MR.GREY WILL SEE YOU NOW by Belinda Louis (good e books to read .TXT) π

(A/N: Hellur new book? YES! New Story? YES! Same freakin' awesome author? TRIPPLE YES!
A little confidence here and there
Hello fellow readers and random visitors :)
I'm here to announce my new book! I can't wait to share this book with you. Not that good with blurbs but I'm working on it
Feel free to drop down any comments below and please tell me what you think.
`Belinda Louis
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- Author: Belinda Louis
Read book online Β«MR.GREY WILL SEE YOU NOW by Belinda Louis (good e books to read .TXT) πΒ». Author - Belinda Louis
"What?" Damon seemed confused about the whole conversation
"If you think there's something going on between Nora, trust and believe it's nothing"
"I believe you"
"She's my cousin for god sakes" Jaide laughed a little and ignored him for a while. He carried on
"Seriously Jaide. This is educational purposes. I didn't make this 'lame' trip for no reason. Apparently you like my desires so you came"
"Ah ah na. I came for educational purposes"
"Ok so write me an essay. Atleast you don't have to do all the extra work all the other kids will be doing on Monday. I'm not asking for much Jaide. Just write a essay. Turn it in. Get a grade. Pass the course and you'll be fine. Look on the bright side, you're ahead of the class missy"
"Cool. Can we have a party and celebrate my accomplishment?" Damon smirked at her and ignored her
"By turning it in it'll prove that you were there for the educational purposes and not for the fancy props on stage"
"Yea yea. I get it dang" Jaide ignored him throughout the whole car ride. Damon stopped the car by her house.
"Woah it's over already?"
"Yes. Were not going to Atlanta. It is only a theater in Manhttan"
"Funny aren't you?" Jaide quipped.
"Your parents are probably worried about you. You should head inside. Besides it almost ten-thirty" he looked at his WD watch
" Goodnight" Jaide got out of the car slammed the door shut. Damon slid the window down
"I live alone you know" said Jaide on her way to her front porch
"I bet" she looked back sensing that Damon disbelieved her
"Great but I'm afraid this trip is going any further" Jaide walked back towards his car and leaned on the car door. Her elbows blocked the windows from sliding up
"How come?"
"You signed up for a trip Jaide"
"Yea and a trip is traveling. Moving around. Experiencing te rest of the world. I can hear your stomach rumbling from all the way over here" she placed her hand behind her ear lobe
"What's that I hear?" she began immitating the sound of a rummbling hungry stomach
"How bad can it be? Were just grabbing something to eat" Damon looked away and thought about it for a second
"I don't know Jaide" Jaide opened the car door and sat back down in the passenger seat
"Chipotle is right around the corner from here" she said putting on her seat belt again "I heard there having low prices on their menus for some appearent reason" Jaide laughed at Damon
"I don't like you" he quipped as they drove off.
How odd Damon felt standing next to his student on the weekend in a Chipotle restaurant. He thought to himself maybe she might just brag about it to her friends and call him names any girl would do. He thought about Jaide's friends but realized he never saw her around any of them. Perhaps spoken to when needed help in class but never out of school.
"Do you hang with friends?" he said. Jaide turned around to look at him face to face. She fixed her beanie and pushed it back as her baby hairs fell like soap on her head.
"Not really" she looked down at his shoes for a moment.
"Oh" Damon sensed the sad energy coming from Jaide as she turned back around. He tapped her shoulder when his mouth opended to speak
"Hey um what are you ordering?"
"A burito why?" Damon reached out for his wallet in his back pocket and folded it open. He searched for a twenty dollar bill in his wallet.
"Here um I'm just going to sit back there" he handed her the bill and walked off the line. Jaide shrugged her shoulders. She ignored Damon and headed towards the cashier to place her order
Damon sat by the window in a single chair that could spin in circles if he wished to spin in it but he didn't. He pulled out his cell phone and saw nine missed calls from Audrey. Damon automatically rolled his eyes and released a strong sigh. He went through his messages and saw one message waiting to be clicked on.
Damon clicked on the message and listen to a struggling audible sound on the other line. He knew it had to be someone other than his mom, brother or father. He knew from the moment he clicked play that her voice would play through all the copper wirings that makes his touchscreen Apple iPhone 6 work.
'Dave I was wondering if your ok. I know your upset at me. I figured you would have read the note I sent you by now. Perhaps I'm getting the feeling you did because you didn't naswer your phone' Audrey laughed softly 'But right now I should head back to what I gotta do. See you around' Audrey's voiced silenced for a moment. It traveled back like a school bell ' I should go. Bye' she hung up as the telephone operator stung Damon's ears and he lost focus.
"Shit" he said. Out of nowhere the telephone operator screamed in his ears as he tried to exit the voicemail box. The robotic speaker on the other line scared him.
"You alright?" Jaide asked standing beside him with a tray in her hand " I got you a burito too. Thought it could help that empty stomach of yours" Damon smiled and took the tray and placed on the aluminium surface in front of him. Jaide sat down next to him trying her hardest not to get nervous. She took a bite out of her burito slowly and looked at him. The street light reflected through the thick windows and they painted orange across Damon's tanned skin. They appeared in his eyes like orange fire as he looked out the window. He seemed to have gotten annoyed as he stared at the street lights for so long. He bowed his head down and finally unwrapped his burito. They continued their awkward slience like a pitcher and a batter across a baseball feild. Jaide focused on his appearence while she ate rather than trying to break the awkward silence that jailed them apart.
"Do you happen to find life hard?" she asked randomly hoping she would end up puking by now
"What?" Damon said trying to understand where Jaide is coming from
"What was that all about yesterday in class?" Jaide's eyebrows touched.
"What do you mean?" she looked into Damon's brown eyes. She remembered how she felt the first time she saw him. The first time he spoke to her in class. The first time they held a conversation in the coffee shop downtown.
"You know that whole enlightenment thing. That came out of nowhere. Comepletely went out of what I was asking" he laughed
"Oh that" Jaide bit her bottom lip
"Do you somehow know these illuminst thinkers. Whatever that is these days!?" he shooed his hands at Jaide
"Well uh no. But I do read. Sometimes books from the past make up future predictions. I just gathered the pieces together. I'm afraid somehow that by the year 2020 it's not going to be good"
"What books from the past make up future predictions?" Damon twirled in his chair to face Jaide's side face" What about 2020 are you so sure about Ms. Physic?" he placed his burito down and dusted off the crumbs off his hands.
"Well uh books like The Gadget, Fahrenheit 451, 1984. You know, dystopian novels!"
"How do you know that?" Jaide turned her chair to face Damon
"Ok well have you ever seen Hunger Games?" Damon shook his head
"Ever wondered why movies like that are put out these days unless the people who control our media is trying to send us a message. Hunger Games is exposing so much about the future society and no one is actually paying attention. Look at the way they live in the movie compared to real life. Which makes sense why they would put it in a movie so you wouldn't believe it"
"But you do?"
"Of course!"
"Smart girl!" Damon turned back around to finish his burito and laughed at Jaide mentally in his mind. Not that he's judging her but is understanding why she's so isolated from the rest of her peers in her school. He can see that she doesn't think like them.
"An author wouldn't know such things unless she was part of it" Damon turned his face again "well the knowledge in the book of course and how it's put together. I wouldn't even know stuff like that unless I was part of that secret society thingy majingy" Jaide wiggled her fingers "but like always someone thinks I'm crazy and it's just imaginary. Bravo!" Jaide quickly finished her last bite of burito and gulped her lemon and lime soda. She crumbled up the aluminum foil the burito was packed in and tossed it in the bin next to her. She looked at her watch and noticed how late it was
"Crap 11:00"
"We should go now" Damon wrapped up the rest of his burito and tossed it in the paper bag stacked next to the sauces bin.
Damon watched Jaide walk into her house when he dropped her off. As he was prepared to start the engine he slid his hand down the pocket behind the driver's seat. Looking for his keys, he came across an open enevelope. He did not open it when he found it in the mail when Audrey dumped him. Nora did borrow the car but that was before they called it quits.
Damon flipped the enevelope's lips back and forth deciding if he should read it and weep. He came a conclusion and decided to read it for himself. Thoughout the note Damon giggled towards the end.
"Wow" he said closing the note and placing it back behind the driver's seat. He drove off leaving behind dead winter leaves that traveled behind his car like saucers spinning in the sun.
Damon got out of ther shower wrapping his towel around him. He picked up his phone for the latest updates from social media. He went on thinking about Audrey and how things went downhill in their relationship. Damon wished she never left him hanging like that. Funny how someone's love can be so possesive.
His head half way bent rubbing the skin on his neck. Rotating to the right. Rotating to the left. Now a full 360.
There was a knock on Damon's door. He suspected it would be his older brother who'd come by to talk. Damon began to worry and thought to himself maybe it's not his brother. Then he remembered he'd come by the day after. He stopped rubbing his neck. He quickly wiped himself dry with the towel and put on his long john's instead of wearing boxers. He quickly stroded down the steps almost losing his balance
Audrey was standing right behind his door waiting for his response. Standing there in nothing but bedroom heels and a long black jacket covering her ankles, almost appearing like a dress. The belt wrapped around her waist to hold the jacket close to her body or esle everyone in New York would see her exposed areas. Perhaps it's only night time, maybe not exactly everyone, but those who wished to pay attention to her standing in front of his door. The living room lights flashed on like lightening. Audrey smiled biting her finger nails. Damon opened the door. Surprised that it was his ex-girlfreind Audrey, he quickly closed the door
Her heels stopped him front comepletely shutting the door in front of her face. Audrey pushed it open while Damon stood right behind it poking his head out ot fully see her. He rubbed the back of his neck knowing exactly what Audrey is up to
"Your not going to leave me out here in the cold all by myself are you?" Audrey said seductively walking her way in. Damon stepped back
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