job on Saturday and Sunday nights at a club. I'm a bartender there. I know, I have two of the worst jobs ever for being so shy, and hating my body. Whatever though.
"It's alright." She says, and walks away. I go back from table to table, taking orders, bringing orders out, and checking if they need anything. When I get to table thirty, I sigh.
"I'm sorry for the issues I've cause you all tonight. I'm sure you're unsatisfied, so your meals are on the house." I tell them, looking at my feet. I mean, I'll be paying, but after my recent pay checks, I have quite a bit added to my savings. I made it so that maybe, some day, I can get away from Antonio.
"No, no, it's no problem. We'll pay." One of the unfamiliar people tells me.
I nod. "Can I get you anything else?"
"I would be okay with yo-"
"Jose, now is not the time!" Brownie (That's the brown haired one's name for now), Blondie, Baldy, and Adrian bark out at what looks like Joseph's right hand man.
"It's fine. Really. All of us ge that once in awhile." I shrug, looking down at my feet embarrassed. I wasn't lying, getting hit on happens all the time around here, just some of us deserve it more than others. I'm one of the ones that don't deserve it. "I'll go grab the check." I tell them. While I'm getting it, I slip the sixty-four dollars into the register, and print the receipt as nothing. Sliding it into the black folder, I bring it over to them, placing it in the middle. "Alright, someone else will take it from here, I have to go. I'm sorry for any inconvenience."
My words make Adrian's hand shoot back to the back pocket of dress pants. Everyone else quickly digs out their wallets, and grabs two, hundred dollars Bill's each, handing them to me. "Here the tip since you have to leave." Baldy says.
"No, no. Please keep it." I try handing the cash back, but they won't take it.
"Please?" Blondie asks, giving me puppy dog eyes, from what I could tell from my quick glance. With a sigh, I put it in my apron, and say goodbye.
Now time for work.
Chapter four~Sofia~
I get out of there as fast as I can, before they see that they don't have to pay anything, but as I walk out the main doors after grabbing my stuff, I see Adrian glance at me with a smirk on his face. I look away and rush to my car, and then head to the club I bartend at. I rush to the bathroom in the employee room, and change into the much more revealing uniform, courtesy of my asshole of a boss, Dan. It's a button up three sizes too small so that you can't button it all the way, that way you can see your cleavage. Then it's either a too small skirt, or pants. All black bottoms, and either white or black shirt. I choose pants and white shirt for tonight. I get out to the bar, and immediately start rushing around, making drinks left and right.
"Emily, can you go bring these to the booth in the back?" One of my co-workers asks me, using my fake name. Since we have to use name tags here, I couldn't risk my name getting out. I nod, grabbing the platter of different drinks, and bring it to the back booth. My eyes widen when I see the group I just left, this time joined with four new people. It seems as though the rivals from before, are now a 'team', leaving the brand new four out.
"Um..." I break through their conversation awkwardly.
"Fancy meeting you here." Baldy says when he glances up at me.
"Who's who?" I ask, too quietly for a club, so it's a shock when Adrian hears me.
"I got jack and coke." He states. I look around on the tray of colors, and don't see that.
"I'll get that in a second, I'm sorry." I apologize. He shrugs, and they go around in the circle of twelve, all of them getting their drinks, but Blondie and Adrian. I go back to the bar, and make Adrian's drink, and then just Sprite for the little dude. He looks underage. I give Blondie his soda, and go to give Adrian his, but I feel a hand come down on my ass, jolting my forward, not only
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