American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (reading books for 7 year olds .TXT) πŸ“•

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Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. "Disrupted Timelines And Parallel Dimensions."

Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica.

"Disrupted Timelines And Parallel Dimensions."

Author's Note.

This is fan fiction only. This story has not been endorsed by Lucasfilm or by Glen A. Larson the creator of the original series of Battlestar Galactica or by Universal Studios. The author of this fan fiction is not affiliated with any of those previously mentioned.
This work of fiction consists of three separate timelines and parallel dimensions.
The first being the "Main Star Wars Timeline And Dimension." This refers to the universe conceived of by George Lucas and the canon setting of the movies.
The second being the "Alternative Star Wars Timeline and Dimension." This being the non-canon universe conceived of by the author.
The third is simply the "Colonial Timeline And Dimension," the very setting of the original series of "Battlestar Galactica" set four years before the pilot episode.
This story portrays real people as fictional characters, the primary purpose of this fan fiction is to allow those in it to live out their Star Wars fantasies and the author wishes to give credit to all his friends who expressed their interest in participating and giving their generous consent to use their characters as well as background information, which made this story possible.

Special thanks by the author to the cast:- Joe "Lord Bruticus" Mignano, Eric Johnson, Sean Connaughton, Patrick Delieto, Colleen Driscoll, Alex McKeel.
I dedicate this fan fiction to them, George Lucas and Glen A. Larson.

BOOK ONE "The Force Users."

The Sorgarn-a race of beings who possessed technology to travel through time and parallel dimensions-they explored, observed and studied cultures of various parallel universes wherever their curiousity directed them. Their race conducted their scholarly explorations with strictly covert methods, with only few exceptions did they get discovered. One such a tragedy occurred on the Rebel held world of Vargot. When the Sith Lord Darth Bruticus received word of those out of place aliens he quickly dispatched an entire fleet to surround the mountainous base where he believed the technology lay. Hoping the technology would make The Galactic Empire invincible, Darth Bruticus left his apprentice-Darth Shivilow-in command of The Death Star and directed the attack to capture this exotic technology personally. In an unusual move, the Sorgarn sent a distress signal to the rebel base situated in their area. The Sorgarn on Vargot were the only ones within the system unable to escape to the planet where their nearest dimensional gate had been installed. The Jedi within the rebel base they studied agreed to help them escape and prevent the technology from falling into the hands of The Empire.

"Part #1 -Exotic Distress Call."

4 Years after The Battle Of Yavin. (Alternative Star Wars timeline.)

Darth Bruticus overlooked the planet Vargot from the bridge of his Super Star Destroyer "Dominator."

He left his apprentice Darth Shivilow in command of the Death Star as soon as he got word of those out of place aliens. The dark lord wished to lead the mission to capture the technology to travel through time and parallel dimensions personally.
Such phenomena had been documented in the past as far back as 1,000 years to Darth Bane himself. His holochron told Bruticus of one such an experience by that very Sith Lord who introduced "The Rule Of Two." This most curious of Sith secrets lead Lord Bruticus to research other claims of travel through time, another timeline or even other dimensions. This research lead to Imperial engineers to devise a mathematical algorithm within a sophisticated computer system to predict where and when the next occurrences might take place.
The Rebel-held world below still had it's planetary shield up, so he and his commanders planned how to drop vehicles which could go through the shield and deploy walkers.
Bruticus added to the attack plan from their last briefing. "The area is mostly thin forest and mountains. The location surrounds a Rebel base we've only now detected, it is possible that they may also posses the technology. I want to take it intact. Blockade this planet and prevent any Rebel craft from escaping. Do not destroy their transports, use only ion cannons in case the technology may be aboard one or more of them. We surround them as planned. Force the Rebel scum to concentrate all their resources against the first three waves." Then tapped a few keys in front of the bridge holographic display, highlighting for the command staff the area west of the Rebel base. "If the shield is still up, deploy the fourth wave of drop ships upon this area of the mountains under heavy reinforcements upon issue of my orders." The area Lord Bruticus had shown being the location where technology had been detected away from the Rebel base. The dark lord suspected the mountains being the most likely area the extra-dimensional beings might be.
"General, are your Snowtroopers ready?"
"They are my Lord." Replied the sophisticated commander of the ground forces.
"Good! ...You may begin your attack when ready." The General bowed to his master and left the bridge.
Lord Bruticus left the bridge and entered his ready room to send a last-minute transmission to his apprentice, he ordered her to transfer to Dominator

as soon as the next meeting regarding the Death Star's construction was over. With that done the dark lord rushed back to the bridge's viewing port. His feeling of anticipation for this important mission becoming more exciting as he watched the drop ships penetrate the planet's thermosphere.
Soon At-At's, Scout Walkers, Juggernauts, Speeders and Speederbikes would give the Rebel scums an attack they'll never forget.

A trio of Imperial Snowtroopers raced above the surface in the direction toward two AT-ATs closest to the main area of the base upon orders to reinforce them. The one riding behind the leader's left flank took care not to hit the tree on his left but got jumped and then slashed a split second later by the dark emerald green blade of Jedi Master Damocles. He then threw his Jedi weapon at the one opposite to him and veered to his right to fire at the leader. With those three Snowtroopers gone, Master Damocles sped farther to the right under the front left leg of the nearest of the two AT-ATs. He force-jumped and climbed the leg, the commandeered speederbike flew for another half-a-kilometre before crashing to the ground. As soon as the Jedi Master reached the top of the leg, he activated his lightsabre to cut through the armour plating behind the front edge of the torso near the corner. The Force aiding his balance due to the circular-edged surface on top of the constantly moving leg.
Damocles force-jumped through and took out the four Snowtroopers within the immediate area. Due to the Rebel base being almost within firing range of the AT-ATs, he had little time to seek out any other personnel so he then ran through the neck section toward the drivers and commanders. Master Damocles gestured with his left hand downwards to use The Force to close the blast door behind him upon entering the command section and chopped the commander in half with a sideways slash across the heart-level as he looked through the periscope. The first officer quickly drew his service blaster and Damocles deflected the blasts to hit the left-hand-driver and then toward the roof so as to not damage the controls. After the fifth shot, the First Officer got eliminated with a downward, left diagonal slash. The right-hand-driver had more than enough time to alert the other Imperials with a touch of a button. As the Jedi Master moved to take him out, his two blaster shots in defense were his last actions.
Master Damocles spotted the other AT-AT within the area 200 feet ahead and about 20 degrees to the right. He aimed the heavy cannons carefully due to the steep angle of fire required to target the head section. The Maximum firepower destroying it in a spectacular blast as soon as the armour finally gave way.
In the distance, Master Damocles saw a GR-75 Rebel transport flying close to the surface five kilometers ahead of him. This one being modified to have the capability to carry a whole spacecraft-load of bombs instead of goods and soldiers just like the others within the base. It faced his direction and then dropped much of it's payload upon the AT-AT's and other heavy vehicles coming toward the base from another of the three directions the imperials came from and then tilted very steeply to it's port side and veered 50 degrees. The entire surface of that area practically blasted out of existence, almost as if it was the work of a single proton bomb.
Master Damocles assumed the impressive change in direction was to hover above other heavy Imperial vehicles within that area but had no time to watch with the remaining Snowtroopers within his commandeered AT-AT breaking their way through the blast door of the AT-AT's head section.
Instinctively, the Jedi Master leaped back and force-pushed with his left as soon as the door had been exploded. He deflected the blaster rifle fire and force-pushed again, rushed toward the door and angled the throw of his lightsabre around the corner into the neck section to dispose of a few of the Snowtroopers coming through. After catching his weapon again, he backed-up and another came through only to be force-grappled and thrown toward the left-hand driving controls. His blaster rifle got stolen by telekinesis and thrown hard at the helmeted head of the next Snowtrooper to come in. As soon as the shock ran through the helmeted head, Damocles threw his lightsabre again and the spinning blade hit through the chest of the final Snowtrooper. A second later Master Damocles rushed closer, caught his lightsabre and chopped down at the second trooper leaving only the first one who had no choice but to take on the Jedi Master unarmed. He deactivated his lightsabre and engaged the Imperial trooper with a combination of heavy punches at his mask and two kicks, which felt to the Snowtrooper as if every strike was inflicted by a long battering ram, one at his chest with his right knocking him a few feet backward and a side-kick to the stomach with the other then ending with a right palm-strike under the jaw. The Force augmenting the Master Damocles' strength to lethal levels.
"More Imperial drop ships detected, they're heading for the Sorgarn base and we have no forces to stop them. We only have enough of us to protect our own base." Came the terrible news through Damocles' comlink.

Lord Bruticus lead his Snowtroopers into the small maze of tunnels after their ground penetrating sensors located the nearest of the two secret entrances of the Sorgarn base. Another two squads remained outside the entrance to the south. There was no opposition from the extra-dimensional aliens themselves, only security turrets. The Sith Lord wanted to reach the Sorgarn as quickly as possible, there was every possibility that they had already vanished but he had to take that chance for The Empire's ultimate prize. He turned to his leading Snowtrooper for his plan.
"TS 4142, I'll deflect the turret fire, you shoot them out as I proceed." The Sith Lord immediately ran forward and kept to the north side of the tunnel wall for Snowtrooper TS 4142 to get

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