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hands and looking at my wrists. "What happened??" He asks me looking up at me.

"Um... I did it..." I look at the floor waiting to be hit. 


"What?!" I look up at him in shock. Did he just ask me why I cut myself instead of hitting me for it?!

"Why did you do it?"

"Because I needed to?" I answer, my shock turning into confusion.

"Oh... Okay continue."  He tells me, letting go of me. I do as I did earlier today- well I guess yesterday since it is 2:37 a.m.- and take off my shirt slowly while turning around so he can see my back...

Chapter nine

 He gasps as he sees my back and I do the same as I see my shirt... My once white shirt is completely soaked in blood. I look down to see my white bra is in the same condition. Without warning he puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me around. When he does he looks down. Surprisingly, not at my breasts, but at my stomach. 

"Shit." He whispers under his breathe. "That motherfucker." I look at him questioning what to do next and how to respond to that...

"Come on." He says and holds out his hand for me to take. I slowly take it and let him pull me up. He continues to hold my hand as he leads me up two flights of stairs into a bedroom. He hands me an over sized hoodie and a pair of boxers. 

"There is a bathroom through that door. Take a shower and come out here when you are done. I'll wait right here for you if you need anything." He says as if he actually cares about me. I say okay and go into the bathroom. Holy fancy. There is a huge mirror over a huge vanity. Next to that is a toilet and across from that is a stand-up shower. 'Okay then.' I get the water to the perfect temp. After that I strip my clothing and look in the mirror. I see a brown haired girl with black eyes with gray specs in them, who has some muscle but is so underweight its not even funny. I see a girl whos rib cage is super visible because of how little she was fed. I decide that I just need a shower... This girl wasnt me. I don't want it to be but it is. I look away and get into the shower.

The water is warm but on the hotter side. As I rolls down my back it stings a lot and on my stomach it hurts a bit but it isn't to bad. On the rest of my body it feels good though. After I'm used to the pain I finish my shower and when I'm done I get out and find a clean towel. I take an extra to dry the floor from me walking on it. I pull on his boxers and throw on the hoodie and walk out.

When I get out I see the slut from before on top of Asher trying to get with him still. I know it shouldn't... But it kind of hurt... But then he looked at me with pleading eyes for help so... I may have done something that was either really stupid or really smart. 

I back up and shut the bathroom door almost all the way but not quite. I grab the towel and start drying my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and act like I havent seen it. I then say, "Hey baby. Sorry it took so long! I was just getting over what we just did- oh... I didnt know you had company." The look she gave me was priceless. She glared at me and then got this undiscribable look on her face. I guess it was a mix of hurt, jealousy, and hatred. She huffed as she got off of him and walked out the room. I started to laugh but stopped after the pain it caused. 

"Hey, uh thanks. Good acting." Asher said rubbing the back of his neck.

"No problem. Uh, can I ask you something?"


"Why did you kill me?"

"Um... Because you were thankful and werent scared. Which I've never had before when people are in that situation. And you're the first person to ever call me a dumbass after knowing who I am. And we should patch up your back and stomach." He says.

"Okay..." He goes to the bathroom to get the first aid. When comes back he covers my back with the needed medical stuff. When he moves to the front of me. As he was going to lift up his hoodie , I realized I didn't have a bra on under it, so I stopped him before he got it that far.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, confusion filling his handsom features.

I blush as I say, "I uhh... Don't have anything on under this..." His face is tinted pink as he leaves my shirt and does the necessary things to my stomach. 

"So, am I going back now?"

"Back where?" He asked.

"My cell thing." I reply in a "duh" tone.

"Heh after all this, no. Especially after that!" He says smiling. Wow. His smile is amazing.

"After what? I didnt do anything!" I say sarcastically.

"Mmm well after running away you called me a dumbass and used the "duh" tone."

"What?? Me?? Nevveeerrr." I giggle. I look up to see him looking at me too... 

"Uh we should get to bed. And youre staying with me." He says and lays down in his king sized bed.

"Okay." I say, laying down next to him. "Night."

"Good night, sweetheart." And just like that, I fell asleep next to my savior.


Chapter ten

I wake up in the middle of the night and feel a something secured around me. It kind of hurt my back and stomach but then I felt sparks. It was a familiar feeling I just couldnt remember why? I try to move to see what it is when it strengthens it's hold on me and snuggles closer. Wait... After the memories sort of come back, seen as I'm still half sleeping, I remember that its Asher and stop freaking out. I remember the sparks and quickly fall asleep again.

I wake up later at around 6:30 in the morning. Asher isn't there anymore and it's sort of saddening to me. I go to get up and find a note on the nightstand that read:


         I'm sorry, I had to leave due to a gang emergency but I'll be back at around 7:45 If you are up before I get back, my sister's room is across the hall and to the right. She is up and waiting for you. She has a variety of things to do until I get back. Have fun! See you soon!

                       -Dumbass <3

Aww hes so sweet! Well, in a way. Then he was. 'I should go to Jess's room...' I think and get off the bed. That's the best I've ever slept. The bed was super comfortable and I felt safe for once in my life.

I walk out the door and follow his directions to a closed door. I knock quietly and here rustling on the other side of it. The door opens and I see the familiar face of Jess. She greets me and opens the door wider to let me in. I walk in and stand there awkwardly. I've always felt weird when I don't know what to do...

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks, sitting criss-cross on her bed. 

"Yeah... I'm fine...." I look at my nails and start fidgeting. I can feel her looking at me so I look up a little.

"Come here for a sec." She tells me while patting the bed next to her. I slowly go to sit down. "Tell me the truth now. Are. You. Okay??" She says it sternly but with such sincerity it makes me break down crying. I haven't cried since I was three! No matter what happened I didn't cry, after the death of my parents. I became cold and distant to everyone. I felt numb until I experienced that pain while in the hands of the cobras. I felt numb after a while though. And no matter what, I never cried. "Oh honey..."


Chapter eleven

 She hugs me as I spill her my entire life story, and suprisingly she doesn't say anything, she just continues to hug me.

"And I... Just wanted to take a... Walk and see the city... At night b-but they... Were there and...." I say in between the tears.

I finish the story and shockingly, its only, 7:15 so she says, "Hey, we have about half an hour to get you fixed up to impress my brother." I look at her with a confused but amused look on my face.

 "What?" I ask. "Wait your being serious right now?" My smile disappears. "No! No way! Why?!"

"Because he liiiiiiikkkkeeessss you!!!!"

"No he doesn't! He couldn't... Like someone like.... Me." I look away and start to get up, when she pulls me back down which sort of hurts but I'm fine.

"Then tell me why you are here? Why your dead body isn't down in that cell or back on the cobra base? Tell me why your wounds are covered and have been correctly treated for you to be better. Tell me why, you got away with calling him a dumbass and using that tone with him. And why... Did he let you, a girl, sleep with him?" I'm silent for a while until I finish replaying what she said in my head.

"Wait whats the last thing supposed to mean? Arent all gang leaders supposed to be big, bad, and sleep with 300 women a year?"

"Well this one is different. He had a girlfriend

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