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felt only slightly resentful that this woman felt the need to remind her of such things.

The two children walked hand in hand, a small bag in Ella’s free hand filled with two towels and a change of cloths for both of them. Jamie’s house was only a twenty minute walk from their home. It was a peaceful walk spent with warm chatter between the two siblings.

Stopping in front of the address Ella was momentarily stunned. She hadn’t realized that her friend came from money. Her home was easily five time’s the size of the house Ella now lived. A large gate with iron fences surrounded the estate. Lush green grass could bee seen from the entrance. She took a moment to take in her surroundings entranced by the well manicured lawn and gardens she could see.

Ella pushed a button on the call box and waited.

“Yes?” A muffled voice responded.

“I’m Ella Thompson, Jamie invited Bobby and I over,” Ella’s voice was quite, respectful. Looking at her you wouldn’t have been able to see her uneasiness to be in such a place, but it was evident in her voice. Bobby too, seemed to be feeling nervous. He squeezed his sisters hand.

“Her house is this big?” Bobby asked, still full of childish innocence.

“I guess so,” she said smiling lightly then raising a hand to ruffle his hair.

“Sissy, your friend is nice?”

Ella stared at him, curious as to why he asked this question. It wasn’t like him to not trust her, “Yes, she’s very nice.”

Bobby’s smile brightened. “I’m happy sissy. I’m happy that you have a friend now.”

Ella felt her heart warm. Even now, this small child found new ways to endure himself to her, “I’m happy too.”

“Ella!” It was Jamie’s voice. Jamie was already wearing her bathing suite. A two piece set that showed off her almost non existent cleavage.

Bobby shyly hid behind his big sister, poking his head out from her side.

Jamie stared at him slightly caught off guard at how handsome the small boy was. She glanced from Ella to Bobby her eyes widened fractionally. She was amazed that there could be such beautiful people in this world.

“Jamie, this is Bobby,” Ella’s voice was filled with a hint of pride as she looked down adoringly at the child behind her legs.

“Hi Bobby!” Jamie was overly cheerful, she had managed to overcome the momentary shock of seeing the two siblings together. She reached out her hand to shake the boys. His hand slowly crept out and was gently placed into the older girls. Jamie shook it and smiled brightly.

“Come on, lets go swimming! I’ve been waiting all day for you two slow pokes.”

Ella smiled at that childish way that Jamie was speaking. It was obviously for Bobby’s benefit, “Come on Bobby,” Ella said pulling him from behind her. They Followed Jamie into her home staring at the fancy lawn ornaments and intricately designed fountain on their way inside.

The house interior was not what Ella had expected. She had seen many pictures in magazines of rich homes. Those pictures would always be so well kept and manicured that it would leave you with the feeling of untouchable. Here however, it wasn’t so. Though the house was well kept, it was cozy and bright. It was as cheerful as Jamie. Flowers decorated end tables and family portraits hung on the walls. It was a beautiful home, well lived in and full of warmth.

Michael Benson lay relaxed on the lawn chair. His eyes covered with sun glasses and a cup of iced tea resting in his hands. His chest was exposed, his only covering a pair of swimming trunks. He hadn’t planned on coming home the night before. He only had come because of Jamie’s insistence. He hadn’t spent much time at home since he graduated from high school, the school that his little sister now attended. His life was now full of college parties and late night gigs at local bars.

Ella and Bobby walked outside the glass doors that led to the pool area. Outside the sun shined brightly down. The water was a clear sparkling blue that made you feel thirsty. Refreshing water, refreshing breeze, it was a peaceful scene. Bobby was quicker then she was. He ran towards the pool excited at the sheer size.

“Don’t run,” Ella lightly chastised. She stepped further out and allowed the sun to shine on her.

Michael turned when he heard the girl’s voice. Jamie had told him she was bringing a friend home. This was the first time she had ever wanted him to meet one of her friends. She had practically begged him to come home the night before. Although he wasn’t certain why she had insisted he meet her, now staring at this figure he felt his mind grow hazy. She wore a modest blue one piece bathing suite, covered by a see through wrap that hung loosely over her legs. Her face slightly tilted up and her hair gently swaying in the breeze, Michael was briefly transfixed, lost in wonder at the perfect image.

His sister appeared from the glass doors and grabbed the girl’s hand startling her from her moment of tranquility. “Come here. I want you to meet my brother.”

Jamie pulled Ella towards the man who was still staring rather openly at the younger girl. Only now did Ella see him.

Never before had Ella been stunned by someone’s beauty. This man who was staring at her looked as though he was a descendent of Adonis. He was chiseled and sculpted yet he still exuded a fresh natural feeling. His hair a light brown was in messy disarray, giving off the idea that he didn’t bother with it.

Michael stood up, setting his tea on the small table that was beside the lounge chair. He was much taller then Ella had anticipated, well past six feet. He wiped a hand on his shorts before extending it towards Ella.

She stared at his hand. He stared at her. It took her a moment before she put her small fingers into his own much larger ones. He shook lightly. “Michael. I’ve heard a lot about you.” he was lying. Had Jamie mentioned anything about this girl he couldn’t recall. Even if she had, it wouldn’t have compared to the actual image.

“Ella,” she answered him. She pulled her hand away, “Nice to meet you.”

Her tone was indifferent towards this stranger. She turned away from him and focused on her brother who was slowly making his way into the pool. Jamie had filled it with floating toys and inflatable rings to entertain him. With each tip toed step he took deeper into the pool he would laugh then lurch back a few steps.

Her eyes had become unguarded as she stared at the boy in the water Michael noticed. The shadow that had rested there before was lifted and a sense of unhidden adoration had surfaced. He turned towards the boy as well. His eyes followed him for a few short moments before turning back to the girl. She seemed oblivious towards him.

“You two go to school together?” Michael asked, wanting to draw her attention.

“Yep!” Jamie answered for her. “She came about three weeks ago? Four weeks maybe? Do you want to go in the water Ella?”

Ella turned to her friend and smiled a light smile. It was an answer with out an answer. “I’ll watch for now.”

“Ok. I’m going to go play with Bobby. If your thirsty just tell Michael,” Jamie shouted before jumping loudly into the pool. Bobby shouted out with pleasure as he watched the trickles of water descend over his head from her splash.

Ella walked quietly, gracefully towards the pool and put her feet into the clear blue. Michael stared at her from where he stood, feeling slightly needy of her acknowledgment. He became aware of his strange behavior and cleared his throat before returning to his lounge chair. He shook his head trying to clear it of the strange trance he had been put under.
Is it love?

Michael found himself waiting outside the school gates still uncertain why he had come. Three days had passed since he had seen the girl at his home. The image had been engraved into his mind like a scar. Not once after the initial meeting had she bothered to look at him, let alone speak to him. He had watched her play mildly with the smaller boy. She was far more matured then his light hearted sister, almost solemn in nature. Her eyes only lit up when the boy was involved. Not even his sister had evoked a reaction from her. Still, perhaps it was because of her quite mysterious nature, he was enthralled by her. As much pleading as he had done with himself to shed away her memory, he still found himself standing at the gates waiting foolishly, uncertain of what he would say.

Ella walked next to her friend, as she had been doing since she first started this school, towards the entrance. Her mind was going over the homework that she would need to turn in by the end of the week in order to catch up to the other students. Her work load was much heavier then it had been at the orphanage.

“Michael?” Jamie shouted rushing away from the lost in thought Ella. She was surprised to see her brother at the gates. She couldn’t remember a time before that he had done so. She skipped lightly until she reached him, a grin spreading over her face. “What ya doing here?”

Michael briefly glanced at his sister then turned his head back towards the girl that was attracting attention from all around her. He noticed with a hint of humor that he was not alone. None of the onlookers seemed to spark her interest either. She was just as oblivious to their stares as she was to his.

Jamie looked from her brother towards the place he was staring. She saw Ella walking and realized she had yet to notice her absence. “Ella!” Jamie yelled out.

Ella turned her head caught off guard by the distance of her friend. She noticed the man standing next to her and recognized him as Jamie’s brother. Today he was even more attractive, he’d lost the sunglasses. He wore a plain black t-shirt and a pair of loose fitting jeans. Ella was certain that with his looks, he could model, or even be in movies.

He smiled brightly at Ella as she made her way closer to them.

“Hello again,” Michael greeted her. He bit his lower lip and rocked gently on the heels of his

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