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falling into his lap, but spilling his drink all over him. "Oh my- Oh my God I'm so sorry." I glance behind us, since he is sitting against the wall of the again, circular booth, this one just larger than at the diner, and see Dan walking away. Oh what I would do to beat-

"It's fine. This is just a ten-thousand dollar suit." He gets out between gritted teeth. 

"I'm so sorry, I'll go get you something to wipe it off with, I'm really sorry-"

"It's fine. It's not your fault. What ass wipe did that to you?" He asks, angrily. I go to scramble off his lap, but he holds me down. 

"Please let go." I whisper. 

"Just tell me who did it... Emily." He glances down at my name tag. 

At this point I don't really care if I get fired, I just need off this man's lap. "My boss, Dan. He's not the owner but he's a manager here." He releases my hips, and I get off his lap as fast as possible. "I'm so, so, sorry. I'll go get a rag or something."

"No, no, it's fine. I'll just send it to the dry cleaner." He says, making me stop turning to go away. He takes off his soaked jacket. "A new drink might be nice though." He suggests. I go to the bar with a nod, and once his drink is done I set his new drink down.

"You must really like doing laundry." Brownie laughs. I blush and look down. I know I shouldn't, but in my mind, he's judging me and laughing at how stupid I am. Well, given the look on his face, he is. He seems to hate me. When the others aren't looking, he always glaring at me. 

"I'll pay for your drin-" I begin.

"I believe I already owe you money." Adrian butts in. 

"No, no. It's done, and it's happened." I walk away before anyone can say anything else. This is a 24 hour bar, so I work until seven A.M. and then I go straight to the diner again. Dan was out of a job before two A.M.

I go through the whole groggy and disoriented. I'm not used to working back to back. I normally have at least three hours of sleep. Lucky me, I get to go straight to the club again tonight. By the time my shift is done at the diner, I'm glad to have not seen anyone from the nights before. I slam an energy drink before I begin working, and not even an hour later, its worn off and all I feel is nauseated. 

"Woah there, you gonna stop pouring?" Some girl asks all bitchy. 

"Sorry." I snap out of my exhausted daze, and hang her the full drink. I hear a chuckle down the bar and my gaze lefts that way. "Wow. Alone?" I mutter under my breath. 

Apparently Adrian heard it. "I know, I never thought I'd see the day." He sighs with a low laugh. "Can I get some scotch? Neat." He asks. I nod and grab the bottle, pouring it into a bucket glass, and handing it to him. He looks at it weirdly, and I follow his gaze. 

"Ah shit." I sigh, grabbing my forehead, while I shake my head. I accidentally gave him a straight shot of Devil Springs Vodka. "I'm so sorry. It's been a while since I have slept." I admit. 

He looks at me strangely. "When was the last time you get any rest?"

"Um..." I try to do the seemingly easy math in my head but it takes me a few moments. "Forty-one hours?" It comes out as more of a question than a statement. 

"Stop working. Let's go." He practically demands. 

I freeze the hand that was currently scrubbing the bar to give me something to focus on instead of him. "I'm sorry?" I scanned over his features for any sign of him mocking me. 

"I own this place, and I'm telling you Emily, let's go." He tells me sharply.

I don't know if it was the energy drink, the news, or me being sleep deprived but before either of us can say anything else, I run to the employee restrooms, just in time to release the vomit building up in my throat.

Chapter five



I feel him behind me, as Ieave my guts in the toilet. He pulls my hair back, and as soon as I can, I jump away. Leaning against the stall walls, I wipe my mouth and glance at his face which is currently holding a worried expression. "Come on. You can't work like this." He tells me, holding out his hand for me, which I choose to ignore. "You need to go home." He brushes off the fact that I ignored him. 

"I..." I almost say I can't, but I decide against it. I just nod and walk past him, making sure to keep my eyes glued to the ground. If he's everywhere I go, I don't know how much longer I can work either of these places. Men like him terrify me. And it's all Antonio's fault. 

"Where the fuck have you been?" He growls as soon as I walk in. 

"Work. I'm sorry. My phone died." I admit quietly. He scoffs and grabs my arm. My breath catches in fear and I feel my entire body tense. 

"Calm down." He rolls his eyes and proceeds to drag me down the hall. To his office? Men in his gang line the walls, making me wring my shirt between my hands. "Alright, now that we're here, you're going to help me."

"What?" I exclaim in shock, but one look from him makes me lower my head again. "I mean, what with?" 

"That's better. You'll be sneaking into one of my enemy's gangs. Well technically he's part of the Mafia but whatever. You have to be strategic, and smart about every little move you make. He's intelligent, and doesn't let much past him. You'll be going in under a fake name, of your choice, and you'll be getting information for me. Here is a burner phone, that you only use privately, and to talk to me. We'll discuss the rest later. Now rest up, you'll be going tomorrow." I nod and stand up, after he dismisses me with a wave of his hand. Suddenly he stands up and is in front of me in a flash, gripping my chin fiercely. "Oh, and I swear to God, if you tell anyone about this, especially anyone in the Garcia family, I will gut you like a fish. Got it?" I nod as my only form of reply. "Good."

I'm dismissed again, and this time I'm actually allowed my much needed rest. This should be interesting. I've never had to help him before, and I'm not excited to start now. I guess I'll have to quit my jobs too. Well, I worry about that later. For now? Sleep.




I'm shaken awake at precisely 6:00 in the morning. Antonio makes me over the plan over and over again, and soon enough it's already 2:30. Well all this shit starts. He shoves me into a black car and drives until he's about half a mile away from the large house. "Alright, just for good measure..." He brings his hands up and slaps me so that there is a red mark on my face, then grips my arm exteamely hard. When he's done he drags his nails from my forearm to the tip of my hand. Safe measures my ass. I inwardly roll my eyes. "Now, remember. Act. Act, act, act! Got it?" I nod and he shoves me out of the car. "Run." He smiles wickedly. I was still yet to know who 'he' is, but I guess I'll find out soon. 

This is a risky move for a gang like Antonio's. Sneaking people into a mafia leader's house to get information? This could be deadly, and I have a feeling I'll be in the middle of it all.

I run for about four and a half minutes before the house comes into view. Damn this place is more like a mansion. The front gates are open at the moment, so I run straight through them, frantically knocking on the wooden door when I reach it. It opens as I'm looking around, making me seem scared. Which really, I am. "Please help me! My boyfriend is going to get here soon. Please, please I don't have any other choice!" I beg breathlessly. 

"Hey, hey, come in." My eyes widen and my head snaps towards the man in front of me. 

"Adrian?" I ask quietly. He nods, and opens the door wide enough for me to enter. I glance over my should one last time before he shuts the door. "I'm sorry.  I had no idea this was yours..." Technically, that's not a lie...

"It's fine Emily. Are you okay?" He asks, examining my face, making my breathing become erratic. It's bad enough being in the same room as males and having to talk to him, but being this close and touching is torture. 

"Fine." I step away from him and wrap my arms around my body. 

"Why were you running?" He asks tonelessly. Damn. Hot and cold much?

"My boyfriend. Well, ex. He's crazy. Abusive. I had to get away, so I ran. He was chasing me. I went to the first house I could find." I explain. 

"Why were you all the way out here?" 

Shit. Antonio didn't tell me he would ask this. "He told me that he had sobered up. He was a drunk when we were together, and he asked if he could pick me up. I agreed, giving him the benefit of the doubt. But, he brought me out here and started getting violent again. I tried getting out, but he grabbed my arm." I glance down at where Antonio's nail marks were currently bleeding in spots. I look even further to the once that grace my wrist and smile. I forgot the rush seeing that gave me... "I got away though." I tell him, going back to being serious. I cast a quick look up to him, and he's running his hand through his previously perfect styled hair. "I-I can leave if you want me to. I just had to get away. I'm sorry for bothering yo- One second." I get cut off by my phone ringing at the perfect time. The Caller ID comes up as Management, just like he said it would. "Hello?"

"Is this Emily from 608?" I recognize the voice as one of Antonio's maids, and feel horrible that she got wrapped up in this too.

"This is."

"Well, a man broke into your apartment. Stole all of your belongings and left before we could say anything. We thought he was just visiting you but then he left and we could stop him. I'm so sorry we'll-"

"Look Maria, it's alright. I'll just... Fine somewhere else to stay I guess. But I would appreciate if you'd allow me to return my keys?" I ask, going along with the stupid story. God I hate this. Why couldn't have he just felt me be?

"You'll be moving out? Oh... Yes, yes of course. Come in anytime and do it. I'll see you soon. Bye dear." 

"Bye..." She was one of the few people I got along with in that God forsaken house, and I'll actually miss

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