American library books Β» Romance Β» MR.GREY WILL SEE YOU NOW by Belinda Louis (good e books to read .TXT) πŸ“•

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sat next to Jaide's mother. The woman opened a book and a pen. She fixed her glasses and watched Jaide react to her mother.

"Oh" Jaide sighed. Her mother noticed Jaide was not happy to see her. She abused Jaide. What was the point of saying a thing to her?

" Honey?" 

"Ummm" Jaide felt uncomfortable. She gave the therapist the look. 

"Ok Ms. Kym Johaanson" the women pointed her four fingers to Kym " and Ms. Abrianna" Jaide rolled her eyes at the women and took a deep breath.

"Is there anything you want to say to each other?" Jaide automactically looked up.

"No. There is nothing to talk about" Jaide's mom sat there biting her fingers nails.

      "If we don't work things out, how can they be resolved Jaide?" the therapist placed her hand on Kym's shoulder.

"I don't need her. I'm 18. I live on my own now. The only thing I need to worry about is my life after high school" Jaide said with an attitude

"I understand. We are here for the very same reason" said Dr. Smith. Jaide's mother stood up. She took a deep breath as her words danced off her tongue.

   "Jaide, I know you hate me. But I love you" 

"If you loved me you wouldn't have abused me" Kym held back her tears.

"I was hurting Jaide. Your father was a jackass"

     "Wow. That's all you can say. Mom you blocked him out of my life forever" Jaide started crying.

"No I didn't"

     "Yes you did. You kept my father away from me. Everytime I asked about ihim you would claim he's in jail or he's in the military doing military things. You lied. And you know it's the truth. You were ashamed so you blocked me out of his life.

"Jai-" Jaide cut her off

"Don't Jaide me. You offered me drugs mom. Heroine. Stuff that can effect my brain. I was still a child and you handed me the needle mom. You stood there and I watched you cry and you said to me: Honey come hang with me in my happy place"


"No I don't care. You threw me against the walls. When I told you to stop, you kept going. You dragged me by my hair down the stairs. You yelled at me multiple times saying I runied your life. I ruined your marriage and what not. You blamed your issues on me. There was never a day I went to school without someone asking me what happened to my arm. What happened to my face. Why is your lips busted. I lied to all those little kids because I was scared of telling them what I was going through at home mom. I had to lie. I was dying inside and I didn't say nothing. I'm not saying what dad did wasn't wrong, but he raised me into a strong young woman that I am today. He treated me with respect. He gave me things you couldn't. He gave me love. That's all I ever wanted from you. That was all. I'd rather feel loved by my own mother but things didn't happen like that."

The therapist tried to calm Jaide down.

"Don't touch me. I don't need help. She needs help. I don't need this. The only reason why I came was because dad told me so. He told me I need to end things with you. I only did it because of him. If it wasn't for him I would've left you in here alone with her" Jaide tossed her bag over her shoulder

"Don't you ever claim me in your life. I am not your daughter" Jaide walked out the office and slammed the door. She stormed through people walking by. She wiped the tears down her face and screamed. Everyone looked at Jaide in utter shock.

"The heck?" said a man drinking his coffee "that girl is craaaazeeey" he stretched out 'crazy' and stared at everyone else watching Jaide storm out the building.





On the cool mist air of Spring on a quiet Friday, Jaide looked at the birds that flew above her head and nested in a Cherry Blossom tree behind her near a water fountain. The football yard where the jocks would play during recess. Slutty cheerleaders. Nerdy girls that drooled over any hot guy that skipped by in their skin tight leggings and a t-shirt. Jaide rolled her eyes at them and continued to draw. She sketched the yard's protective barrier gate. She saw through them and looked at Mr.Grey's car.  A tap on Jaide's shoulder frightened her. She automatically closed her sketch book and turned around to a face she couldn't reveal. The sun's ray blocked her vision as she squinted her eyes. She bowed her head down and used her hand as a shade. She finally met eye to eye with Cory.

"Having fun?" he asked and took a seat next to her. 

  "Yep! Don't you have practice at this time?" Jaide slid an inch away from Cory. Cory didn't mind. Infact he knew she'd act cowardly regardless.

"Yea. But I need a little break" Jaide's mouth parted apart

   "Oh. That's seems relaxing" She didn't pay attention to how firm and perfect Cory's body frame looked like. So aligned that Jaide's eyes widen. She didn't realize that he a body. Not too muscular, but you saw enough to make you catch goosebumps. It reminded her of an anonymous paintings from History class about the Renaissance. The secular studies of Humanism. Viens and muscles that mattered to the human body. Without them there is no function.  Just like an empty page, there is no words.

Jaide tried her hardest to avoid eye contact with Cory's naked chest. She watched his stomach. A bubble gum that you blew air in to pop, but suddenly you change your mind and suck in back all that air. Then chew again.

"What are you doing anyway?" Cory sounded desperate. Jaide smirked a little and opened her book.

"You" she pointed at the drawing. Cory grabbed the sketch book and laughed hard at the stick figure.

   'Making fun of me eh?" he laughed harder. He stared into Jaide's brown eyes.

"No. But that's what you really look like" Jaide exhanged laughs with Cory "why are you being nice?" Cory's smile faded and he looked away. He was afraid she's ask that question. He might as well tell her

"Coach is calling me. See you around Jay" he patted her shoulders and bounced off the bleachers. He disappeared into a crowd of jocks on the field field. Jaide lost contact and ignored him. She continued to finish drawing the yard gate and Mr.Grey's car that parked behind it.


  Jaide sat in the back of Mr.Grey's class. No noise. No asking for help. She understood the lesson but barely payed attention. Mr.Grey wanted her to raise her hand, but he can't force her to participate.


"Does anyone know any enlightenment thinkers? If so name one and what that person did!" Mr.Grey asked the class in general. Jaide raised her hand. She was the only one. Everyone esle watched her. Silence took control of the room. 

"Ummm John Locke was it?" Mr.Grey nodded his head "He believed in equal rights. And those rights were Life, Liberty, and Property" Mr.Grey nodded his head again.

"Good, and yes your right Jaide" he smiled at her from a distance.

"Mr.Grey?" Jaide shouted his name. He stopped writing on the board and looked back at Jaide. So did everybody else

"These rights were a plan. They plan on destroying those rights soon" Everyone looked shocked. Catcalls from the students didn't bother Jaide. Once again she ignored their comments

"Whose they?" Mr.Grey added

" These enlightened thinkers. Or I should say the others. Were these real enlightenment thinkers the real Illuminst since it means 'Enlightened' in Latin and so does 'Buddha' in the language of the Indian people. I mean think about it. The declaration of Independence was around the same year, 1776 and these illumist created this secret society of enlightened thinkers around May first. It was a plan to create these laws, step two: violate them. What's next? the burning of books and burning the laws?" 

Mr.Grey placed his chalk down and sat at the edge of his desk. He thought to himself for a moment and looked back at Jaide. The bell rang just in time. 

"Wow way to go Jaide" said an emo girl who sat in front Jaide. While everyone dashed to the doors, Mr.Grey walked up to everyone and stopped them.

"Before anybody leaves. The trip is tomorrow. Remember that" He took the clip board that hung on the wall while everyone almost trampled Mr.Grey. Jaide laughed in the inside and packed her things.

She's always the last to leave

  "Wow" he laughed. Jaide wondered what  joke made Mr.grey laugh hysterically. He aggressively pushed back the desks in order and tossed his clip board on the desk.

''What's funny?"

  "You are the only one who signed up" he laughed harder "the only one out of the 5 classes I teach. The only one" his laugh went up and up "This is unbelieveable. Do you teens not like boradway at all. Never have I seen anything like this in my entire life. I'd love to go on a school trip to avoid being at home with my parents, or spending the weekend with nothing to do. Looks like it's just you and me" he tip toed towards his desk and jumped on the hard wooden surface that held his balance. He gained comfort and stretched.

" Oh. Wow. So what time do we leave?"

   "Ok we can take the public bus or my car that can get there much faster. Or train. The train is good too" Jaide thought about the car she drew during recess. The sketch reminded her of how much she wanted to smell real leather. The fresh scent of a brand new car. The wealthy feeling of being in it. 

"I think the train is better we should take the train" said Mr.Grey. Jaide automatically responded and Mr.Grey jumped

"No. Your car" Mr.Grey sqinted his eyes "I mean we should take your car. I'd rather be in a car. I'll be much better" Mr.Grey laughed and so did Jaide.

"You know Manhattan traffic is a pain in the ass. Since were taking my car, we'll have to leave much early"

"What time to be exact?" Jaide put on her black beanie 

   '"7:30" Jaide nodded her head.

"Ok were do you live so I can come pick you up. Oh and let your parents know" Jaide thought about what to wear. She wasn't even paying attention to Mr.Grey's question

"Umm. Your my teacher, don't you guys have the files. So silly" Jaide laughed and walked out of the classroom. Mr.Grey laughed and whispered to himself "Wow I'm a dumbass"




  Mr.Grey waited for Jaide inside his car. He sat in he drivers seat immovable and daydreamed though his rear view window. He paused in time and moved again like a robot in action. He blinked his eyes constantly as they were beginning to dry as he daydreamed. The street lights covered each car in a triangular gyration. Seemed as if each car had it's own spotlight. Mr.Grey watched the cars swim by him in the night. 

"What a Saturday" he said. Once again immovable. He daydreamed about Jaide. He stared at the leather dashboard and Jaide's face appeared like a faded mist of smoke. He thought about her twice, three times when they first met. He only saw her as one of those random students you run into over the weekend. It was coming towards the end of March. Mr.Grey realized he's only been teaching Jaide about a month ago.

Damon looked at his watch. He waited almost an hour for Jaide. He looked out the window of his carand slouched in his drivers seat. He layed his head down on the pillow that supported his head. He felt umcomfortable and bowed his head on the sterring wheel. Inhaled, then slowly exhaled.

  "Shun that house" he whispered with his eyes closed. Jaide opened the car door.


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