American library books ยป Romance ยป right decesions by cristal santos (e book free reading txt) ๐Ÿ“•

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at him. I see him coming toward me and lifts me off the ground with no effort. As soon as he lifted me and started walking down the stairs I snapped out of the trance. I blinked a few times and notice we were a few steps away from the stair landing. โ€œlet go of me!!! Iโ€™m fine!!!!! My god!!!! Just let me go ill explain everything just let me go.โ€ While I squirm out of his hand I feel the tears running silently down my checks. They dot listen he just keeps his strong hold against me. We get into someoneโ€™s car and the boy sits down in the back still cradling me. As soon I as we hit the road I pass out.

I blink my eyes open to a white bright light. I see the boy next to my bed asleep. A note on the side table. In my sisters hand writing. :
Hey Aubrey.
You gave us quite a scare. You cut deep enough to bleed to death. We stayed a few hours but its late and I have school tomorrow. The doctors told us you will be discharged tomorrow night donโ€™t worry we only told the doctors you slipped on a knife and you were little shocked. They think you are now traumatized so. But you have to tell u s what happened! Any way Aden ( in joshes football teamโ€ฆ)wonโ€™t leave you alone so I donโ€™t know what going on there, any way heโ€™s in your grade get to know him well be back soon.
Your sister , skyler.

I put the note down and look around my surroundings. I see a TV a drawer a chair and a little table with flowers on them, a window that looks out to the lakes. I flutter my hand and see the cut scar on my wrists. I groan with sadness. Because of my groan the boy I mean Aden looks up and smiles. I grin causally back. We donโ€™t speak until a few min later that I had to say at least thank you. Before I could say anything he interrupts. โ€œ so I know you might not tell your sister but I would like to know. I mean what happened you had this ripped up photo and donโ€™t know Iโ€™m curious.โ€ He cocks his head expecting a no but finds himself listening to what happened. I explained it just as it was. โ€œ I had a best friend mase, he started hanging out with jerks now has a horrible girlfriend and just because she doesnโ€™t like me he thought it would be best if we werenโ€™t friends. Then he came back and asked for my friendship back. I replied back the scene and as I was finishing the few last sentences I felt the tears running down my eyes, face and dropping to the bed sheets making little blue water marks as they hit. I look up to see him nodding. โ€œ I know that kid he plays football now yeah, he doesnโ€™t seem like that bad well I guess appearances arenโ€™t enough.โ€ He then says the words I least expected him to say.โ€ Iโ€™ve see you around school how bout you hang with me? I mean I hang out with the jerks but I just sit there or I get beat up and I donโ€™t take part of the teasing or something like that. Scouts honor!โ€ he smiles, I smile brightly Back. I check the clock on the wall and see the time and my eyes almost bulge out of my head. โ€œ holy cow its 2 in the morning!โ€ I grin evil.โ€ You have to go to school tomorrow because if you donโ€™t go then your football career is busted.โ€ He groans knowing im rightโ€ damn I forgot about that! I guess ill be going Iโ€™ll see you tomorrow at like 4 when we discard you.โ€ He leans over kisses my forehead and runs out the door. My phone vibrates 2 min later. โ€œheyโ€ฆ its Aden I programmed my number to your phone already.... ๏Š.โ€ I laugh and text him back to go home and go to bed. i put my phone away and sigh a sigh of relief. I have never felt so relived or loved before mase but I donโ€™t care about mase. I smile as I drift asleep.
I wake up to noises in my room. I adjust my eyes to bright light coming from the window. I open my eyes to see a pair of jeans a long sleeved purple shirt and my boots on the edge of the bed. I donโ€™t have the needles on me so I get out of bed and take the cloths with me. No one notices, there all busy packing up things and talking to the doctor and nurses about some medicine I need to drink for protein and blood loss reduction. I get the cloths out and am glad to fin a brush on the bottom of the pile so comb my now past my but long hair and brush out my bangs. I walk out the room and sit on the bed patiently. I look at the clock. 4:40. I yawn and everyone looks over to me. Skyler rushes to me and gives me a hug. She takes my hand and we walk to where josh is standing josh gives me a hug and we walk out of the hospital to the surprisingly warm winter day. We walk towards joshes jeep and I get into the backseat. โ€œso what about our parents what happened to them?โ€ skyler does not answer for a few min.โ€ I didnโ€™t tell them. When I called they were on a plane for an emergency surgery they have to perform on a client that did something while skiing or something. I just told them to have fun.โ€ She looks at me and I nod my approval. We ride the rest of the car ride in silence until we get to our house and we get out of the car to see more than a dozen flowers on our doorstep and more in my room. โ€œWhat the hell!!!โ€ all of them said mase. I threw the cards down but kept the flowers. I evacuate my room of enough plants that I can still have a few left in my room.

3 months later.

Aden and I are becoming really good friends. We act like were dating like holding hands an hugging and sharing food and stuff. The scars are fading and m heart is swelling. We donโ€™t kiss though. I see mase look at us and I see anger flit through his eyes until Katelyn kisses him or something distracts him.
Around 6 our doorbell rings and skyler yells that she that she shall get it. I in the dance room wearing black tights black leotard and a black dance skirt. The mirror helping me with positioning. I plop myself on the floor and lace my shoes on. I stand up and brush myself off I turn around and see another reflection in the mirror. I gasp until I realized it was Aden and mase. I frown. They come inside and sit on the floor. I stand. I have my hands on my hips with a frown on my face. Aden comes towards me and hugs me. โ€œI didnโ€™t bring him we just arrived at the same time.โ€ He mummers. I melt and hug him back. We pull apart and he grabs my hand. Mase stands up and blinks once and starts speaking. โ€œumm hi Aubrey. I know you mad but I mean come on you donโ€™t know how much this hurts me. I know deep down it hurts you too. I miss you. You cant be serious about going out with him.โ€ He spits the word out as if its breaking his heart just to say it.โ€ I mean come one you have to miss me.. I miss you. I think of only you. I dream about only you.โ€ With that he strides across the room in 3 strides and grabs my face and crushes his lips to mine. I melt into is arms letting him kiss me until I realized what was happening. I started pushing away my hands on his chest and my flailing. Aden takes him by the shoulder and pushes him against the other wall. He comes running towards me and I sooth him knowing he was nervous because of the fact I might go back to mase. As Aden tries to sooth both us mase goes to the door and opens it. Before he leaves he mummers something I think I only dreamt I would hear him sayโ€ I love only you.โ€ With that he closes his door and leaves. I shake at the thought of what just happened here. โ€œ Iโ€™m okay Aden seriously. My dance teacher to practice the lifts. Help me?โ€ he looks at me and sighs defeated. I turn on the music and Aden and I practice the routine perfectly at the moment of the lift he lifts me up and I lift my leg out with my hands on his shoulders. Looking at him and he staring back with his silver intense eyes. Before I know it I have my lips crushed against his and his against mine. He puts me down softly without letting go of me and pulls me closer by the waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and moan with pleasure. โ€œugh. Just omg Iโ€™m sorry!โ€ Aden and I pull apart as fast as humanly possible. I blush instantly and look up to see skyler smiling. โ€œI knew it!! You guys are perfect. Hahaah I win just again.โ€ She stalks out of the room closing the door behind her. I look to see Aden staring at the floor with a huge smile across his face. โ€œUm that was a great lift. We actually landed it this timeโ€ I blush constantly. We have an awkward silence following. The silence is shattered with a shrill of bells. We both jump at the sound of his phone ringing. He looks at his caller ID and frowns immediately. I stand next to the mirror looking at him with curiosity in my eyes. I stride over to him and careful not to touch him I look over his shoulders. Over 10 messages all saying the same thing.โ€ Dude what with you and ambry. Or dude youโ€™ve lost you mind but she is something, or dude what has gotten into you. Others nice like great hope you have a great relanship, that awesome. I sigh as I read-skim the messages. I flit toward the door knowing how tweeted, face booked and g- mailed. I open the door and storm to the living room. I see skyler sitting on the couch the laptop on her lap her cell phone on the side and cordless phone clamped to her ear. I hear she is talking to josh about Aden, and I. I grab the phone and press the disconnect button. I shut the laptop and take her phone away. โ€œ why the hell would you say that about Aden and i. I mean yeeah we kissed, but it doesnโ€™t mean anything, it was an accident. We were under stress. My god! Aubrey sits on the couch and tucks her feet into her body. Skyler just looks at her.โ€ Well do you like him?โ€ Aubrey hesitates to answer knowing she would have to set her limits with her sister. โ€œWell yes but that makes no difference you had no right to do that and you know it. Do you know how awkward school is going to be on Monday?โ€ I groan and
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