American library books Β» Romance Β» Dear Edward by Heather Parsons (i read book .TXT) πŸ“•

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air. He'd always been there before, was her rock, someone to lean on but now was different and she'd hoped he'd know this.
His lips brushed against her ear, his warm breath down her neck causing shivers throughout her body but she didn't move. Drawing in deep breaths herself, she closed her eyes and prayed he wouldn't leave her too.
Lindsey was the one standing off to the side this time, watching the two of them comfort each other in a way that she never could do. The intensity of their pain, the tightness of their hold, broke the barriers that held the flood waters in. Tears streamed down her cheeks causing her to turn away and look somewhere else. But it seemed no matter where she looked, the pain, the misery, the heartbreak was all around.


Another week has passed and their platoon's decreased in considerable numbers. Land mines, bullets, traps, you name it, they've seen it but amazingly enough their spirits are still high. Captain Dumas although a high ranking officer has taken comfort in being part of the rough necks. He wouldn't have it any other way, he thought, although he's lost a considerable amount of soldiers, the ones that have survived through it all make him proud to be where he is.
The four remaining troops all found themselves waist deep in water, covered in leaches and shivering tremendously. Even with the sun shinning in the sky, where they were, the trees covered their location completely.
With weapons raised above their head, all four remaining soldiers look beyond the trees, to the heavens above and prayed. SPC Carter although he'd never really belonged anywhere, thought he finally had a place he considered home, one with the students who'd written to him once and hoped they'd do it again. It would feel nice to make a connection with someone with whom he could trust, love and befriend.
A smile crept on his face as he reached the banks on the side of the river, freedom didn't look that far away now.

Bullets were flying in all directions, enemy troop were making their locations known. Captain Dumas and his troop were trapped, mud covered their bodies, weapons kicked out of their hands and M16's placed at their temples. They were caught, he thought, damn it!
Moving his head side to side, splashing in the mud and gunk, he looked around to see where his troop where. Only then did he realize that his medic was shot, bleeding out right in front of his eyes and there was nothing he or anyone else could do to help.


Weeks had gone by and no one was the wiser. John was still absent from the classroom, Brianna still adamant about doing something more and everyone else seemed level-headed. At least that's what it looked like to her. But the classroom took on another perspective, a substitute teacher sat idly by, looking around the room at all the empty chairs.
Miss. Beach moved here two month prior, without knowledge of anything going on and did her job respectively. But the rumors she's heard about the assignment this class was on, had her questioning it. Was it wise to bring such heartache to a town that has enough? To a town that's lost so many, she thought, shaking her head.
The students filed in without a word being said and sat down, looking forward at the empty, blank screen. All wondering what they were going to read next and hoped for something new, something to bring them hope. Something to allow them to smile, laugh and not feel bad about it.
β€œToday we're going to do things differently. Instead of everyone reading one letter, I'm going to give each of you one and you're going to focus on that one individual to write too. Send things to and show them they matter.” Miss. Beach smiled a weak and uneven smile. Thumbing the letter in front of her, she sat back and sighed.
First off she didn't really want to do this assignment but she also didn't want to have them think she was against it either. War was never the solution, she thought, but there was little she could do about that now.
Standing up with ease, she picked the letters up and handed them out. Each student stared at what sat in front of them but no one dared touch it. The letters all held pain, sorrow, and heartbreak. Shying away the students all turned to friends, looking for support to carry them on to do what they needed to do.
Both Brianna and Lindsey sat by, staring down at their letters, staring in awe of what sat in front of them. The writing so neat, the curves and loops of the lettering so precise, broke the strongest hold on them and they both cried. Holding onto what they had left and tried to proceed forward.
With hands that shook without cause, Brianna picked up the letter, opening it to full length then placed it securely back down. Staring in disbelief at who had written....
β€œBrianna I can't do this. I can't...” Lindsey broke off crying.
Hearing her words out loud, broke through the wall Brianna was hiding behind and brought forth her own words, β€œI'll help you. We can do this, you and me, together.” God please, she thought, let this be true.

To the students of Woodland University,
I still can't believe you all wrote back to me. How many heartfelt letters I received today from you all. Never did I believe so many out there would care about what I did, or would be willing to write me without knowing who I was to begin with but I'm grateful to everyone.
Now since I know a little bit about each one of you, it makes writing back that much easier. Sorry I get a little teary eyed seeing all these letters from everyone and not really knowing any of you. My letters might be smeared but forgive me, it's tears of joy and tears of sadness.
We've lost so many in our platoon, it makes each day seem longer and lonelier. But enough sadness, I'll start crying again and this time won't be able to stop, if I start again.
I read so many letters talking about the loss you've all had in your town and I feel your sadness, really I do. And then there are letters that I read that brought a smile to my face, a smile I haven't had in a long time. And I thank you for that.
I don't know how to fit this all in one letter but I'll try my hardest to make sure everyone of you knows how much hearing from you, means. There are some of you, from what I've read, I'm sure needs a hug and if I was there, that's exactly what I'd do, hug you.
I'd love to talk more to you all but we're moving again, can't spend to much time in one area. I'll promise to write again, even if I don't hear back for you.
Take care and God Bless,
SPC Carter, Edward

Lindsey's letter was a shock to Brianna's slowly beating heart, a shock that it needed badly. And just staring at it brought more tears but she knew the minute she looked at her letter again, those tears would double.
They both were staring at the letter that Brianna had, both teary eyed and about to break. Without having to read it out loud, Brianna placed it between them, taking a deep breath and began reading.

Hello my fellow friends and family,
I know goofy but it's me, all me. And I really shouldn't be happy at a time like this but writing home brings me joy. Just knowing your there, waiting to hear from me makes my heart beat faster. And dad if your reading this, I'm fine. Everything you've heard about me is rumors, we've taken a path few have traveled and were temperately lost. But not anymore, we've found base camp and have settled in for the night. Safe and sound just like always.
And Brianna if your reading this and I'm sure dad will let you read this, I miss you. You've always been the best and to be able to hear your voice, your laughter right now would be amazing, something to help me focus on what I'm doing here. You've always told me the truth, I see why now, I could really use your wisdom, girl. I love you and take care of yourself.
Now dad I know you worry but don't. I'm grown and can take care of myself, I just need to make sure you take care of yourself and Brianna. Guys I love you to death, no pun intended but I have to go. I'll write again soon, love you.
SGT Thomas, Jason

Her hands trembled so bad, Brianna had to put them in her lap to keep them from dropping the letter. Reading a letter from him and knowing where he was and what could possibly be happening to him, broke her. He's always been such a carefree, giving man and now with what he's going through, she dares to think.
β€œBrianna, he's going to be okay. He would never tell you he loved you if he knew he wouldn't come back. He will. You'll see, come on lets get out of here before we both break down and can't move.” Lindsey whispered, in tears herself.
β€œHe could be saying it because he knows he'll never come back and I'll never see him again. I thought hearing he loved me would be the happiest day of my life but all I can do is cry. What if something happens to him? What do I do then?”
Pain shot through her heart while she stared at what he'd wrote. How can something so lovely be so painful? She's waited forever to hear him say these words and now reading them, her heart beat a little faster. But it wasn't the words that made it beat, it was knowing that she may never see him again, to be able to say them back.
Now even though her fingers trembled with unknown fear, she held on to the letter, holding it to her heart and closed her eyes. Thinking of only his face, the last time she'd seen his smile and prayed for his safe return.
β€œLet's go, Brianna.” Lindsey tapped her shoulder, causing her eyes to open. And no matter where Brianna looked all she saw was his face. The smile he held and his joking manner, she tried to laugh but couldn't. There was nothing funny, nothing laughable here anymore.

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