American library books Β» Romance Β» 1 MILLION KISSES by Belinda Louis (great reads TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«1 MILLION KISSES by Belinda Louis (great reads TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Belinda Louis

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over us. It was hot so it got pretty steamy in the bathroom. He touched me in all the right places and boy it felt good. And there it went we kissed and we made out. Which I enjoyed and really got to the point were I just wanted to ask him "DO YOU WANNA FUCK?".But I didn't ask him so we just made out.
Eli:" You've got some soft lips there"
Me:" Thanks so is yours"
Eli:" I know..." he grabbed me again and kissed me again. He walked behind me and felt his manhood rubbing on my butt cheeks. He slapped it and shit I began feeling wet. He held me tight once more and we slowly slid down to the bathroom floor. I bended over and he bended over me. Teasing my body all around. And I was moaning. He was just so good. And the crazy thing is I'M A VIRGIN and he's making me go insane. I started to rub his manhood and moaned.
Eli:"Hahaha....look your my best friends sister but I think we should wait", WAIT!??! WDF! FUCK YOU MEAN. I DIDN'T SAY NOTHING TO YOU THE WAY YOU WERE TEASING ME.
Me:" Yea your right we shouldn't go there but can't my broth-"
Eli:" Hell nah..I'll end up in a grave for all I know and I've seen your brother fight and boy he got hands"
Me:" Hahaha..yea I'm pretty sure he does", he giggled then kissed me again then exited the bathroom.


My old friends from Prep High came and visited me and came back to see and have a sleepover party. My friends are my age so everything was perfect. They came over the house and met me outside. I invited them in. Selena my Mexican sexy best friend I've been with since elementary school came along with Rose and Emily. They've been there for me and they were angry because I as removed from Prep High.
Selena:" Girlllllllllllllllll......I miss you Te amo mi hermana"
Emily:" Y ea what Selena said", they all giggled and so Did I. Trey came through the door to see who it was.
Me:" Hey Trey meet Selena, Emily and Rose", they all shook hands but Trey took a long time to remove his hands from Selena's. We all giggled and boy they look like such a cute couple. Everybody else went upstairs, I pulled back Selena and whispered to her.
Me:" Do you like Trey or something?"
Selena:" I'm mean the question I should be asking you if you like him because he's mine I call dibbs", I shook my head and took her arm and we ran upstairs.
Emily:" Truth or dare?!"
Me:" Hell no because I almost died playing this game"
Selena:" Spin the bottle"
Me:" Well I am in the mood"
Rose:" You guys are we 10 year old's or...what?"
Me:" what should we play?"
Selena:"Let's play a prank", we all went along with it
Emily:"So who's going first?", they all looked at me then I sighed. Why me?. Do these girls have anything better to do. I had no choice but play along since it's girls night and I want my friends to have a night to remember.
Me:"Fine I'll go first", I had to lead them so we filled our water guns with water and through on our bathing suits. All the boys were in the yard doing boy stuff. We came in and drenched them in water. They got pissed so we turned off all the lights and everyone was playing around in the dark. I felt someone tackle me down and hogged me down until the weapon went out of my hand. Whoever it was turned on the light in the living room. ELI! seriously why does everything good always happens to us.
Eli:"Gotcha!", he shouted. He laughed with his hands on his hips and looked at me back and forth.
Eli:" You I should've known"
Me:"Hey what's that suppose to mean?", I gave him an attitude.
Eli:" Nothing by the way you look sexy in that bathing suit.....let's get back to the game", I didn't want to go play again yet so I got up and came closer to him while the gun was behind my hand.
Me:" Oh really?"
Eli:" Hell yea....."
Me:"Hmmmm.... GOTCHAA!!!!!", I sprayed him with water and he looked mad then laughed when he was running after me. We continued playing for a while and didn't stop. We sneaked to the back and we cought Selena and Trey making out. Eli and I whispered in each others ear and 1...2.......3 GOTCHAA!!!!!! we yelled at them then sprinkled them with water. So we stop playing around it wasn't till 3:00 am in the morning. We all headed for the bed. Emily doesn't like to share so I told her to sleep in my bed and Selena and Rose could share the other room together. I could sleep in someone's bed tonight but I decided to head for Eli's bed. He looked like he was already dreaming.
Me:" Hey do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?"
Eli:" No I don't I was hoping you would ask", he smiled. He removed the covers so he can show me my spot to sleep. I was slept next to him and I couldn't sleep. I tapped him and told him to entertain me.
Me:" Sorry to bother you but can you please...Ugh nevermind"
Eli:" What what is it?"
Me:"I can't sleep"
Eli:" Me either...not one dream can fill my eyes", he giggled. I was in my sports bra and my shorts and my hair was in a messy ponytail and I had my arms raised up.
Eli:" So what do you wanna do?"
Me:" Well I was thinking about fighting"
Eli:" You want to wrestle real quick", he sighed. As much as I want to do something else besides fighting. I thought If I just play along I'll get what I want. He wrestled me and had me in a headlock on the bed bending over. I got out and chocked him. SHUTUP I WAS GENTLE!. He seem shocked so he blocked my other hand from coming in.
Eli:" Dang girl you do Karate or something?"
Eli:"You got hands...shit", I laughed at him then he turned me around the opposite direction. But I'm under him and he's on top of me.
Eli:" Looks like I won", I nodded my head. He was breathing heavy then slowly moved himself closer to my body. Our eyes met and we engaged our lips again.
Eli:" I wanna finish what we started in the shower"
Me:" But I...don't want them to hear us"
Eli:" Shhhh...I want them to know how much I like you", He took off my bra and saw a tits and he carried me like a baby to the shower. We got naked and this bathroom is so big. Moving on. He sat on the the bath tub and I was on top of him making out with him. He was touching me in all the right places. He entered his member in me and pumped harder back in forth me. I hurted the first couple of pumps but I started to enjoy it after. We did It back and forth like 4 times.
Eli:" Come....I wanna finish this in bed", He rushed he in then locked the door. In dim dark light and we started doing it even more. This moment with Eli and I is so special right now cause the only words I'm thinking is DO ME HARDER!. He was so good. Now that's what I call entertainment BABY!. I didn't want to stop I told him to keep going cause it was great. He gave me so much pleasure and made me feel like a woman.


I woke up next to Eli naked under his covers but he was behind me and his arms covering my belly button. I slowly turned my head and looked at him. He flinched a bit.
Eli:" Where you watching me like that the whole time?", he said tossing and turning
Me: I didn't respond but that dog I told Eli to stay away from me jumped on the bed and started jumping on me.
Me:"Eli what did I tell you", I sighed. He turned around and whispered in the dogs ear
Eli:" Ugh...Marco who took you out of the cage?", he seemed mad then put him back in his cage.
Me:" Marco is the name?"
Eli:" Yes it's Marco. I was going to name him after me but I want to be the only in this house named Eli", He looked at me then jumped back on the bed and hopped in under the covers and his front was tickling me.
Me:" Eli....your tickling me", I giggled. He laughed to then we were play fighting and we fell off the bed.
Eli:" Ouch my nuts", I laughed at him. Me:"Come on get up I'm hungry"
Eli:" I could feed you"
Me:" Yea you can start by walking downstairs and make me a nice sandwich"
Eli:" Let me feed you with my body...start by opening your mouth", I gasped them punched him on his shoulders and we got dressed and prepared ourselves at the table.
Eli:" No seriously open your mouth", he giggled.
Me:" I'm not playing with you", I played around with him again.
Eli:" Alright...I'm sorry what would you like to eat?"
Me:" No sit tell me what you wanna eat?"
Eli:" You!", he grinned at me then laughed. Everyone else came down and even Selena and Trey looked like they got it in. I made a feats for everyone to eat and them seem to enjoy it. Eli looked at me then looked at Trey then looked around the whole house and started to giggle. I was confused although Trey and Eli looked at me while is was removing the cooked pancakes from the pan. The girls got up and said there going shopping. SERIOUSLY EARLY IN THE MORNING I MEAN IT WAS ONLY 11:00 AM. But who cares I do the exact same cause I don't have time for later.
Selena:" Rose and Emily we'll be back later going out for some new you wanna come?", I want to go but then again I want to have fun with Eli again.
Eli:" Go ahead have your "girl" thing", he laughed. I didn't have time to doll up so I just put on some Hollister sweats with my concords(Jordan sneakers) and headed out with them.

Eli's *P.O.V*

I felt kind of guilty losing it to Ahria. I mean this girl is fine as hell and I can't help myself sometimes and I just want to be near her even more. I mean I did enjoy it last night but this is my best friend's sister and I don't even know what to tell Drew when he comes back. I was hopping if I just kiss her that would be it. But my heart wanted more of her and I like this girl a lot. But I'm afraid what will Drew think of his own best friend he's known for years hooking up with his sister. I sat next to Trey drinking beer along with Trey, AJ, and DeVontae. I was quiet and I didn't know what to say.
Trey:" You alright there?"
Me:" Yea I'm perfectly fine"
AJ:"Why do you look so sad then?"
DeVontae:" Must be about Ahria even though you tell us how much you like her"
Me:" Okay...I do like her deeply but...that's not the problem"
Trey:" Then what is it?"
Me:" Nothing guys...", I just continued drinking my beer and couple of games AJ and Devontae went out so it was just me and Trey. He came and sat next
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