American library books Β» Romance Β» MR.GREY WILL SEE YOU NOW by Belinda Louis (good e books to read .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«MR.GREY WILL SEE YOU NOW by Belinda Louis (good e books to read .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Belinda Louis

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Mr. Grey Will See You Now











   C o r y  watched Jaide read a book during lunch. He always knew there was something weird about her. Something that made him attracted to her but he just didn't have to guts to say so. He always had butterflies when Jaide would come around him. Her walk, her seductive voice that everytime she spoke it drove him insane. He felt like grabbing her and saying 'I love you'

  H e watched her any way possible to get her attention. Maybe tease her about her looks could work. Well that always works. Cory loves to see her get upset. It's just that angry facial expression with the teeth growling drags Cory to the point were he thinks about pinning her to a bed in a four bed room wall. Weepings and moans, even the gnashing of teeths. Bite marks on her skin. The passion of unforgetable orgams. Cory was a bit obsessed. But since he's a quarter back, Jaide isn't one of those well known kids. He's afraid that if he actually said something to Jaide about how he felt, his whole reputation would be ruined. Jerk! 



 Jaide got ready for AP History. Jaide walked into to the class bright and early. Considering last period she's always the first one to arrive. I know there must be student traffic in the halls. Like any other freshman would say 'Nothing like 8th Grade. No one says excuse me anymore. People walk straight into you. Eye to eye you expect an apology -- nope!. Reminder: freshmans always get shade thrown at them'. Perhaps Jaide agrees. Jaide isn't a freshman, but can senior year get any worse?


As she began to sit down students began bursting through the doors, almost breaking it apart. 


"Like she's a weirdo. Every class I have she's the first one there before anybody" Jaide ignored their comments and reached for a book and a pen in her book bag.

Jaide bowed her head down and just dazed into a blank page in her notebook. Intersecting vertical and horizontal lines. 



  A loud squeak from the door coming from the end of the classroom shook everyoone. Jaide reacted to the sound and jumped in defense. So did everyone else. Since last semester everyone expected a loud irratating voice coming from the halls. Since Mr. Perry likes so sing out loud. It wasn't Mr.Perry. It was a new teacher. He seemed a bit upset and stiff. As if he ran into someone who made his day even more stressful. Cory ignored him as he entered the class. He was throwing a football back and forth to his other team mates across the room. 


"Go long" He said. A heavy pinch stung is shoulder as the teacher pressed his shoulder and told him to sit down


"Do me a favor and throw out the gum" Cory gave a displeased expression. He looked at the rest of the students. He heard catcalls as they chuckled at his facial expression and his team mates giving middle fingers to the teacher.


"Do you know who I am...Professor Snape?" Cory quipped as his team mates gave him a high five. The class shouted out of laughter. Due to the fact that he called him Professor Snape because of the long hair falling down his face. Jaide sat there smirking in her seat while everyone else observed what's going on.

"Aha. Very funny. Now shut-up. Sit tight. And give me the football. Let's see if you can go long with your education and graduating this year eh?" the teacher tapped him on the shoulder while Cory's smirk faded to a straight face. Small voices of catcalls as students pointed to Cory. 


"Man he called you out" said a team mate sitting behind Cory with his balled fist against his mouth



 "Alright everyone" he said as he threw Cory's football into the trash can " my name is Mr.Grey. I am your new AP History teacher for the rest of the school year" He walked around the class and stopped by the window. He leaned on the window payne and stared into the sun's ray. They reflected on his brown eyes which made the girls blush " and I'm looking forward to a great success in this class. I didn't choose to learn history and not teach it for no reason" he began pointing at Cory and the rest of his football mates "No football throwing" he pointed at the group of girls combing and brushing their hair "no grooming, no cursing, no nothing I don't approve of in this class. When you're in here, you will treat this room as a battlefield. You will treat it like a stage. As i'm teaching you and as I write on this board, or handout on paper, you will act as if History is your Television. I know you guys like TV. You can use this class as your personal Tevelvision being displayed in those little teen brains of yours. You have the power to control that and only you can understand it" He rotated his eyes from Cory to a couple rows across from him. Jaide was not paying attention. She was looking out the window with her hand holding her head up.


"I'm over here Ms." He snapped his finger at her and Jaide jumped to the sound of it. She looked around at the other students as they rolled their eyes at her. 

"Sorry" she said sitting up

"What's your name?"

    "Jaide Abrianna Sir?"

He lifted his brows to the sound of the way she said her name. Elegant but yet different from a basic last name.

"Nice name! Could you focus on me for a second. I promise once I introduce can later have the rest of the period all to yourself" Jaide nodded her head and did as he said. His eyes kept watching her back and forth as she returned the same glance. It's been like that the whole period. The vibe in the room suddenly changed. Maybe Cory noticed the sudden change and snapped at Jaide


"Loser!" he put his hand in Jaide face. He almost knocked her out of her seat as she aimed for balance once again.



  After Mr. Grey's long speech for the class, Jaide's confidence went out the window.Just being away from class changed her whole mood.

Cory ran pass Jaide outside the school's track and football yard. He bumped her as she walked slowly to the end of the street to catch the bus.

"Next time, try to get out of my way witch" he said smirking at Jaide as he ran with his other mates across the track field. Jaide saw Mr. Grey's Porsche as she crossed the street as a tall women came out of the drivers seat to greet him. He lightly put his hands on her waist and squeezed her sides as they hugged each other. The women gave Mr. Grey a kiss on the lips and back into the drivers seat she went. They drove off. Jaide stood at the end of the street and watched the car fade off the road. She shrugged her shoulders and catched the bus home.








  Jaide turned to page after page reading a novel written by British author, George Orwell's 1984. She began to wander in her imagination as she sat by the window on a Sunday night in a coffee shop downtown in Brooklyn. She listened to old classic Hollywood tracks play on the stores radio. Children laughing with their families in a group table across from her. She watched as people came in and out the coffee shop. She listened constantly to the sound of the bell when the door would swing open back and forth. 

 Jaide slouched her her chair with her scarf around her neck slowly falling off. Her hair pulled loosely in a messy bun. Her thin Army green jacket long enough to reach her mid-calfs. She hummed to a familiar song as a man sitting behind her looked back to listen to her beautiful voice. 

"Here's your Green Tea Ms. Abrianna" Jaide thanked the waitress. She began to sit up to get comfortable in her chair. She locked her feet. One over the other. She removed her scarf and she placed a napkin under the tea cup. She reached for a jar of spoons, but later changed her mind. Instead she decided to drink straight from the cup. Jaide observed the smoke rise from her tea as she sipped and noticed the door bell ringing and a six foot man coming in a long black jacket and a pair of glasses he took off as soon as he came in contact with Jaide's eyes.


My eyes flickered from the uniform to the stone-like countenance of his face. The only source of emotion were his eyes, which bore into me like twin magma rocks, still simmering with lethal heat. I felt my defiance crumble, fear turning my blood to ice as that never ceasing stare blazed right through my eyes and into my mind, silently searching through my every thought with the cool, calculated manner of someone accustomed to dealing with people like me.



Jaide slowly placed her tea cup down and watched as the man slowly walked over to her table.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?" Jaide was speechless. It was her teacher Mr. Grey from AP History. She stuttered on her first sentence. Jaide got up to shake hands with Mr. Grey

"Yea. Wow. I'm in your History class. AP to be exact" she bowed her head down in embarrassment while Mr. Grey giggled at her

  "I know it. Wait. It's Abrianna right?" he said guessing as they both sat down together

"Umm it's my last name. It's Jaide. Just call me Jaide" Mr. Grey nodded his head in approval. He beckond his head at the waitress.

"I'll have what she's having" the waitress nodded her head and went to make his order

"Wow. You come here too. Well one my students that's weird. I don't see kids like you hang around here. Especially when it's almost 12 at midnight" he gave a unsure expression on his face while Jaide sipped some more of her tea.

"Sorry. Maybe I have a chill spot. Am I under arrest?" Mr.Grey's face changed when Jaide's attitude went from shy to. . .fiesty in two minutes.

"No but I can give you detetion" Jaide's mouth opened wide

"I was only kidding geez" she said opening her book to the second to last page

"So was I Ms. Abrianna. I mean Jaide. And you like Orwell's books I see" Jaide smirked at him and continued looking at the words on the page "1984 huh. My parents had my older brother that year. I was born five years after. But who cares" Jaide puts the book down and looked him in his pretty brown eyes

"Cool story bro" she said giving a thumbs up. She cheesed hard as he smirked at her too.

"Wow. Thanks for that one" the waitress came by to give Mr.Grey as he tipped her. 

    "Not really sure what grade are you in exactly?"

"I'm a Senior guy" she said as she raised her brows at him

   "Oh. That explains the uh fiesty attitude I'm getting" Jaide placed her palm on the table. It showed off her bruise on her forearm going up. She noticed Mr. Grey's eyes looking at them and she quickly put them under the table

  "What happened?" he asked curiously as he removed his scarf from his neck.

"Nothing. Don't you have a job in the morning?" Mr.Grey put his hands in the air in defense

    "Ok, ok it's not my business but you should get it checked out. That looks pretty bad"

"Could care less anyway" Jaide gathered her things together and gulped down the rest of her tea. It cooled down as she spoke to Mr.Grey. She headed

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