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wouldn’t acknowledge it.

‘No, with time this feeling would pass,’ he told himself. He would make it pass.
She really can sing!

Ella stared at herself in the mirror.

‘Were here eyes always this bleak?’ She wondered.

She moved the brush through her long dark tresses. Her lips moved into a smile. If she could just make other’s believe that smile was real she would survive. She needed to try harder. She couldn’t let her new parents worry about her. John’s words from the other night had her nervous. There was an unwarranted fear inside of Ella’s heart that if she became a burden to them, they would take her back to the orphanage, her and Bobby both. She would try harder.


She turned from the mirror to look at her brother. He was already dressed, wearing a suit with a small red bow tie. He looked handsome. She smiled as she appreciated him.

“You look nice.”

“So do you,” he was leaning against the door frame watching her. He had been for a while.

She was wearing a cream colored cotton dress with puffed sleeves that stopped at her forearms. It was a long flowing dress, loose fitted, almost pajama like in nature. He wasn’t sure why she had chosen something so plain, but his sister, regardless of what she wore, was always beautiful. Looking at her now he couldn’t help but think of an angel, all she was lacking were the wings.

“I’m ready now,” she said standing up, she paused.

Her eyes turned back towards the mirror then she sat back down. She stared at herself for a few moments, her eyes distanced as if she was seeing something far away. Her fingers slid to the drawer attached to the vanity where she pulled out a familiar box Bobby had seen many times. Inside he knew was a blue ribbon. She had told him once the story of the ribbon. It was a gift from their father.

He watched her pull the ribbon out and rub her fingers over the worn fabric. Her fingers touched it as if it would disappear at any moment. She pulled a portion of her hair together on the top of her head and tied the ribbon. The blue fabric hung close to the loose bottom hair, and was tied in a bow at the top.

She looked like a doll now, a child even.“There, now I’m ready,” she smiled at her reflection before standing up and following Bobby to the car that was waiting for them.

John and Tracy smiled at her as she approached. They both noticed how innocent and childlike she looked today.

Michael sat next to Jamie in the front of the auditorium. The two had arrived early to make sure they could get the best seats. He wasn’t sure why, but he was nervous. He turned in his seat, anxiously glancing at the double doors. Students were arriving with their parents in a steady flow. Some of them looked bored, others excited. A few of them were dressed in outlandish costumes that he assumed had to deal with their talent. One girl no bigger then his pinky carried a cello. He watched the girl for a while as she made her way behind the curtains that led to the back of the stage.

“Oh she’s here!” Jamie said standing up.

His eyes turned to the door. Ella had just entered with her family. Her brother was holding her hand looking around the auditorium with fascination and excitement. Her parents seemed slightly lost as to what to do, glancing around here and there looking for seats.

Ella bent down and whispered to her brother, “I’ll be back, watch me on stage,” Bobby smiled up at her nodding his head.

She was nervous. She let out a heavy breath and headed behind the curtains. Other students were there putting on makeup or practicing. There was a row of mirrors with chairs in front of them. Ella took a seat and willed herself to relax. She practiced breathing in and out.

Ella listened to the announcer welcome the family’s to their annual talent show. The first person was called onto the stage. The sound of sloppy violin echoed across the dressing room, followed by half hearted applause.

The girl who had been playing the violin rushed back into the dressing room, “The Young Master showed up!” She breathed out, “I was so nervous I kept messing up. Why would he come to a talent show?” The girl was fanning her face with her hand, she looked flustered, but excited.

Ella stared at the girl surprised by the reaction the young master had caused on her. She decided it didn’t matter and continued to focus on keeping calm.

Ethan took a seat near the exit. Butler Amos stood behind him. He was surprised that the Young Master had decided to attend this school function. In all his years of watching over the boy, he had never done such a thing. He understood why he did it, but it still surprised him.

After Butler Amos had sensed Ethan’s desire to know more about the girl, even though he wouldn’t ask, he found out about the talent show. He’d told him only that morning, lightly tossing it into conversation as if it were a normal thing. He’d been worried at first that the Young Master would grow angry with his meddling, but instead Ethan’s eyes had lit up if only for a moment. Butler Amos couldn’t help but want to see his eyes light up like that more often. It was easy to see how lonely the young master was.

Ethan stared uninterested as act after act performed on the stage. He noticed with distaste that every time one would enter the stage they would find him before starting their performance. Disgusting. That is what he thought of them all. To him they would fain friendship in order to gain prestige. From his earliest age he had learned the tricks of these people. They all wanted to use him in some way.

The crowd applauded once again as the boy who had done magic tricks headed off the stage. The announcer appeared back on the stage holding the mike. Behind him a piano was being rolled out.

“And now we have Ella Thompson performing,” He looked down at a paper in his hand, “ ‘Smile for me.’ I don’t see an author listed,” He paused, “I’m sure it’s a good song so please give her a warm welcome,” the crowd clapped lightly as they waited. A few moments passed before an angelic girl dressed in a white gown, a blue ribbon tied to her hair appeared on stage.

Even from where Ethan sat he was blown away by how beautiful she appeared. Her face was slightly flushed, she looked nervous. Another person followed after her adjusting a mike near the piano. She sat down, not bothering to look at the crowd. She sat quietly staring at the keyboard for a moment before a soft melody began to pour out, soon followed by her voice.

‘When the road gets rough,

And everything feels like a test,

Smile for me,

Even if it breaks your heart,

Even if the tears won’t stop,

Smile for me,

Her tone was soft, barley carrying across the auditorium, but there was a feeling within the sound that stirred emotions. There was doubt about her vocal abilities, until suddenly her voice became louder and filled with power, her words cascaded around the room with a high intensity that sent chills over your arms. There was pain, obvious pain mingled with her words.

‘Keep your head lifted high,

And Remember who you are.

Smile for me,

When you find someone who’s worth your love,

When you walk down the isle,

Smile for me,

When there’s so much sun,

And the days are filled with laughter,

Smile for me’

She brought the quite tone back, only this time the quietness drew the audience closer to the song. It opened up a flood gate of intense longing and sadness. It was her voice that caused the feelings more so then the words. She was singing with a quite pain, that emanated out of her.

‘This isn’t my goodbye to you,

This isn’t my farewell,

This is me telling you to live your life well,

Smile for me,

Smile because that’s the way I want to remember you.

Smile because that’s the girl you aught to be.

Smile for that little boy who needs you just as much as me,

So smile for me.’

At this point her true capacity as a singer showed through. Her vocals rising and spreading around the auditorium. She held the note in a long sad wail, before softly breathing out the final words in a whisper.


Smile for me.

The room was momentarily silent after the song had finished. Ella sat with her head tilted down, and her fingers still hovering over the keys. A sudden boom of loud applause erupted.

Michael had sat at the edge of his seat listing to the heartbreaking sound coming from the quite girl. Her voice was better then some professional singers, but more then that, he could feel the song deep down inside of him. He could feel the pain that she was feeling as the notes from the piano intertwined with her voice. The rest of the audience seemed to be feeling the same thing. Every one had been quietly watching as if under a spell or hypnoses.

Ethan was paralyzed by the sudden heartache inside his chest. He moved his hand to his heart and rubbed it lightly. He’d never been so moved by someone’s singing before in his life. Yet again Ella had done something he wasn’t used to.

She stood up from the piano bench and walked off the stage. Ella breathed in and out trying to let go of the pain she was feeling. She pulled the ribbon from her hair and clutched it close to her chest. She leaned against the wall just behind the stage. A couple of students watched her for a few moments, wondering if they should congratulate her or leave her alone.

Ella closed her eyes. She saw his face behind her closed eyes. His warm smile as he looked down at her. She saw something she had taken for granted. She had believed at that time he would always be there for her. She was regretting singing that song. His song to her and Bobby. The song he wrote when he knew he was dying. Even after six years, the pain of his

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