American library books ยป Romance ยป Forgotten Memories by Jennifer Newman (top 10 most read books in the world TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซForgotten Memories by Jennifer Newman (top 10 most read books in the world TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Jennifer Newman

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peaceful atmosphere in which I stood now casting my gaze out a window that has been in my family since well since it was built. My Aunt had kept this place going since it had been handed down to her. We both bare the same surname as she is my fatherโ€™s sister. Only sister as it happens. Only relation on his side alive to this day.
Leaning my forehead against the window pane and shutting my eyes. Letting the breeze carry me away as the peaceful smell of fresh pancake mix wafted up from down stairs. Allowing a small growl from my stomach, before giving in and pulling on a cardi and exiting my room.
The smell grew stronger as I approached the waiting door which would soon open up to reveal the kitchen with its high ceilings and wooden beams. From the other side of the door I could hear a faint sound of music as my Aunt listened to the radio on low. Even though there were not any neighbours for about at least a mile not like in London where you will never be more than 50 yards from a neighbour. Well yes I am being a little stereotypical here and only thinking from experience but it is so different here. I just have to determine if itโ€™s a good different or a bad one.....
I raised my hand pulling the cardi further over my hands before pushing the door open. The nervures reaction I had had ever since I discovered the great beauties of sleeves. The door opened effortlessly again proving how well my Aunt had looked after this place and her family before that. I still referred to them as her relatives and not related to me since I had had nothing to do with my dadโ€™s side of the family. It has always been mumโ€™s side that we go on holidays to see. I was still adjusting to the fact that my dad had family on his side.
I stood in the door way watching my Aunt fuss around by the stove shoving pancake mix onto a pan before flipping it in the air letting it flip round and round before sloshing back down in the pan like nothing had happened. I had never seen anyone actually manage that before. Me and mum had attempted it a few years ago resulting in a huge round stain on the ceiling where the pancake mix had stuck for about four days until dad got home from work.
โ€œOh honey your awake! I thought you teens were supposed to be late risers!โ€ she stopped to laugh; smiling her friendly smile as she scooped the now fully cooked pancake out of the pan; onto a plate and into my hands as she ushered me to the table.
โ€œNow you must eat something this town might seem small but there is plenty to look at. John will be here within the hour so make sure your ready. Eat up.โ€ I laughed at how enthusiastic she was being about me going around town. I was still nervures about that fact that a totally new person that I have never met and donโ€™t even have that little fact that I have to get along with them since there family. Instead I have act like the perfect town girl hoping my city girl nickname would rub off soon. Well now I'm being incoherent always a great sign.....
I finished off the last bite of the mouth watering pancake in a daze thinking about what the dayโ€™s events would foretell. Picking up the plate and cutlery I plodded my way over to the sink running the water to a suitable temperature making small circles on the plates with a sponge I had just put washing up liquid on. The water gushed over my figures running down the plug hole to the sound of sinking.
When I had deemed the plate to be clean I marched my way back upstairs in hope that I could pull out an outfit without totally having to unpack. I'm sure I put my checked shirt and jeggings on top of my many bags. As soon as I entered my room I jumped on my bag; pulled out not my checked shirt but my dark green button up shirt and high wasted shorts. Turns out I would have to unpack soon if I didnโ€™t want to freeze. Tuning to another bag I quickly rummaged through grabbing underwear and thick tights. Well it did look sunny outside I told myself in the hope that I could save the unpacking for another time.
I swept into the bathroom across the hall with my toiletries bag in hand and clothes in the other. A quick glace in the mirror sent me off groaning at my wild red hair. Most people would lead themselves to believe that my hair is died but no it really is this red naturally. My fringe was evenly cut just before my arrival here yet still hangs near my eyes coming right up to my eye brows. Ringlets of red hair hang down far past my shoulders trailing a light way down my back. Back in London I was pretty much a freak for wanting my hair like this. Well not really wanting but for not changing. It was only a couple of years ago that people actually started to like my strange unique style. Sixteen was the highlight of my life people started to demand my opinion and respect it without question. Even then I didnโ€™t like how it had turned out yet I let I continue for reasons I still havenโ€™t figured out or should I say would rather not think off. I had been deemed as plastic the cover girl but like I said it got me into more bad than good. Well no good really. If only things could always be that easy, not that I want to be the plastic anymore where everyone just assumes you are dumb, but it where I could not belong but live with.
Coming back from memory lane I grabbing my comb and dragged it threw my hair letting the curls hang wildly down my shoulder before pulling it back with a hair band. I quickly changed out of my nigh wear leaving it lying by the door while I returned back to the mirror and started to apply a little bit of lip gloss and mascara. Old habits die hard.
When I was finally done I left the bath room and walked back to my room and dumping the clothes onto the bed before once again rummaging in my bags for flats. Learning that heels were not such a great idea when walking for rather a long time around uneven ground.
I sat on the bed with my phone in hand. I had turned it off after talking to mum the first night telling her I had arrived safely. I wasnโ€™t sure if I wanted to check the messages or not. What would they say if they said anything at all? I pulled the hair band from my hair letting it once again spill free around my shoulders listening to the sound of my bangles clatter together as I moved my arm back down combing my fingers through my hair. Rolling my eyes I tossed the phone on the covers and got up sliding my feet into my shoes just as the door bell rings.
I exit the room following the landing down to the stairs just as my Aunt walks out of the study and opens the door. I swear my mouth dropped open. Mentally. A boy about a year or two years older than me stood there and oh god was he something to look at. I mentally brought myself back to the present and ducked behind the banister so I could collect myself and mentally curse myself for being once again ridden by the sight of good looking boys. Well majorly good looking boy. Nora stop! I scolded myself for even thinking it. I would not get into that kind of thing. Not for a long time, a bloody long time at that.
I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall I had ducked behind listening to my Aunts convocation down stairs. Why was I so stupid to expect her to only know people her age? Why couldnโ€™t she know someone about my age? Could I have not asked who this person was before I went and said yes? Well there was no point now all I could do was put on a brave face and face this. I am not going to be a coward thatโ€™s the last thing I'm going to do.
Thatโ€™s what convinced me to come away from my hiding place. No not my hiding place itโ€™s just the place I had chosen to take a breather. I took the steps slowly; coming down the stairs to meet my Aunt half way as she was just about to call up to me.
โ€œHeyโ€ appear normal. One day, only one way to find out about the town canโ€™t be that hard. Who am I kidding I used to be able to have any boy I wanted wrapped round my little finger. Well that is not going to happen anymore. I'm not going to be something because itโ€™s something someone else wants me to be. That me was long gone and staying that way.
โ€œOh dear donโ€™t you look a picture!โ€ Oh god..... I smiled kindly while inwardly cringing at my choice of clothes. โ€œAnyway. Nora this is John. John this is Nora my niece. Thank you so much again John for showing her round. The business is so busy right now I just donโ€™t know how I would find the time.โ€ Her hand went to her heart in exasperation. Well today I was defiantly going to be someone elseโ€™s burden. Thinking this I looked down at the panelled wood flooring at my feet keeping my face expressionless.
โ€œItโ€™s no bother Tess. Dad wants me out of the house anyway.โ€ His deep voice echoed around me as I stood still thinking about what my โ€˜friendsโ€™ would have said when I had still hang out with them about the way I was acting now. I had no practise at being myself it had only been thanks to my true best friends Lola and Grace that had finally brought back some of me. Now I stood in this hall way using all my energy to stop myself from blushing.
Pep talk. Basically I get through this one day I can show myself around town by acting normal today responding to whatever or whoever this boy turned out to be. Then I would judge myself on my actions that lead to later happens.
โ€œSo off you two go now. Are you taking a coat Nora? It might get cold later.โ€ I nodded quickly before making my legs move at a normal speed back up the stairs to grab my American jock jacket. Once I was safe inside my room I leaned against the door breathing as I went once again to my suitcase packed full of coats and shoes alone to get my jacket.
Standing in front of the door once again pep talking myself mentally to get out of this room and down those stairs; out that door and look around town.
The only reason I left that room and took the stairs down was because I wanted to know the history of this town. Why had dad never told me why he had left? Why was he still not telling me even though I was here myself? When I had told him I needed space mum had suggested here and I had jumped on
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