American library books ยป Romance ยป Raining Love for Her by Kalai Selvi Arivalagan (digital e reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซRaining Love for Her by Kalai Selvi Arivalagan (digital e reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Kalai Selvi Arivalagan

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nothing happened.โ€ Arun talked to her without looking at her.

โ€œDonโ€™t mistake me for asking such a question. It came out just like that.โ€

โ€œHmm, I am happy you cleared your doubt.โ€ Beena replied him back.

โ€œLeave it. Let us talk about our future. Do you know how to ride a car?โ€ He asked her.

โ€œYes, I learned to drive a car last year only. Do you want to test my driving skills?โ€ Beena questioned him.

โ€œ I wanted to know if you know car driving, nothing else.โ€

โ€œDo you want me to drive the car now?โ€ Beena asked him again.

โ€œNo, I donโ€™t want to take the risk now.โ€ With a smile he answered her back.

โ€œHow dare you talk to me like that?โ€ Beena pinched him on his left arm.

โ€œOh, god, what a pinch, it is so painful.โ€ Arun answered loudly.

โ€œI canโ€™t even rub it. I have my hand on the steering wheel.โ€ Arun murmured to himself.

โ€œSo sad, can I help you not to feel the pain.โ€ Beena asked him back.

โ€œNo need. I can manage myself.โ€ Arun replied to her without turning on her side.

โ€œWhy did you take me out today? Is there anything special?โ€ Beena asked him when they neared their home.

โ€œI just wanted to feel how you are.โ€ Arun parked the car at the side of the road, turned around and hugged her tightly. Next he pulled her face toward him and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. The unexpected hug and kiss made Beena blush once again. She sat searching for words.

โ€œI expected you to kiss me back. You are sitting still. Have you never read any love novels?โ€ Arun asked her with a loud laughter. Pleasantly surprised with the unexpected hug from Arun, Beena could only smile back at him.

โ€œYou did not expect such a thing from me. Is it not?โ€ Arun questioned her again.

โ€œAs a husband you have the right to do.โ€ Beena answered him.

โ€œMay be, but I think you were expecting me to do that. And I also know you suspected such things to happen when I asked you to come out with me. Is it not?โ€ He asked once again.

โ€œYes, I can read your mind.โ€ Beena kissed him back on his cheek and hit softly on his forehead with her head.

โ€œBeena are you ready to do this.โ€ Arun asked Beena.

โ€œWhat?โ€ Beena looked at him.

โ€œLook into my eyes.โ€ Arun told Beena.

โ€œYes.โ€ She looked into his eyes with a constant glare.

โ€œAdjust your seat belt and sit comfortably on the seat. Just turn your head around and look at
me.โ€ Arun asked her to face him straightly.

โ€œHave you heard about mind melds?โ€ He questioned her.
Beena became curious to know about it as she had not heard anything about it.

โ€œI have not heard about it. What is that?โ€ She asked him.

โ€œMind-meld is a telepathic technique that helps to share thoughts, experiences, memories and knowledge with another person.โ€ Arun answered her.

โ€œIn the mind meld, the minds of two individuals become a single entity. So when it happens, you will think the same thing as I think.โ€

โ€œIt can be done through physical contact and sometimes it can be done even without physical contact.โ€

He explained to her in detail.

โ€œMind melds can be used to erase memories also. It can allow more than one mind to experience memories or feelings. It can interact with the memories of other person also.โ€

โ€œNow let me start it.โ€ The car with the windows raised, she could hear only the silent hum of the air-conditioner.

โ€œHold your hands together and place them on your lap.โ€ Beena started to do one by one as he kept on telling her to do. After a few minutes, she realized she was not sitting inside the car, in the front seat near Arun. Both of them were walking hand in hand on a hill slope.

Beena found it difficult to climb on the steps on the steep hill for she could listen to the loud beating of her heart. She gripped tightly the left hand of Arun, and with slow steps they climbed the hill.

Beena could feel the cold breeze on her face. She could even hear the sweet songs of song birds that kept on singing continuously from the hidden branches of trees that grew on the slopes.

โ€œLook at the clouds over there.โ€ Arun asked Beena to look at the moving clear clouds on the sky.

The clouds looked mesmerizingly beautiful and some of them looked brighter with the silver lining that ran across their edges.

โ€œThese clouds are nothing but air. If you go near them, you will not see them, only empty space will be there.โ€ Arun told her.

โ€œYes, I know clouds are formed due to the frozen water particles that linger on the air.โ€ Beena answered him back.

โ€œYes, our minds are also like those clouds. Sometimes we feel happy, sometimes we feel sad. Finally they are nothing, they are only our assumptions.โ€ He replied her.

โ€œWhy do these philosophic thoughts coming in our way now?โ€ Beena questioned him.

โ€œIt is the starting point of our love life. I want you to go deeper and explore all kinds of possibilities so that we will be satisfied at all levels.โ€ Arun replied her.
Beena could not understand anything and so she looked blankly at him.

Walking slowly for more than thirty minutes, they finally reached a water falls. Beena could see the water flowing from a great height with force. Only a few birds and monkeys can be seen over there. Not even a single human being was seen there. The whole place looked far away from the bustling activity of human kind and it looked serene and calm.

โ€œDo you mind joining me?โ€ Arun walked toward the water fall.

โ€œLet us take a dip in that cold water. Come.โ€ He called her again.

Beena stretched her hand and touched the icy water from the falls. It sent a shiver through her spine and it slowly spread across her whole body.

โ€œEnough testing, come and join me.โ€ He pulled her into the water.

โ€œI have not brought any spare dress. Please, leave me.โ€ Beena requested him.

โ€œIt will dry when we walk again.โ€ Arun pulled her hard into the stream of water.

The icy cold water fell on her head like a thud and massaged her throughout her body. After standing like that for more than five minutes, she started to enjoy the bath. Arun removed his shirt and threw it on the ground.

Beena smile at him. โ€œIt will be good if I am taking bath like this.โ€ She clubbed her hands across her chest.

โ€œMay be, but the real joy is not with the clothes on.โ€ Arun teased her.

โ€œCome into my hands.โ€ Arun pulled her into a tight embrace.

โ€œHi, you can separate me from my sweetheart.โ€ Arun screamed at the water falls.

Beena looked at him and his well built chest and shoulders. His arms were hard and she could not press it with her slender fingers.

โ€œDo you exercise regularly?โ€ Her eyes became wider with the wonder of looking at his well built physique.

โ€œYes, I exercise regularly. But this is not the time to discuss all these things. Come and enjoy along with me, I will teach what is love life?โ€ He planted a passionate kiss on her lips that shivered in the cold water.

โ€œFeel my warmth, my sweetheart.โ€ Cheerfully Beena also joined him to explore what is love.

After having a wonderful experience under the falls, both of them started to walk down the hill. It was not as difficult as their climb up the hill. The chilly breeze touched her soft curls of hair and dried them within minutes. Her dress pinned to her body also dried slowly.

With his hand held tight to her narrow hip, he walked down the hill whispering sweet nothings. Beena felt happy and moved closer to him all the way even if he moved away while walking down the hill.

On the way down the hill, they were able to spot so many kinds of birds peculiar to the hill and more number of monkeys jumped from tree to tree.

They saw some women carrying dry twigs that they collected from the slopes of the hill. One woman carried a basket filled with purple coloured berry like fruits.

โ€œWhat are they?โ€ Arun asked her.

โ€œThey are wild jamun fruits. It will be tastier than those fruits you get in your town.โ€ She handed over him some fruits neatly placed inside cone like structure made from leaves plucked from some tree in the wild.

โ€œThank you, it is delicious.โ€ Arun thanked her and shared the fruits with Beena.

โ€œHow do you feel now?โ€ Arun asked her in a softer tone.

โ€œGood.โ€ Beena answered him as if in a trance.

โ€œWill you ever think about any other apart me from me now?โ€ Arun asked her. Beena nodded her head telling no. Arun erased away all the memories about Vel from her mind. He erased even the thoughts about Vel as a boy that were deeply embedded in her mind. Arun felt relieved. He wanted Beena only to himself and he did not want her to think any more about Vel.

โ€œDo you want to come out of that?โ€ He asked her referring to their satisfying bath in the water falls.

โ€œNo, please take me over there once again.โ€ Beena replied him again.

โ€œThat is done for today. We will try later.โ€ Arun started the car.

Adjusting her seat belt, Beena reclined her head on the seat. She felt the experience satisfying and fulfilling. She did not know what happened to her. Arun just asked her to look into his eyes. She met his glance boldly. She could remember the streaks of light rays coming from his eyes and they entered into her eyes. The rays touched her eye lashes and made her pupil enlarge wider. The rays entered into her inner mind through the narrow space that opened up for him to enter. She sat still on the front seat of the car.

The rays slowly took hold of her inner thoughts and took control of her wavering thoughts and feelings that stayed hidden deep inside her sub conscious mind. Beena has never allowed anyone to tamper with her deeper mind levels, but Arun entered that region even without asking her permission. She had deliberately allowed him to enter and explore more about her inner mind.

โ€œGet down.โ€ Arun opened the door and asked her to get down out of the car.

He slowly tapped on her shoulder and asked her to come out of that trance.

โ€œHi, Beena, open your eyes, we have reached home.โ€ Beena shook herself and came to senses.

โ€œWhat happened to me?โ€ Beena asked Arun.

โ€œNothing, you are perfect. Go and take rest. I will go and come back tomorrow.โ€ Arun left her in her home and left the place immediately.

Beena still could not believe what happened to her. She walked straight to the bed and threw herself on the bed. After a few minutes, she was fast asleep.

โ€œBeena, Beena,โ€ her mother came calling her.

โ€œWhere is Arun? Did you eat anything outside? Or do you
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